Messages from crazy manager firing the entire staff and making them interview if they want their job back. Local dive bar drama blowing up today.

'Everyone is terminated:' New manager at local dive bar fires literally everyone and makes them re-interview.

Everyone has had an experience with a crazy, vaguely threatening manager. But not everyone has had this one.
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employee boss Horrible Bosses manager workplace viral managers antiwork Reddit reddit thread - 17720581

'Attention! We DO NOT get our tips!': Worker exposes thieving boss by posting forbidden sign in their workplace in viral thread

A worker uploaded this viral image of a sign they posted at the coffee shop where they work. The sign instructs patrons not to leave tips as they will be stolen by the owner of the coffee shop. "I'm probably going to be fired for this… but I don't care," the employee claims in the title of their thread.
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inked viral videos plumber employee-standards tradesman face tattoo blackout-tattoo carpenter tattoos self employed bold-tattoos blue collar hand tattoo electrician - 1619719

'This is what self-employment looks like': Tradesman with bold tattoos from head to toe shows off his skilled craftsmanship and shuts up antiquated employee standards

“I can look like this because my work looks like that."
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These are the best memes For jaded millennials this week.

Best Memes For Jaded Millennials This Week

If you need a laugh, enjoy a trip down memory lane with some late 90s/early 2000s nostalgia along with good old-fashioned, always much-needed commiseration.
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boss employee public freakout askreddit teacher parenting workplace reddit thread Reddit - 17706245

20 People Who Were Normally Calm But Were Provoked Into Totally 'Losing It'

Everyone has a breaking point. Even the calmest and most level-headed people will reach that moment when enough is enough, and they just can't take it anymore. These stories are examples of those moments that people witnessed, as shared on this trending r/askreddit thread. There are a lot of responses about otherwise even-tempered teachers and mentors in this thread that snapped . Just a trend I noticed that shows how much torture we collectively put these people through. This thread was posted…
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"POV: Day in the Life Working From Home"

Ok But What Does Your Actual Work From Home Routine Look Like?

This viral video says it all about what remote work actually looks like.
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revenge petty revenge funny woman stranger reddit thread Reddit - 17705477

Misogynistic Stranger Tells Woman to "Smile More" Immediately Regrets It, Others Share Their Stories

A woman was told by a stranger on the street to smile more, and with quick-thinking reflexes, she uttered a response that most of us would only think of in the shower hours later.
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Customer Service Memes for People Who Have Seen Firsthand the Highest Levels of Stupidity in This World

Customer Service Memes for People Who Have Seen Firsthand the Highest Levels of Ignorance in This World

Masters of the fake smile
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Pokémon youtubers friends pokemon cards tifu reddit thread Reddit - 17704965

Update: Friend Burns $8000 of Pokemon Cards as a Prank

This YouTuber friend destroyed an $8000 Pokemon card collection as a "prank" for his channel, now, the owner of the collection is wondering what on earth he should do. Readers have urged the poster to notify the police and file charges for damages, but that still won't return or replace the treasured collection. This thread was posted to r/TIFU (Today I F-ed Up) by Reddit user u/Ok-Watch8193, who shared a thread with the title “TIFU By letting my friend who likes to prank people in my house. Wh…
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unfair-termination dive bar toxic-manager justice fired toxic-workplace server bank-street-bar laid off toxic-boss bartender new-management service industry new orleans - 17709061

'As of today everyone is being terminated:' New Orleans bar tries to 'clean house,' employees get a hold of the IG account and wreak havoc, causing mass boycott

“I hope the [Bank Street Bar] realizes this is all because of Tristan’s well-documented poor management skills and fires him and gives the banks staff all their jobs back.”
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"What Do You Want In Your Coffee?"

Barista Drops Senior Discount Money In Angry Karen's Coffee

This barista had it with a customer who angrily kept on demanding her discount over and over again.
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antiwork toxic-workplace manager managers workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit police - 17687813

Viral Thread: Insane GM Comes to Workers House and Calls the Police When They Go Home Sick

This General Manager saw fit to visit their worker's home, called her mother, and even called the police for a welfare check after she went home sick, all part of a malicious ploy to punish her for going home sick.
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Funniest Memes for People Who Are Incapable of Taking Their Jobs Seriously

Funniest Memes for People Who Are Incapable of Taking Their Jobs Seriously

We're basically paid actors at this point
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Canada landlord justice ontario legal action CBC homeless housing-crash rent viral renting toxic-landlord unhoused Renters eviction evicted - 1618439

'I repeat, landlords are scum!': Woman strikes back after being lied to about the reasoning behind her eviction, sparking debate

“He definitely owes you money.”
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renter, renting, rent, rent is due, landlord, feudalism, neofeudalism, housing market, housing crash, housing, home improvement, worst, the worst, america

Terrible Landlord Suggests His Tenant Should Just Move Out Instead of Fixing Leaky, Disgusting Ceiling

As if renting could get any worse
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FAILS FAIL facial hair haircut haircuts oh god why bad haircut - 17698821

25 Top Terrible Haircuts From People Who Probably Regret Everything

Sometimes we get a “wild hair” and go to our barber or hairdresser with a radical new idea for a haircut. After copious research, you present the haircut you have in mind to the hair cutter, who then needs to translate a grainy two-dimensional image on your phone into a masterpiece that still looks good in three dimensions. It's no surprise that sometimes this goes terribly awry. Hey, we've all had terrible haircuts, but at least it (usually) grows back. As my dad always used to say… The only d…
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