A Tumblr thread provides a breakdown on some rad rocks | Though may assume this is Small Rock is fact very Large Rock, and also very Heavy Rock, but most especially very Square Rock, which is makes particularly cool.

Tumblr Thread: A Rundown On A Rad Rock Collection

The passion is on point.
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relationships tifu funny dating - 15932933

Nervous Climber Accidentally Gives Cute Girl the Wrong Number After They Hit-It-Off at the Gym

Just imagine what she's thinking...
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red flags in social situations

Red Flags To Look Out For In People

Gotta keep that head on a swivel.
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Dad who looks like obi-wan kenobi will literally fight for his daughter, goes viral on tiktok

TikToker Is Going Viral For Her Videos About Her Star Wars-Nerd Dad Always Being Ready to Fight Someone Who Messes With Her

He almost got arrested for threatening her teacher in high school. He scared her ex-boss into offering back her job. He's also a huge nerd and likes to dress like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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customer support customer service malicious compliance retail customers food service idiots food fast food karen - 16372741

Idiot Karen Plays Herself and Demands to Talk to Manager, Already Is

While u/Snadsnek7 was working at a fast-food restaurant chain they had a “pretty strict” manager named Jay who sought to help his team keep up with company KPIs by helping and being hands-on. Jay did “not have patience for rude people” Jay tried to explain to an ornery idiot that ordering the food she wanted together as a combo would save her money. Idiot continued to insist that she didn't need the drinks and so didn't want the combo. She just wanted the separate items. So, Jay complied. Pains…
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pro revenge hoa neighbors lawyer revenge nuclear revenge towing petty revenge lawsuit Reddit neighbor - 16371973

Busy Body "HOA Karen" Tows Guy's Big Benz, Not Actually on HOA Board, Gets Sued Silly

"Diane was not listed as a board member. Interesting."
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customer service pro revenge shipping revenge petty revenge - 16370181

Shipping Company Denies Responsibility After Smashing Dying Mother's MacBook, Son-In-Law Takes Them to Court

Shipping companies and couriers…. One thing is for certain. No matter where you are in the world you have probably had an issue with one at some point and chances are they were absolutely useless at resolving the issue that THEY caused with your item.
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aita neighbors scammer drama neighborhood neighbor-drama parenting Bad Neighbor Reddit Parenting Fail neighbor - 16371205

Scummy Scammer Neighbor Has Kids Shovel Woman's Driveway Without Asking, Demands Payment

This mom is teaching a master class in grifting.
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nice blessed images

Blessed Images To Serve As A Reminder That Some Things Are Nice

It's mostly dogs and cats.
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funny tumblr gems

Tumblr Gems To Chortle At With Merriment

Chortle away!
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man lies to wife about candy flavor for 13 years

Man Lies To Wife About Gummy Flavors For 13 Years, She Finds Out

Marriage over.
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stories of how people got banned from and kicked out of places

People Tell The Stories Of How They Got Banned From Places

Sometimes it wasn't their fault. Sometimes.
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customer support customer service malicious compliance food convenient-cop service industry police - 16364293

Unwise Guy Cries For Fresh Fries, Worker Maliciously Complies, Idiot Gets Surprise Cop Prize

There's nothing better than a conveniently placed cop for some instant justice.
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men and women are flocking to tiktok and twitter right now to figure out how men hold it when they pee

"When Boys Pee, Do They Hold It Like a Joint or a Cigarette?" Is the Viral Question Trending on Twitter and TikTok Right Now

This question just brings so many more questions. Who knew there were so many different ways to hold that thing?? Social media is coming through and providing the answers
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tiktok series where women shows all the haunted homes for sale is going viral

Realtor Is Going Viral for Her Videos of Haunted Real Estate Currently On the Market Asking Viewers If the Price is Worth the Hate

It's a series she started on her TikTok account called “Is the Real Estate Worth the Hate?” It's already three episodes in and true crime fans are flocking to watch.
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customer support customer service scammer funny texts trolling text - 16364037

Entitled Idiot Wants Their Deposit Back After Last-Minute Cancelling of Appointment, Gets Trolled

Hey, I remember that guy from school!
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