customer service karens entitled parents barista karen-customer customers customer Karen-in-the-wild entitled people - 20748805

'[I] hope you have the days you deserve': Barista shuts down angry customer online

Dealing with customers is probably the worst part of working retail or service jobs. It can be the best part too—but ten positive experiences can be overshadowed by one violent, screaming adult tantrum. If you've ever worked one of these jobs—you know exactly what I'm talking about. It may be no use crying over spilled milk, but that didn't stop this grown adult woman from throwing a complete tantrum over the temperature of it. After collecting a cup of “warm” milk from a location of a major co…
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20 Coworkers who are difficult to work with

'I caught her in a bold-faced lie': 20 Incompetent coworkers who are impossible to work with

Some disgruntled workers are spilling the secrets of their worst coworkers ever. Some folks just aren't meant for work environments. It seems like there's at least one person at your job that makes you wonder, “How did this person ever get hired?” If they're anything like the people in the stories below,
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aita relationships husband Party family reddit thread Reddit college parents - 20738565

'My husband hadn't checked in at all': Husband goes to college reunion, his phone dies during a family emergency, wife loses it

The selfie from the husband's friend was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back! This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/PrettyHateMachinexxx , the mother of a one-year-old who stayed home one weekend while her husband was in another state partying with his college friends. Granted, this was planned months in advance, and her frustration was not a result of her husband's choice to attend his college reunion. No, her frustration instead began after he neglecte…
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'I've usually got like 40 missed calls': Coworkers guilt-trip employee who refuses to answer boss's calls on the weekends

'I've usually got like 40 missed calls': Coworkers guilt-trip employee who refuses to answer boss's calls on the weekends

This company pulled a classic bait and switch on this poor employee. Some companies will do anything to appear like they're treating their employees well, while in reality, the employees are pretty miserable. One example is the “unlimited vacation” benefit that some workplaces offer. They lure you in during the hiring process, telling you you can take as much time off as you please. But in reality, you still have to get the time off approved by your boss , and face the guilt-tripping they'll tr…
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'He's a compulsive liar': Coworker always one-ups everyone else in the office, gets caught in a lie, HR intervenes

'He's a compulsive liar': Coworker always one-ups everyone else in the office, gets caught in a lie, HR intervenes

We all have that one coworker...
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UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

The restaurant industry is known for being fickle; if a few coworkers call in sick, you're gonna find yourself in a bit of a pickle… that is, as a manager. But as someone in a management position, that is your problem; not the other employees' issue. In this case, OP's boss initially approved their vacation but quickly backpedaled when it became apparent that they had granted time off to too many other employees, meaning that now they were short-staffed. Tough luck, as OP was already on their v…
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antiwork workplace-stories jobs text message toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 20728325

'I'm going to need you to step up': Manager demands worker comes in despite already having plans with family

People have a habit of deflecting their own problems onto other people. If you own a business and don't schedule or hire enough people for a holiday weekend, that's probably your own fault—and your own problem to resolve. Still, it's pretty common for business owners and managers to turn around and blame workers for not being available at the last minute when they already have plans. This worker shared their experience on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, sharing screenshots of an exchange that oc…
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'Well that's a pickle': Customer service rep puts driver on hold while pet cat is stuck inside locked car

'[They] lock you out of the car completely': Customer service rep puts driver on hold while pet cat is stuck inside locked car

Car sharing is a brilliant idea — you can rent out your car for others to use while you're not using the car yourself. As a car owner, you make some cash, and as a customer, you can drive a car that's already located near to you, without having to deal with a typical rental service. What could go wrong? It's just one of many new services run by apps in today's modern age. But since it is a rather new idea, there are still some kinks that need to be straightened out. Just check out the story of…
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'Your two hellspawns just fell? I guess they had it coming': Mothers and service industry employees band together to rant about parents who allow their kids to misbehave in restaurants

'Your two hellspawns just fell? I guess they had it coming': Mothers and service industry employees band together to rant about parents who allow their kids to misbehave in restaurants

There are many different kinds of nightmares that can happen while working in the service industry. One that is a guarantee you will encounter while working in a restaurant is a family who allows their kids to run wild while they dine. This is a nightmare on so many different levels. For one, if you work in the the restaurant, an unchaperoned child running around like they own the place can be very dangerous. There are servers, busers, and all kinds of employees running around a restaurant and…
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace coworkers office life workplace creativity in the workplace coworker - 20728069

'We knew he was full of it': Lying one-upping coworker gets caught out in a lie that they can't live down

As human beings, we all develop interesting ticks and facets of our personalities that can manifest into very strange behavior. Often our desire to feel “good” and avoidance of feeling “bad” can cause us to make a series of consecutive decisions that see us walking too far down a particular path and becoming something we might never have anticipated. Take "Disney Adults" or any fandom as a prime example of this. You get exposed to something at some point in your life, say, Disney media and it m…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work quit reddit thread Reddit quitting toxic-work-environment - 20737541

'I just quit my job on the first day': Underpaid employee receives no training or oversight on day one, he quits while he can

If you sense red flags on the first day, you should know that things are unlikely to improve.
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'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (May 30, 2023)

'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (May 30, 2023)

Forever alone
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family drama bride family stories drama wedding-guest wedding wedding dress family family portrait stories weddings - 20715781

'It was a white lacy knee length dress': Internet backs bride for photoshopping white-dress-wearing niece in her wedding photos

This niece fell victim to one of the classic blunders… The most famous is: Never get involved in a land war in Asia. But only slightly less well-known is this: Never wear white to a wedding! (…or go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.) It's always surprising to see stories about people wearing white to a wedding; you would think that people would know (and obey) such a universal rule. Your job at a wedding is to blend into the crowd. There's nothing else that you need to do other t…
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20 Shirts with questionable designs

20 Shirts with terrible designs that will definitely cause wardrobe malfunctions

Don't be caught stepping out in any of these outfits . Check out these outfits below that you'd only buy for your worst enemy to wear. The only kind-of good shirt is the coffee stain one… in case you're a messy sort of dude. I'd also rock the “ Never do your best, quit ” shirt! It's subtly genius of the designer to create that one. Next up, check out this tale of an entitled shopper .
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customer-service customer home-depot freakout public-freakout employee customer kevin karen irl retail customers department-store i-quit quit quitting cashier check0out cart rude video

'The customer is NOT always right': Cashier quits on the spot after a rude, Memorial Day shopper takes a price check way too far (VIDEO)

Employee of the year goes to…
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'I deserve an apology': Bride told her brother that her wedding was child-free so he couldn't bring his kid, he arrives and there are children everywhere

'I deserve an apology': Bride told her brother that her wedding was child-free so he couldn't bring his kid, he arrives and there are children everywhere

That kid is going to resent her aunt for the rest of her life after this.
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