entitled choosing beggar insane entitlement FAIL text messages idiots texting Reddit karen entitled people - 17781765

10 Infuriatingly Entitled 'Choosing Beggars' Who Demanded Everything For Nothing

"These idiots made the world their big stupid oyster."
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These are the best tweets about dating and relationships this month!

The Best Tweets About Dating and Relationships This Month (August 2022)

Regardless of whether or not you're single or whether or not you've been in a relationship for too many years, the ways in which we relate (or don't relate) to our dates and significant others are certainly fodder for great comedy.
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How do I (33F) deal with some of my friends not approving my bf (32)? My heart hurts

'My BFFs don't approve of him': woman's friends don't like her new boyfriend because of his job

There are several important life lessons to keep in mind: always tip your servers well, look both ways before crossing the street, and remember that not everyone is going to love your significant other.
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reviews antiwork employee toxic-workplace revenge petty revenge employer workplace Horrible Bosses glass door Memes job interview interview - 17781253

'My review comes up a lot in their interview process': Worker's Glassdoor review causes trouble for previous employer

This employee has learned that a Glassdoor review they wrote when they quit their job has been giving their past-employer grief with hiring. They left their position after experiencing unprofessional treatment from their manager, which they felt necessitated the review being written. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit this week by a user who shared their experiences with the popular sub. They posted their topic with the title “Left my old place due to bad management - M…
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What to do when you start to get invitations for you + partner while you're single?

'Do I just find someone to bring for the show of it or stay strong?': Single lady debates what to do about her plus one invite

Redditors weigh in on the topic of "plus one" invites for singletons.
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boss workplace-stories manager malicious compliance revenge managers workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit funny - 17781509

Manager Demands Their Inferior Process is Followed, Predictable Outcome Ensues

There is something about being a manager that makes you think you know better than the actual people doing the work. Maybe it's in the way that even a tiny semblance of power links neurons in their brain that cause them to overestimate their knowledge and abilities. This dreadful disorder of “manager-ism” afflicts many a manager you might have encountered. This is how it was for Reddit user u/AdElectrical5354 in a story they shared with Reddit's popular r/maliciouscompliance subreddit. Their ma…
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Email I sent when they wanted me to send in weird recordings as a first step in the interview process. Hard pass.

'I won't be pursuing this position': This candidate refused to make impersonal video recordings for his interview

This prospective candidate turned down a job because they wouldn't take the time to schedule a real interview.
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family drama aita entitled parents drama brother update entitled family brothers entitled people - 17767941

Update: Entitled Parents Play Favorites Older Brother, Dejected Younger Finds Out Why

This is one of those threads where all you can do is think to yourself, “Oof. That's rough, buddy." as you read. Some people had the absolute misfortune of being born into twisted families where the parents were either entirely selfish or just wanted nothing to do with their child. This Redditor had initially posted about six months ago to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit to see if he was wrong for having an issue with the fact that his parents had bought his older brother a car but…
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I was my husband's stalker

Husband Doesn't Know His Wife Stalked Him Years Ago

This woman inserted herself into her future husband's life...and it worked!
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customer service malicious compliance retail revenge customers service vendor cafe service industry reddit thread Reddit NSFW - 17768453

Entitled Cafe Owner Tangles With POS Vendor and Loses, Lives to Regret Their Choice of Words

When you're largely dependent on a specific ‘something’ to keep your business running smoothly, it's never a good idea to upset the people running that thing or treat them poorly. Unfortunately, entitled business owners have yet to learn that they shouldn't mess with these people, or their business could go under. On the other hand, it's fortunate for us because it makes for some great stories. This particular story was just posted to Reddit's r/maliciouscompliance subreddit by user u/nobjangle…
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viral videos quiet-quitting working class corporate-elite malicious compliance capitalism work-your-wage workers-rights toxic-work-place work-to-rule protesting tiktok - 17773317

'Stop calling it quiet-quitting': Woman defines 'work-to-rule' and rallies workers to use this form of protest

"Do not let the elites talk you into thinking that this is bad."
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"Help with a conversational issue I'm having."

Dating Advice: Woman Asks Reddit Why Literally Every Man She Matches With Only Talks About Himself

A good date takes a genuine interest in the other person's life. For this woman, that means most men are not good dates.
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'Corporations Quiet Quit Long Before Employees Did': this hot take on quiet quitting asks companies to look in the mirror

'Corporations quiet quit long before employees did': this hot take on quiet quitting asks companies to look in the mirror

Quiet quitting is really about setting boundaries and corporations are going to have to accept that to a certain extent.
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antiwork jobs toxic-workplace interviews workplace work reform reddit thread Reddit job interview interview tech support talesfromtechsupport IT guy Tech - 17768965

Viral Thread: Hilarious 'Service Desk' Job Description Doesn’t Sugar-coat the Reality of the Job’s Duties

Once in a while, something pops up online that is entirely unorthodox and a bit out of left field. This “avant-garde” take on a job interview description is exactly that. A little zany and unacceptable, it has defied our expectations of the performative qualities that a job interview normally offers. You'd usually expect a job interview to tediously lay out all of the things you might expect from a role but in a crap-coated manner of corporate speak that seeks to make light of all the terrible…
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My husband puts ketchup on pasta.

Wife Can't Stand That Her Husband Puts Ketchup on His Pasta

Everyone has that weird thing they would eat in their household as a child, but usually, you grow up to realize that what you were eating was really not normal. That's when you embarrassingly retire that delicacy so as to not draw attention to your bizarre food preferences. Unless you're this woman's husband, who will seemingly never stop putting ketchup on his pasta instead of, say, marinara sauce. His wife unloaded her feelings on Reddit's r/TrueOffMyChest subreddit under the name u/nicorn_ .…
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boss toxic-workplace revenge work petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses apprentice - 17768709

Cheap Boss Insists on Low Thermostat Setting, Cheeky Apprentice Recalibrates It

We've all worked for or lived with this person in the past. That person who would rather suffer frostbite than pay one red cent for one of the most basic comforts that modern society offers. These people insist that the thermostat be set low or the heat be turned off and everyone else be damned. You're going to live and/or work in an icebox and you're going to like it. Well, this apprentice had a bright idea and decided that if they couldn't change their cheap boss's mind then they would warp h…
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