aita neighbors argument relationships - 15461893

Woman Sets Rude Neighbor Straight, Tells Her That Her Husband Isn't the Catch She Thinks He Is

Woman retorts to rude neighbor with brutal comeback
gaming trolling troll hobby drama video games - 15461637

Redditor Tells the Epic Tale of the Game 'Creatures' and the Troll Who Trained the AI to Only Feel Pain

Troll creates AI creatures in video game that can only feel pain.
People describe the most embarrassing mistakes that they made in their first job interviews.

Embarrassing Mistakes People Made In Their First Job Interviews

It can happen to the very best and most professional of us.
story of man who doesn't want emergency night repairs, he antagonizes the repairman and gets arrested

Entitled Goofball Calls Cops On Emergency Pipe Repairman, Gets Arrested

The tables, how they turn.
Boss refuses to reason with employee over unused holidays being paid out, so employee serves up malicious compliance.

Manager Refuses To Pay Out Employee's Vacation Days, Employee Serves Up Malicious Compliance

Manager sounds like a real piece of work.
funny lazy not my job moments

"Not My Job" Moments of Professional Entropy

All things slide.
Dude takes a well deserved petty revenge on his friend with butter.

Dude Takes Well Deserved Petty Revenge On Friend With Butter

Masterful work.
funny, relatable and sad work memes and jokes

Exhaustingly Relatable Memes and Jokes About Work

Just about sums it up.
small things that made people drunk on power

The Smallest Amounts Of Power People Got Drunk On

"Respect my authority over the copier."
An entitled choosing beggar can't be reasoned with over the original asking price.

Entitled Choosy Beggar Can't Be Reasoned With Over Original Asking Price

Yeah, the price escalation was completely called for.
An employee's coworker gets mad at them for refusing to work on their first two days of vacation.

Employee's Coworker Gets Mad That They Won't Work While On Vacation

The nerve though.
Boss punishes waitress for being ill, so she proceeds to walk out on the job.

Boss Punishes Waitress For Being Ill, She Walks Out On Job, Coworkers Get Upset

Seems completely reasonable.
Husband sells his wife's antique tea set to buy a new gaming chair, so his wife sells his Xbox.

Husband Sells Wife's Antique Tea Set To Buy Gaming Chair, Wife Sells Husband's Xbox

What a mess.
Internet service provider proven wrong when they try to access a rural customer

Internet Company Refuses To Cancel Service, Rural Customer Proves Them Wrong

Good old internet service providers. What won't they try?
job interview red flags

Job Interview Red Flags To Not Overlook

It can be brutal out there.
japanese mascots getting stuck in things

Japanese Mascots Getting Stuck In Things

Is there a mascot for "getting stuck in things?"

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