A funny Tumblr thread about how people steal stuff by having complete confidence.

Tumblr Thread: Ridiculous Cons People Pull Off Through Complete Confidence

Confidence takes those conmen a long way.
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tumblr thread on meat-eating plants

Tumblr Expounds On The Meat-Eating Nature of Plants

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"you had one job" moments of professional failure

"You Had One Job" Moments Of Professional Inadequacy

Seriously, guys?
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An entitled customer shows up when the restaurant's already closed, and then proceeds to leave a bad review.

Entitled Customer Shows Up When Restaurant's Closed, Leaves Nasty Review

Hopefully they're done leaving dumb reviews.
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A humorous Tumblr post about an unforgettable polymath who ended up working as a dentist.

Guy's Dentist Happens To Know Everything, Might Be Real Life Superhero

Dr. Z already sounds like a movie character.
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siblings parenting family children - 15510533

Sister and Mother Insist Woman Babysits Her Sister's Children For Three Days a Week

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A collection of relatable tweets and memes that can make people feel old.

Relatable Tweets And Memes About Getting Old

Time just keeps on moving along.
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people's stories of their worst neighbors

The Worst Neighbors People Have Experienced.

It literally hits too close to home.
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tumblr thread imagines Brad Wayne, Batman's normal son

Tumblr Thread: Batman's Normal Son, Brad Wayne

He's pretty chill.
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funny and bold mad lads with their shenanigans

Mad Lads Who Made The World Their Big Briny Oyster

Be the mischief you want to see in the world.
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employee isn't getting paid to be on time, starts coming in late and manager gets fired for time theft

Employee Isn't Being Paid For Being On Time, Malicious Compliance Ensues

Who values whose time now, huh?
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funny not my job moments of people who didn't care at work

"Not My Job" Moments Of Professional Apathy

Eh, who cares.
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Problems of skinny people

Unconventional Problems Skinny People Have

Wouldn't have thought of that one.
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Man asks if he was in the wrong for putting sauce on an expensive steak prepared by his girlfriend.

Man Puts Sauce On Expensive Steak Prepared By Girlfriend, Asks If He's In The Wrong

Things can get dicey when it comes to steak.
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People describe the pettiest reasons that they rejected other people.

Pettiest Reasons People Were Rejected

Dating can be a brutal game.
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funny tumblr gems

Resplendent Tumblr Gems of Random Hilarity

Shiny, too.
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