wednesday dance hillbilly goth punk stereotypes metal hardcore

'What's more goth than having your pawpaw burried in the backyard?': Hillbilly woman proves that southern girls are more goth and punk than any city slicker

Is it a bit redundant to call her yallternative? Recently, with everyone's obsession with the 90's paired with everyone being clinically depressed, there has been a huge rise in people who consider themselves emo, goth, punk, or simply just ‘alternative’. Black eyeliner, dark hair, and a permanent scowl on your face have become more fashionable than ever and goth-ish girls everywhere are thriving.
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I made my boss over $1.5 million in commission over two years, while I made $45k/year. For Christmas he got me a $25 gift card to a movie theater chain that I would have to drive to another state to even use.

'He called legal on me': Bad boss cheaps out on Christmas bonus and tries to fire worker after they quit for a competitor

There's a point where being overly petty, stupid, and cheap crosses a line over into straight-up malice. I'm a huge proponent of Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity — but sometimes the negligent stupidity is so wanton it becomes evil. Still, this idea of a stingy boss cheating their employee out of a hard-earned Christmas bonus is a theme so storied that it has been featured in one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time: Christmas…
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AITA for not telling my best friends girlfriend that I'm Bisexual?

'When Katie finds this out she kinda loses it': Bi woman accused by best friend's jealous girlfriend of trying to steal him away

You know what they say about when you assume...
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TIFU by accidentally calling my boss "mom" during a meeting

Guy accidentally calls his boss "mom"

In a hilariously embarrassing mistake, that they're going to be thinking about for the rest of their lives as they lie in bed trying to sleep, this worker accidentally made the brutal error of calling their boss “mom.” I think it's pretty safe to assume we've all been in a situation like this at some point in our lives; who hasn't called a teacher “mom” or “dad” in grade school? But the situation plays out a little bit differently when you're an adult working in an adult workplace, the adult co…
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20 freshly brewed coffee fails that you won't want to sleep through

20 freshly brewed coffee fails that you won't want to sleep through

Coffee is love, coffee is life. For a beverage that is so acidic and low-key tasteless on its own, it's great with some cream or sugar. And it's clearly addicting, because many people drink it every single day. I, too, will continue to drink cold brew (humankind's best invention, don't @ me) every single day . Although there are many failed ways to drink coffee, a few of these are quite innovative , too, like the restaurant who gives out coffee ice cubes in lieu of iced coffee . But TBH, I woul…
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Knock money off my paycheck for grammar mistakes? Let me point out all the mistakes on my bosses work.

'I received a decrease in my pay': Employee gets pay docked for grammar mistakes, gets revenge on boss

Getting your pay docked because you didn't talk good?! Cue malicious compliance!
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Pizza Fails for those of you who need a slice or two

Pizza Fails for Those of You Who Need a Slice or Two

Don't worry, everyone. No pineapples were harmed for this post!
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40 Discombobulated diners who just wanted plates, but got these messed-up meals instead

40 Discombobulated diners who just wanted plates, but got these messed-up meals instead

These diners got way more than they bargained for after going to certain fancy-pants restaurants! Clearly, restaurants see the trend of photographing your dinner , and want to make people's meals as photogenic as possible. They've really come up with some, um, interesting ways of displaying their meals. Would you still eat your meal if it came in a slipper, though? Could you “do it for the 'gram," as they say? These diners are brave for eating off these weirdo serving trays, from clipboards to…
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My supervillain origin story. I consider myself a reasonable man but this kind of behavior reminds me

'My supervillain origin story.': Server receives a note instead of a tip from customer, sparks outrage in online server community

The service industry offers its workers a myriad of shitty experiences: Terrible customers, terrible employers, terrible coworkers, and an (often) unpredictable income that relies upon strangers' ethics and understanding of their social obligations.
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funniest cowboy memes

Most Rootinest and Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes from this Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls (December 9, 2022)

If you ain't reckoning ‘bout givin’ me a yee, then I ain't never goin reckon to give you a haw. But if you're rootin' and you're tootin' then we'll bee yee-ing and haw-ing all over the farm! And with that, we're goin share you the weekly most rootin' tootin' yee-haw memes we came across this week. We're talking good Southern cookin', big ‘ol classic cowboy hats, and much much more. The crop is always plentiful when it comes to yee-hawin’ memes and we're always gonna make sure our fellow funny c…
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Company saves cost by taking away company cars. | As we were project engineers we had a very particular set of skills for knowing how to follow rules to the letter and how to do so in a manner that benefitted the company or project or individuals.

'Expenses [...] were more than they were for the previous 12 months combined': Company takes away company cars in an attempt to save money, malicious compliance ensues

Sometimes, you get so fixated on one little detail that you miss the bigger picture entirely. That tunnel vision can result in horrific errors in judgment in professional organizations that snowball and cost companies thousands, if not millions, of dollars. You, a new manager (or finance person), are looking to implement some unnecessary changes in order to fuel your insecure ego (under the guise of saving the company money) and think that taking away your project engineer's company vehicles wi…
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'Please excuse me while I go destroy your lunch': Insane workplace 'game' turns into no-holds-barred lunch war

'Please excuse me while I go destroy your lunch': Insane workplace 'game' turns into no-holds-barred lunch war

Fasten your seatbelts and prepare to read one of the most incredible workplace stories ever written on Twitter . This person, who goes by @tombrodude, shared a tale for the ages of a “prank” he and his coworkers used to pull on each other. Basically, they waged war against microwave meals . But unless you're reheating, like, tuna casserole, why would you have such disdain for microwaved food? Then, click over here , where we've assembled a list of the most chronically online Twitter users of th…
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New Manager Enforces Ridiculous Uniform Rules On Female Employees, Cue Malicious Compliance

New Manager Enforces Ridiculous Uniform Rules On Female Employees, Cue Malicious Compliance

'Your uniform doesn't comply with the dress code. IF pants have belt loops, a belt must be worn!'
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manager sent this to all the employees.... yikes

Viral Thread: 'If your dog died you need to bring him in and prove it': Restaurant manager tells workers they will be fired if they miss work for any reason, gets fired themself

It's ever a wonder how people like this manage to get into positions of power over other people. Unfortunately, it's often probably because the organization they're working for is run by toxic, cruel people who recognize the toxic and cruel (or spineless, subservient) traits in those they promote to management positions within their business.
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AITA for telling a 6'8 giant to upgrade his seating?

Extremely tall guy fights with another passenger on the plane over available leg room

We're inclined to say that everyone was awful here.
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funny dad joke memes, relatable things dad would understand, memes for dads

Tool Kit of Dad Joke Memes for Father Figures Who Guard the Thermostat Like Their Lives Depend on it

If you grew up in a household where your father figure was a manly man's man, you're probably aware that there is a lot of responsibility and honor tied to the duties of the flashlight holder. Even as an 8 year old , it's crystal clear that when you're holding the flashlight for your dad's tinkerings, your job is to be perfectly still, point it the right way, and say "mmmhmm" every few seconds like you actually know what a monkey wrench does. That's just one of those classic Dadisms that define…
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