'I confronted my manager, and began to formulate my plan...' : Employee Learns She Will Be Fired and Replaced Following Office Gossip, Company’s Plans for New Position Fall Through, Leading to Immediate Petty Revenge

'I confronted my manager, and began to formulate my plan...' : Employee Learns She Will Be Fired and Replaced Following Office Gossip, Company’s Plans for New Position Fall Through, Leading to Immediate Petty Revenge

It's absolutely mind-boggling that some companies are dumb enough to approve a new hire (from within the company) to replace an employee, without alerting said employee of their firing. How awkward. This is what happened in this very humiliating case for a young worker who was trying to prove herself. She heard via office gossip that the company had someone in mind for her position… while she still had the role. Apparently, they felt ‘Shelby’ would be a better fit. Things didn't exactly go acco…
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engineer supervisor boss Horrible Bosses workplace toxic-workplace workplace-stories workplace-story workers bad bosses manager fired

'Let me go? Fine. You’ll lose millions': New supervisor frames and fires essential engineer, forced to hire them back at insane contract rate

It's often said that if you do a job and do it well, nobody is going to complain… but do a job well enough for long enough, and it's going to begin to be taken for granted. Soon enough, that second set of duties that you took on to band-aid resourcing shortages will become a part of your normal job description… You might be doing more work, but at least you have the appreciation of your manager—right? Their goodwill towards you could mean wonders for your career! That is… until they suddenly le…
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Woman road rages against me. Gets arrested during Christmas

'The look on her face was PRICELESS': Guy cuts Karen off while driving, leads to wild road rage incident

This has got to be one of the most insane car chases to appear on the r/pettyrevenge subreddit.
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work memes monday mondays case of the mondays meme relatable work sucks boss employees clocking in work bestie shift

Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays

I want to go home
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What are some harmless ways to f with people?

'Carefully step over a non-existing obstacle': 25+ Witty ways to innocently mess with someone's head

These people love to play small innocent pranks just to confuse the people around them. A lighthearted prank can be a fun way to connect with friends or coworkers, so these Redditors shared their favorite ways to screw with people's heads . There are some excellent ideas here! Most of the pranks involve confusing the victim of the prank just a little – by moving around random objects, or handing them something and walking away. My favorite, though, is the person who said their aunt hides ping p…
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Top Sign Fails of the Week (February 13, 2023)

Top Sign Fails of the Week (February 13, 2023)

Some signs capture the truth in ways you could never have anticipated.
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'Hope that doesn't hit too close to home': 25 Times people got unexpectedly roasted

'Hope that doesn't hit too close to home': 25 Times people got unexpectedly roasted

If you mess around on the internet, you're going to find out what happens! These people all got hilariously roasted after trying to dunk on someone. It gives you such a feeling of schadenfreude to see people try to say something incorrect, and then get dunked on for it. Although there aren't too many brands doing the dunking this time around, they're occasionally the most vicious of posters (because the writer gets to hide behind the brand name)! In this instance, Game Stop roasted one person w…
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AITA for leaving my "friends" wedding when she told me I needed to cover up my psoriasis?

'Brides are going too far these days': Bridezilla asks friend to leave her wedding to cover up her psoriasis

Just because it's your wedding doesn't mean you can be the worst friend ever.
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'I'm A Genius!' : 21 Funniest Verdicts By Shower Masterminds To Ruminate On

'I'm A Genius!' : 21 Funniest Verdicts By Shower Masterminds To Ruminate On

Shower thoughts are a real hit or miss. Either they're horrifically funny, or terribly scary. I'd like to think that the best ones are a bit of both. The most genius thoughts we have in life don't come to us when we're stressing at work… no, they come to us when we're singing U2 at the top of our lungs whilst pretending to play the guitar, warm water gushing over our heads like a waterfall. Someone in the next room may or may not be yelling at us, demanding that we shut up. In other words, good…
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'The school claims to care immensely about student mental health... yeah right! We decided to teach them a lesson.' : Veterinary Students Fed up With Toxic School System, Cue Malicious Compliance

'The school claims to care immensely about student mental health... yeah right! We decided to teach them a lesson.' : Veterinary Students Fed up With Toxic School System, Cue Malicious Compliance

The students were told they had the “option” to come to the lab early but it became rapidly clear that this was an expectation (not an "option”), and that they had to skip lunch in order to achieve this.
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AITA for giving my ex wife a large amount of money I won despite the anger of my gf?

'Next time you win the lottery, call your *current* girlfriend first': Lottery winner asks 'AITA?' for calling his ex-wife upon winning millions

If you won millions in the lotto, what's the first thing you would do? For many of us, our first instinct would be to call our immediate family and best friends to share the news! But this guy called his ex-wife right after his parents — and his actual current GF is steaming mad about it! Not only did this guy called his ex first , he offered her some of the money. While some people in the comments immediately began to question his motives, he makes it pretty clear: he had kids with his ex . He…
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‘You know, the policy YOU created when you got called out by Head Office for not properly handling my scheduled early shift’ : New Boss Loses Her Own Petty Game Following Employee's Malicious Compliance

‘You know, the policy YOU created when you got called out by Head Office for not properly handling my scheduled early shift’ : New Boss Loses Her Own Petty Game Following Employee's Malicious Compliance

A senior employee wasn't about to sit around and be a pushover simply because of a small change in regime...
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superbowl workplace Horrible Bosses workplace-stories workplace-story coworkers dickhead co-workers bad bosses

Thieving Boss Steals Super Bowl Tickets, Costs Them Big Client

What should you do when a client passes you, an esteemed partner of your business, a set of Super Bowl tickets to give to their account manager as a warm thanks for their work? Hand them to the employee as instructed—right? No! What could you possibly stand to gain from that straightforward and ethical decision? Instead, regift them to another client in order to bolster that business relationship, who could care less what your sniveling subordinate thinks—they're never going to know anyways. Oh…
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Hurry up and sync the phones we have to leave! Okay .. but the woman in your pics don't look like your fiance.

'She screams for a solid minute': Engaged couple sync their phones at Best Buy, accidentally transferring dude's photos with another woman

This guy has got to be one of the dumbest cheaters ever!
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20 Eyebrow-Raising Unpopular Opinions This Week (February 12, 2023)

20 Bold Hot Takes and Unpopular Opinions This Week (February 12, 2023)

Everyone has a bold hot take on something topical!
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'What the heck is this in my food?': 'Grumpy old man' has a scallop-induced meltdown over dinner, then other diners side with waiter

'What the heck is this in my food?': 'Grumpy old man' has a scallop-induced meltdown over dinner, then other diners side with waiter

This person who worked at a steak and seafood restaurant had to deal with the crankiest and most entitled of customers.
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