'My husband is a lawyer': Karen tries to hit-and-run by using husband's job as an excuse despite evidence of collision

'My husband is a lawyer': Karen tries to hit-and-run by using husband's job as an excuse despite evidence of collision

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace - 22329861

'You told me to leave, remember': Worker sent to help at another store, told they're trespassing and turned away, receives an angry call later on

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'I get a big bed to myself': 20+ perks of being single

'I get a big bed to myself': 20+ perks of being single

'My registration info was "no longer in the system"': Office cancels worker's appointment, worker reschedules a new appointment '72 hours early'

'My registration info was "no longer in the system"': Office cancels worker's appointment, worker reschedules a new appointment '72 hours early'

'Sorry, we need the coverage so you'll need to come in': Sick employee forced to come into work by disorganized manager

'Sorry, we need the coverage so you'll need to come in': Sick employee forced to come into work by disorganized manager

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs manager job malicious compliance work coworkers new job workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22369797

'Where are you? It's your first day': Boss calls confused random guy too chew him out for missing his first shift

'The very best thing he stopped was clearing away snow': Company director lays off workers, truck driver employee creates massive delays in return

'The very best thing he stopped was clearing away snow': Company director lays off workers, truck driver employee creates massive delays in return

workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22349061

'The entire sector didn't get raises that year': Employee gets revenge by raising KPI averages to a point where their boss loses their bonus and raise

'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

'I'm fuming right now': Couple come back from vacation and find that their neighbors took apart their fence to build their own shed

'I'm fuming right now': Couple come back from vacation and find that their neighbors took apart their fence to build their own shed

The internet weighs in on man who dumped his girlfriend in front of her family

'I told my girlfriend, right there at the table, that it wasn't going to work out': The internet weighs in on man who dumped his girlfriend in front of her family

'Boss wouldn't pay me the money I earned, so I had his company shut down': Plumber gets boss fined $50,000 after boss won't pay multiple paychecks

'Boss wouldn't pay me the money I earned, so I had his company shut down': Plumber gets toxic boss fined $50,000 after boss refuses to pay multiple paychecks

'A week goes past and then the messages starts flooding in': System admin trains their own replacement, refuses to help company after being let go

'A week goes past and then the messages starts flooding in': System admin forced to train replacement, then refuses to help the company bullies after being let go

'I pulled a Karen': Guy gets cuts off by bad driver, cops almost let him off until guy pulls out the dashcam footage

'I pulled a Karen': Guy gets cuts off by bad driver, cops almost let him off until guy pulls out the dashcam footage

reddit reddit-thread petty-revenge revenge petty barista state-trooper police police-man coffee coffee-shop caffeine enemy decaf humiliation retribution payback

'I demanded an apology': Local barista gets back at an insolent customer by serving him and his coworkers decaf until he makes a public apology; it took 3 days