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'She needs a time out': Karen gets shut down by a 5-year-old

'I have no interest': Guy makes up 'work emergency' to get out of a baby shower

'I have no interest [in] this baby': Guy makes up 'work emergency' lie to get out of a baby shower

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Top 10 Worst Wedding Stories (May 15, 2023)

'Yes, I will tweet exactly what you said': Social media manager agrees to author's idea

'Yes, I will tweet exactly what you said': Social media manager maliciously complies with author's demands

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'NO DRILLING IN MY HOUSE': Karen makes it impossible for cable guy to fix internet issues, she tries to get free TV from him

‘Buy me a fridge, or I’ll fine you': Man builds shed on neighbor's property line, neighbor's wife demands new $2,200 refrigerator in exchange for property line adjustment

'Buy me a fridge, or I'll fine you': Resident pays neighbor $2,200 for new refrigerator in exchange for property line adjustment after he built a shed on neighbor's fence

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'I took another job': Plumber quits without notice for massive pay increase after boss denies them a raise

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30 Memes that '70s and '80s kids will remember from way back when

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'[I got an] insult of an offer': Man gets grossly lowballed by potential new employer, declines, poaches their best client, and gets a 25% raise at current job

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'You won't get your hours': Boss demands workers call out sick before 6 AM, immediately regrets it

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'Coworker got sued and then sued the company': Boss refuses to let employee see his sick mother, employee retaliates, causing lawsuit

Bill Gates said, "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." What's a real-life example of this?

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'The customer decides when they are...ready to leave': Friend group divided over golfing etiquette

'The customer decides when they are...ready to leave': Friend group splits over golfing etiquette

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'My partner hasn't done a load of laundry in ten years': Wife takes vacation away from family, husband doesn't know what to do with himself

'I'm moving out': Woman demands 50% rent payment from roommate despite setting her bed up in living room, roommate moves out

'I'm moving out': Woman demands 50% rent payment from roommate despite setting her bed up in living room, roommate moves out