‘Sorry to Break It to You, Our Work Culture Sucks’ : 20 Funniest Memes for the Broke Crowd Who Live for the Weekend

‘Sorry to Break It to You, Our Work Culture Sucks’ : 20 Funniest Memes for the Broke Crowd Who Live for the Weekend

There are few people in this world who can honestly say that they actually enjoy their jobs. Most of us just kind of exist in this black hole called existence and try not to stir stuff up with HR or yell at our office Karen. If you work in retail, you try not to end up in the News for jumping at a customer. You count every day leading up to the weekend, and tell your coworkers that you are ‘definitely quitting this year’. 2023 is basically as stressful as 2022, and we're only a few days in… A l…
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20+ People share the food that they hate with a burning passion and could do without

20+ People share the food that they hate with a burning passion and could do without

Food is one of the greatest joys on this earth. It's something that brings us all together, provides meaningful comfort, and is just downright necessary for our survival. It's no wonder then that food is a popular topic of conversation, and almost everybody would be more than happy to talk your ear off about their favorite foods. But… there's another side to this. For every food you love, there is probably one that you wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. Those of us who are picky or timid eate…
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A Plethora of Pickup Lines Ranging From Cheesy to Cringe

A Plethora of Pickup Lines Ranging From Cheesy To Cringe

We're sure at least one of these worked!
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20+ Crafters who tried to be aesthetic but instead created the arts 'n' crafts projects of nightmares

20+ Crafters who tried to be aesthetic but instead created the arts 'n' crafts projects of nightmares

In order to create great art, an artist has to fail over and over and over. If they stick with their craft , the artist might eventually succeed, and make lovely art pieces that people can't wait to buy. Not everyone is a professional artist, though – some people just make art for fun and entertainment, while others do it for the 'gram. Inspired largely by the proliferation of Pinterest crafts for every holiday imaginable, these folks tried their hand at DIY art. After all, how hard could it be…
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AITA for moving my son into a rental apartment after finding out that his dad's been cancelling his job applications?

'[He] deserves a life of his own': Unhinged Dad refuses to let fully grown son leave the house, Mom saves the day

I guess father does not know best!
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'I an holding recruiters [...] to the same standard': Job seeker sends recruiter scathing email that divides the internet.

'I am holding recruiters [...] to the same standard': Job seeker sends recruiter scathing email that divides the internet.

The performing art that is the job interview process can be exhausting. There are woefully unqualified and manipulative recruiters at every turn, hiding in the shadows, just itching to waste your energy and precious time. Once you make it to a first-round interview (after receiving no response to 50 other applications), you're put into the gauntlet of the interview charade where nothing matters except for charisma and the ability to feign competency. It doesn't matter a lick whether or not you'…
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'Kevin refuses to read restaurant menus... making the waiter/waitress explain every single dish': Guys shares the dangerously 'ludicrous plans' of his clueless Dad

'Kevin refuses to read restaurant menus... making the waiter/waitress explain every single dish': Guys shares the dangerously 'ludicrous plans' of his clueless Dad

Every Dad is silly in one way or another – that's just part of being a parent! – but this clueless Kevin is the ultimate goofy dad, making dangerous mistakes at every turn.
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'Give me a pizza!': Karen demands a pizza from a not-pizza place

'Give me a pizza!': Karen rudely demands a pizza from a not-pizza place

“You don't always get what you want,” the singer Mick Jagger once famously sang; it's a statement that reminds us that there really is more to life than coveted goods and materialistic desires — and is especially pertinent if what you want is a pizza from a place that doesn't even make pizza.
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AITA for borrowing my husbands underwear?

'My husband should let me borrow his underwear': Pregnant woman fights with husband after he sees her wearing his 'good' underwear

Is sharing actually caring?
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the best and funniest memes for cowboys, cowgirls, ranchers, farmers, and any other yee haw rootin' tootin' funny folks out there

15+ Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes this Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls Out There (January 6, 2023)

Well yee-haw and call me grits! Welcome back to another week of the most rootinest and tootinest yee-haw memes. Us comedy cowboys and cowgirls over here on the internet really be ropin' up the best LOL, ROFL, and LMAO memes for funny folk out there. You need a break from the hard work you be puttin' out, then look no further! These rootin' tootin' memes will have you cackling like a happy lil donkey. It's cold right now in the ‘ole red, white, and blue and things might seem a barren field of no…
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'This is ok isn't it': Job seekers hilarious interview screw up sparks a discussion that goes 'off the rails'

'This is ok isn't it': Job seekers hilarious interview screw up sparks a discussion that goes 'off the rails'

The job interview process is a tricky one. So much of it depends on the charade of weird social norms that it's really more of a performing art piece than an adequate way of vetting the performance of a candidate. There's so much research indicating that those who come across to recruiters as ‘confidant’ are more likely to be selected for a role, regardless of their actual experience or qualifications. We humans are so quick to judge others, consciously and subconsciously, based on minuscule am…
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"The storm trooper bonking his head in 'A New Hope' is a pretty famous one": A collection of the 'biggest, most obvious, most expensive' mistakes ever left in big-budget movies

"The storm trooper bonking his head in 'A New Hope' is a pretty famous one": A collection of the 'biggest, most obvious, most expensive' mistakes ever left in big-budget movies

From “Lord of the Rings” to “The Bourne Identity” to “Gangs of New York,” people are sharing their favorite examples of movie mistakes that made it into the final cut. People shared the most distracting goofs they can think of from their favorite movies.
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Sleepy Memes and Fails for Melatonin-Hungry Millennials

Sleepy Memes and Fails for Melatonin-Hungry Millennials

Raise your hand if you need a nap!
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For American Servers - what bulls would stop today if you didn't work for tips? As in, you're paid a competitive living wage by your employer. What are you no longer putting up with from diners/customers?

'I'd probably start refusing service to all the morons that come out to eat and act all entitled': Waiters dish on what would change drastically if restaurant tipping suddenly ended

While eating at restaurants, do you tip your waitstaff some of the time, all the time, or never? While the standards differ between countries and states, in America, tipping is just the way of life. Most waiters have to survive off tips, and they can rake in the cash if they get a busy shift full of generous diners. But one person had a question for the Redditors of r/TalesFromYourServer: “For American Servers - what bulls*** would stop today if you didn't work for tips? As in, you're paid a co…
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How to quiet quit effectively

A 2023 Guide to 'Quiet Quitting' That You Should Never Share with Your Boss

2022 may have been the year of quiet quitting. What are the takeaways for this year?
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'Well he didn't cheat on ME' : Selfish Daughter Denies Her Mother Empathy When Her Dad’s Cheating Gets Another Woman Pregnant, Leading To Family Drama and No Contact

'Well he didn't cheat on ME' : Selfish Daughter Denies Her Mother Empathy When Her Dad’s Cheating Gets Another Woman Pregnant, Leading To Family Drama and No Contact

One might think that when one of your parents gets cheated on by the other, resulting in a soon-to-be new brother or sister, you might not exactly be over the moon. At the very least, you might think that one would carry some empathy for the parent who was suffering, not the one who lied about their infidelity and then oops, got another woman pregnant. Sigh… I don't know if it's a generational thing, or if we were just as self-centered back in the day, but this is unacceptable behavior and says…
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