sign jokes

Restaurant Sign Is Full Of Lasting Jokes And Insight

Thanks, sign.
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marriage entitled parents wedding entitled Reddit weddings parents - 17383173

Father-in-Law Forced to Intervene When Bride's Family Attempts to Hijack Her Wedding, Tells Them to "F-Off"

They tried to give all of her wedding plans to her sister.
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workplace Horrible Bosses employee employment antiwork - 17366789

Guy Gives Notice to Job, Company Revokes All PTO

A disgruntled worker shared this experience to Reddit's r/ antiwork subreddit, claiming that their employer had refused to honor their accrued PTO once they handed in their notice. They had thought that they were doing the correct and honorable thing by giving their notice to their employer but felt that this had just come back to bite them. The relationship between an organization and its workers is built upon trust. Once that trust is betrayed by a worker/workers it's completely fair that the…
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The Kardashians Are Just “Stylish” Doomsday Preppers and if You Don’t Think So, TikTok Will Convince You

The Kardashians Are Just “Stylish” Doomsday Preppers and if You Don’t Think So, TikTok Will Convince You

Kim is literally building a bunker under her mansion…
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Mining Equipments Operator on TikTok Finally Figures Out Why Blue Collar Workers Always Fall for the Toxic Person

Mining Equipments Operator on TikTok Finally Figures Out Why Blue Collar Workers Always Fall for the Toxic Person

Toxic traits attract toxic romances.
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aita drama in laws mother in law family - 17378309

In-Laws Mock Daughter's Burn Scar, Mad That Their Comments Didn't Go Overlooked

These in-laws ' unkind comments about a girl's burn scars have caused a rift in the family . The poster of the thread explains that he has been dating his fiancée for two years and had spent very little time with her family during that period. He also explains that his daughter has a burn mark on her face that she is very insecure about. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/ AITA (Am I the A** Hole) subreddit by Redditor u/aintnoworries0 who pulled his daughter out of the situation with his fut…
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Farmer Gets a Karen Neighbor from the City and All Chaos Breaks Loose, the Irrational Demands and Antics Just Keep Coming

Farmer Gets a Karen Neighbor from the City and All Chaos Breaks Loose, the Irrational Demands and Antics Just Keep Coming

She's already called the cops on him AND the fire department for things that were her own dang fault…
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antiwork toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses social issues employment Reddit - 17364485

Owner Sends Insane Email After Kitchen Staff Walk Out

This email has gone viral online after it was posted to the popular r/ antiwork subreddit. The thread was posted to Reddit' s growing subreddit that deals with the issues surrounding worker's rights. It consisted of screenshots that were allegedly sent by an employer in response to a walkout that was orchestrated by the kitchen staff of the establishment that the sender owns and operates. Toxic workplaces are often put on blast on the popular subreddit. Another recent thread saw users commentin…
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independence, independence day, fourth of july, 4th of july,  florida man, florida, karen, funny video, fireworks, fireworks show, firework show, home fireworks, gone wrong, veterans, ptsd, neighbor, america, freedom, free, land of the free, home of the brave

Karen Asks Neighbor to Tone Down Their Fourth of July Firework Display For Her Dog’s Sake in a Florida Man Prank Video and it Sparks Debate in the Comments

May freedom reign
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funny vandalized signs and things

Mild Vandalism That Made The World A Much More Interesting Place

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family drama aita baby breastfeeding mother wedding family Reddit weddings - 17367301

Bad Brother Reprimands Sister For Breastfeeding at His Wedding, Internet Roasts Him Alive

A brother reprimanded his sister for breastfeeding her newborn at his wedding, an action that has drawn the ire of his mother and new bride. This story was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the brother, Reddit user u/Swimming-Exchange448. He posted the thread to see if he was in the wrong for “calling out” his sister during his wedding for breastfeeding without removing herself from the room. He was admonished by his new wife and mother for his actions. Redditors generall…
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Karen Calls Cops on Woman for Eating a Burrito Bowl on a Floaty Outside on the Grass, New Level of Petty Unlocked

Karen Calls Cops on Woman for Eating a Burrito Bowl on a Floaty Outside in her Yard, New Level of Petty Unlocked

Legend has it you can still hear her flip-flops flopping
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Employee Is Late Due to a Wreck, Karen Customer Decides to Take Punishment Into Her Own Hands and Tricks Them Into Bringing Out Every Shoe in the Store

Employee Is Late Due to a Wreck, Karen Customer Decides to Take Punishment Into Her Own Hands and Tricks Them Into Bringing Out Every Shoe in the Store

Karen needs to mind her own d@mn business.
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tumblr interesting knowledge tumblr thread - 17341189

Tumblr Thread Takes on the Scam That is Calling Lab Gems "Fake"

If you've shopped for the jewelry you probably know just how much of an elaborate scam everything involved with it is. Diamonds are almost like some kind of cryptocurrency as every bit of value we put into them is completely manufactured. Jewelry companies control the flow of diamonds into the market and keep the flow as low as possible in order to create a false scarcity, giving the illusion that these jewels are rare and valuable. In reality, there are warehouses of the damn things out there…
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tennant landlord rent renting malicious compliance Reddit - 17345285

Scummy Landlord Demands Extra Month's Rent On Move-Out, Wants to Keep Deposit Too, Guy Shuts Them Down

This predatory landlord has attempted to extort their tenant out of an additional month's rent and employed shady strategies to try and keep their deposit. This story was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by Reddit user u/YerTime, who shared the story of their compliance with their landlord's exploitative terms. Comments focused on the legalities surrounding this shady practice, which far too many opportunistic landlords utilize. “In some states what they did is blatantly illeg…
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crazy stolen stealing funny video viral video mexican food chipotle queso funny thief tiktok - 1289991

Woman Catches Little Boy Stealing Her Queso at Chipotle in Viral Video, the Internet Is in Disbelief

He really said, “Mine”
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