I am currently on holiday and my new favourite pastime is having no patience for instagram wannabe models

'I walked in front of the camera': Redditor sparks online discussion with their petty tactic for dealing with influencers out in the wild

These days everyone wants to be an influencer — or thinks they already are.
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'I threw her money back at her': Walmart Karen tries to barter for guy's new grill in the parking lot, won't take no for an answer

'I threw her money back at her': Walmart Karen tries to barter for guy's new grill in the parking lot, won't take no for an answer

Remember that kid on the playground that would come up and take your toy just because they were envious that you had one and they didn't? Yeah, some people never mature past that point. These are the same people who try and confront you while you're loading your recently-acquired loot into your car at Walmart and demand that you give it to them because they need it more than you . Like the kid on the playground, they might not have even wanted it if they didn't see it in your hands, but — becau…
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'Literally saved a cow's life by ordering a McNothing': Guy orders burger with nothing on it to satisfy his hunger for silly experiments

'Literally saved a cow's life by ordering a McNothing': Guy orders burger with nothing on it to satisfy his hunger for silly experiments

What would happen if you tried to order a burger, but took off the lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese, sauces, burger, and hamburger buns? One man decided to take one for the team (team being Twitter at large) and find out for himself what would happen. He posted about the experience to Twitter so that everyone else could also have a bite of the experiment . The user, Rob DenBleyker, first created a food order of a hamburger from a popular chain, and took off every single ingredient. Scroll down to…
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Rich Karen put into her place by a bunch of New Jerseyans

‘Do you know who I am? I'm rich!'...'Nobody cares.': Entitled wealthy Karen tries to skip to the front of the bagel line, entire store goes hilariously 'New Jersey' on her

Karens are already the worst to deal with, but a wealthy Karen is entitlement x1,000. The kind of tantrum-throwing that a wealthy Karen can produce can send any poor victim into the most mind-boggling frustration. However, it IS possible for justice to be served piping hot to a wealthy Karen and it's more likely to happen as a group defense. And, of course, it helps if that group is a bunch of New Jerseyans in need of bagels on a Sunday morning.
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'I'm done': Company instates wild policy implementing mandated search of employees and their personal belongings in viral memo

'I'm done': Company instates wild policy implementing mandated search of employees and their personal belongings in viral memo

At what point is lost stock value worth more than the last shreds of dignity and morale of your workers? Unsurprisingly, for many employers, the answer to that question is “Greater than $0.” Anyone who has worked in retail has experienced an employer who insists any and all missing stock must be the result of theft. It's a really enlightening conversation to have with an employer that reveals how that employer truly feels about their employees beneath the facade of family and pizza parties. I'v…
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AITA for not wanting my husband to go to his ex's funeral?

'You're a nominee for AH of the year': Heartless Karen refuses to let husband attend his ex's funeral

It doesn't get more heartless than this.
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'There's no law regulating what qualifies as 1 vs 2 or 3 star [review]': Upset customer ignites feud with a leather store over negative online review

'There's no law regulating what qualifies as 1 vs 2 or 3 star [review]': Upset customer ignites feud with a leather store over negative online review

One unhappy customer tried to write a 1-star review about a leather jacket they got…only to have the company clap back at them.
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'Well, that's disgusting:': Wild Airbnb Fails that show just how awful hosts and guests can be

'Well, that's disgusting': Wild Airbnb Fails that show just how awful hosts and guests can be

We've all had an Airbnb horror story!
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30 Catastrophically cursed computer setups

30 Catastrophically cursed computer setups

In the times before Zoom calls , computer rooms used to be a haven for cuddling up, eating 800 snacks, and playing video games until 4 AM. There was no need for them to be pretty or aesthetic, because you and your closest pals were the only ones who needed to see your gaming room . This, as you can image, results in some pretty cursed computer setups. Some are messy and cluttered with food leftovers, some are absurdly built, and some have withered our eyeballs from the sheer shock of these comp…
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dude gets footage of an Orca whale throwing a dolphin into the air

Dude Ocean Kayaking Catches Video of an Orca Whale Wreaking Absolute Havoc on an Unsuspecting Dolphin

The ocean is an absolutely crazy place and Orcas are high up on the list of reasons why. These ocean dwellers will “play” with their food and sometimes that food is a literal dolphin. The poor thing is itty bitty compared to the size of the Orca and the whale is yeeting him around like he's a dang yo-yo. A guy kayaking with a notable “surfer dude” Californian accent was just trying to enjoy a nice day on the ocean and then he was forced to learn why Orcas are called “k!ller whales.”
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AITA for letting my son get fast food and bring it into a wedding reception?

'Stop enabling your adult son': Mom lets entitled son bring fast food into cousin's wedding reception

There are times when you shouldn't let your McDonald's craving get the better of you.
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A collection of entitled karens unleashing their wrath upon the world

20 Top Karens of the Year Who Unleashed Their Wrath Upon the World

There are a whole lot of entitled people in the world who are out to make the world work for them as much as possible. These people care little for societal norms, mutual respect, or mutual understanding; they want to take what they can get, and the rest of us be damned. Karens though… They take the whole entitlement idea and turn it up until the knob breaks off, mixing that same tried and true formula with a dash of salt, wild expectations, and untapped aggression. Enjoy this hearty collection…
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This couple hired me, a complete stranger, to watch their kid for a date night. Now they’ve practically abandoned me with their kid. What do I even fucking do? I need to get paid and I also can’t leave their child home alone. They are just ignoring my message. Put DND on after I texted them.

Parents ditch babysitter with kids and put them on "do not disturb"

Parenting is exhausting; at its worst, it's like a marathon that you run uphill for 18 years with no water stations and no end in sight. That's why it's a godsend when you can find someone (whether a bribed family member or paid caretaker) who can take your child off you for a few hours. Of course, for some parents, this whole time is spent worrying whether or not the child is alright and being adequately cared for — others still might be able to enjoy their time but be relieved when they retur…
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'What meal traumatized you as a kid?': 25+ People share their ickiest eating experiences

'What meal traumatized you as a kid?': 25+ People share their ickiest eating experiences

When you're a child, you have to eat what adults give you, since you don't have much of a choice in the matter.
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'I'm Totally A Keeper' : Most Delusional People On Dating Apps This Week

'Wow, That Was Forward' : Most Delusional People On Dating Apps This Week

All the fish in the sea are piranhas.
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guy quit his job thinking he became rich

'He called my boss a f-ing idiot': Insane coworker tricked into quitting on the spot when he thinks he hit the jackpot

One of the greatest joys of the already excellent workplace experience is coworkers: verifiable strangers with who you share nothing in common and who you are forced to spend more time with than your family. Your time with these people is eye-opening and really teaches you the limits of your own sanity as you're forced to endure the extreme strangeness of their existence. If you're lucky, these people are harmless and are just way too into their pets, children, or grandchildren. If you're not s…
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