workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24823557

'Before 9 and after 5 don't matter': Employee stops coming in early and working unpaid overtime after being admonished for a long lunch

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‘Yup, can't start it from ‘drive’': Obtuse driver gives his mechanic friend the cold shoulder, ends up paying hundreds for a tow truck when nothing is wrong with his car

Toxic manager uses IT to track employee's devices: 'I am looking for a new job immediately'

Toxic manager uses IT to track employee's devices: 'I am looking for a new job immediately'

'You can't keep sending things back': Demanding couple keep changing their order in attempt to make servers look incompetent in front of manager

'You can't keep sending things back': Demanding couple keep changing their order in attempt to make servers look incompetent in front of manager

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'Revenge on a horrible boss that cost me $10k': Analyst poaches numerous employees from former boss

'She called me spoiled and entitled': Rich kid doesn't get extravagant 18th birthday party, accuses parents of picking favorites

'She called me spoiled and entitled': Rich kid doesn't get extravagant 18th birthday party, accuses parents of picking favorites

'That was basically the "last straw"': Overwhelmed employee gets scolded for working overtime, starts working only 5 hours per day

'That was basically the "last straw"': Overwhelmed employee gets scolded for working overtime, starts working only 5 hours per day

Karen barks at $250 bill, shoves manager in front of on-duty officers: ''[They] immediately cuff her'

Karen barks at $250 bill, shoves manager in front of on-duty officers: '[They] immediately cuff her'

'Don't worry about the business... it'll run without you': Coffee shop manager blocks bosses number and quits, things start "going wrong the next day"

'Don't worry about the business... it'll run without you': Coffee shop manager blocks bosses number and quits, things start "going wrong the next day"

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'Mind [your] own business': Neighbor refuses to heed warning about getting the proper permits, pays dearly for his arrogance

‘You’ve got some nerve…': Entitled guest mistreats server, server decides to teach the guest a ‘lesson’ in manners

‘You’ve got some nerve…': Entitled guest mistreats server, server decides to teach the guest a ‘lesson’ in manners

'Well, 9:00am - 5:00pm it is!': Lawyer refuses to come in early for big meeting after getting reprimanded by partner for leaving early

'Well, 9:00am - 5:00pm it is!': Lawyer refuses to come in early for big meeting after getting reprimanded by partner for leaving early

36 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

36 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

'My new favourite technique': Call center worker tells the "passive aggressive" tip they use for cranky customers

'My new favourite technique': Call center worker tells the "passive aggressive" tip they use for cranky customers

20+ anonymous confessions from people who can't keep it inside anymore: 'I don't like the name we picked for our daughter'

20+ anonymous confessions from people who can't keep their secrets anymore: 'I don't like the name we picked for our daughter'

'Invest in DVDs': 30+ Pieces of bad advice

'Invest in DVDs': 30+ Pieces of bad advice