20+ Coworker Memes of the Week for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

20+ Coworker Memes of the Week for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

karens neighbors school drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 19541509

'IT'S NOT A SIDEWALK': Neighborhood Karen makes wild group post about school kids walking on school property adjacent to her property

AITA For Refusing To Venmo My Friend For Pizza & Possibly Ending The Entire Friendship Over It?

'I’m poor and you're rich': Moocher refuses to let BFF have slice of pizza she 'didn't pay for'

No tags? No problem.

'You're not supposed to have these': Retail employee asked to do manager's work, gets shamed by his boss's boss, malicious compliance ensues!

Canada neighbors kids snow cars truck entitled winter frozen windshield wipers - 19538181

'AITA for refusing to help my neighbor?': Snowy snafu turns entitled woman against wise neighbor

Manager asked me to give up a promotion to save their job

'Your manager's job [...] is not your problem': Manager's job is at risk, asks employee to give up their promotion

workplace-stories toxic-manager toxic-workplace workplace-story coworkers toxic-management taco-bell-employee toxic-boss Horrible Bosses employment toxic-work-environment - 19534085

'You need to stay until 1 a.m.': Exhausted fast food employee working 11 hours shames toxic manager and stands up for himself in front of all his coworkers, manager gives him the “silent treatment”

recruiter antiwork toxic-workplace i quit new job quit interviews recruiting toxic-boss workplace job interview interview quitting - 19540741

'50% salary decrease': New job cuts worker's pay by $30k shortly after recruiting them

craigslist online living room art sellers facebook facebook marketplace weird buyers - 19535877

Confounding Craigslist: 30 Online sellers who believe their trash is treasure

‘We Built a Wall’ : Woman Sees Snow as Opportunity for Revenge on Meddling Neighbor, Building Icy Barrier, Nine and a Half Feet Tall

‘We Built a Wall’ : Woman Sees Snow as Opportunity for Revenge on Meddling Neighbor, Building Icy Barrier, Nine and a Half Feet Tall

family drama aita marriage pregnancy family stories drama sister-in-law siblings in laws birth ahole family pregnant sister stories couple - 19542533

'YTA. Holy moly': Woman roasted online for 'cruel' remark about SIL's miscarriages, husband attempts to redeem her and receives the same treatment.

I ruined my stepmom's 50th birthday party over cake

'Stepmom was livid': Woman bakes deliciously petty revenge for her entitled stepmom's 50th birthday

20 Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd (March 1, 2023)

20 Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd (March 1, 2023)

terrible coworkers work-story workplace-stories revenge coworkers nuclear revenge petty revenge Horrible Bosses cheating cheater - 19542789

'A complete garbage person': Boss fires worker for stupid reason, worker ruins their marriage by revealing their affair with a coworker

Is Home Depot a home improvement store, or is it a dog park? It can't be both.

‘Home improvement store or a dog park?’: Customer asks employees how they feel about dogs overtaking home improvement stores

Entitled Parent Parks In My Driveway

'You don't live here, you don't park here': Entitled Mom parks on private property to pick up kid from school, resident gets revenge