workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work laid off layoffs workplace Horrible Bosses lay off employment in the workplace - 23587077

'1 month later I'm getting phone calls asking for help': Worker gets laid off by employer who panics after things go sideways

'He's not your son!': Sister-in-law decides to name her unborn nephew behind the mother's back, family fallout ensues right before Christmas

'He's not your son!': Sister-in-law decides to name her unborn nephew behind the mother's back, family fallout ensues right before Christmas

reddit, failblog, r-entitledpeople, entitled-people

'I almost lost my job over an entitled Karen': Theme park photographer encounters insensitive mother who yells at a Make-A-Wish kid's family, sees red

‘I don’t care what you have to do, just print it again': Customer demands bank teller reprint her debit card so many times that it costs her

‘I don’t care what you have to do, just print it again': Customer demands bank teller reprint her debit card so many times that it costs her

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'My average mileage is 90% greater': Nitpicky new management tries to dispute a flat-rate, $1,000 stipend for a traveling employee; he retaliates by increasing his mileage and doubling his payout

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in pool store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

'We can’t go home early anymore? Sure! Not a problem:' Manager protects team by maliciously complying to new rules, changing scheduled hours during shifts so workers can leave early

'We can’t go home early anymore? Sure! Not a problem:' Manager protects team by maliciously complying to new rules, changing scheduled hours during shifts so workers can leave early

‘Take your sob story somewhere else': Woman arrives at hotel to check into $1200 room with only $350 in her wallet

‘Take your sob story somewhere else': Woman arrives at hotel to check into $1200 room with only $350 in her wallet

‘We made sure he didn't get anything’: Landlord declares tenants' company equipment as his own after evicting them

‘We made sure he didn't get anything’: Landlord declares tenants' company equipment as his own after evicting them

'[I] caused a 30,000+ order backup': 30+ Employees who had strange and unexpected days at work

'[I] caused a 30,000+ order backup': 30+ Employees who had strange and unexpected days at work

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'His [timesheet] was cut by 7 hours to make up for the overtime': Hardworking employee goes above and beyond to cover understaffed shifts; gets his hours cut by cheapskate boss as a ‘thank you’

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'[The lawyer] just stood there, staring': Dairy farmer gets revenge on big-shot lawyer for parking in his driveway

'A quality salami log': 30 A+ last-minute Christmas gifts

'A quality salami log': 30 A+ last-minute Christmas gifts

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23563781

'I'd like to rescind my application': Candidate rescind's application over interviewer's impolite email

karen karens public-freakout flight flight-attendant airline travel traveling plane reddit wholesome entitled surprise surprise-ending happy-ending heartwarming

‘In a world of entitled travelers, this is wholesome’: Not-so-Karenish Karen turns out to be a really nice lady, forgiving a flight attendant for jumping to conclusions

boss workplace-stories jobs employee job malicious compliance coworkers legal new job horrible-management legal advice rage quit workers paycheck bad bosses Reddit - 23570437

'I quickly realized that [the company] was horribly managed, and they made errors all the time': Employee quits new job after 7 days, receives a bill for $24,981.62