workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work quit veterinarian workplace Horrible Bosses vet quitting employment in the workplace - 23183877

'The price is about $2000': Employer tells Vet they can't claim their employee discount right after expensive pet surgery

'I've gotten my pay reduced twice in four months': HR blindsides employee, moves him from salary to hourly rate, pays him less per hour

'Get everything in writing': HR blindsides employee, moves him from salary to hourly rate, pays him less per hour

pro revenge student university students malicious compliance revenge college student problems group projects petty revenge group college student - 22816261

'We knew we were playing with fire': Professors fail students, students tell dean, dean fails professors

A Seasonal Dressing of 15+ Unpopular Opinions

A Seasonal Dressing of 15+ Unpopular Opinions

reddit, failblog, r-AITA, holiday-shift-coverage, holiday-work-fail, karen-coworker, working-on-thanksgiving, holiday-work, holiday-employment

‘She thought she was being super clever’: Employee tattles to the boss as a power move to force coworker to cover her Thanksgiving shift, ends up duping herself instead

lol-fails, funniest-fails, funniest-work-fails, you-had-one-job, funny-employee-fails

'The math ain't mathin': 30+ Job Fails by Employees Who Just Had ONE Job to Do

'Thicken Nugget, senior chihuahua': 30+ Animals who were given hilarious names while they wait for their forever homes

'Thicken Nugget, senior chihuahua': 30+ Animals who were given hilarious names while they wait for their forever homes

'This is how she acts at work': Wife gets even with husband's flirting coworker, gives coworker's husband a call

'This is how she acts at work': Wife gets even with husband's flirting coworker, gives coworker's husband a call

r-amithejerk, reddit-post, sisters, sibling-squabble, sibling-fight, sibling-argument, family, siblings, older-sister, younger-sister, sisters

'[She] got served a massive tray of humble pie': Older sister thinks younger sister's graduation is beneath her, so younger sister gets karma with a classic 'uno-reverse' move

‘I’m the boss, you do what I say': Coworker micromanages employees until they walk out on her, leaving her to finish project by herself

‘I’m the boss, you do what I say': Coworker micromanages employees until they walk out on her, leaving her to finish project by herself

'Obviously the police wouldn’t do anything about it': Nurse tech calls cops over $.50 theft to make a point to hospital administrators

'Obviously the police wouldn’t do anything about it': Nurse tech calls cops over $.50 theft to make a point to hospital administrators

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'Women drivers, am I right?': Guy sideswipes a woman's car while she's parked; blames her, makes a scene, then gets himself arrested

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'That's gonna cost you': Spying neighbor calls police because of a few leaves, police threaten to tow his car instead

'I threw it back': Karen customer throws card in cashier's face repeatedly, cashier gets wholesome payback

'I threw it back': Karen customer throws card in cashier's face repeatedly, cashier gets wholesome payback

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance lawyer work legal workplace suit employment law in the workplace - 23133189

'So sue me': Client challenges developer to sue them for their $2000 payment, they accept

'My father has to have "Peanut Butter Salad" every Thanksgiving': 20 Turkey-day dishes that will go untouched for the the whole day

'My father has to have "Peanut Butter Salad" every Thanksgiving': 20 Turkey-day dishes that will go untouched for the the whole day