'His face went white when he saw me': Wannabe slumlord finally gets his comeuppance 10 years later from a tenant he never thought he'd see again

'His face went white when he saw me': Wannabe slumlord finally gets his comeuppance 10 years later from a tenant he never thought he'd see again

tip tipping tipping-culture no-tip service service-industry hot-take opinion interesting customer customer-service nyc subway subway-takes

'If I have to go up to order, I'm not tipping': Working woman shares a hot take on tipping culture, raising torches and pitchforks in the comment section

‘Dude, I’m already here, are you kidding me': Customer wastes 3 hours of time and gas after arriving at car seller's home only to be told van is already sold

‘Dude, I’m already here, are you kidding me': Customer wastes 3 hours of time and gas after arriving at car seller's home only to be told van is already sold

heroic heroics random hero stranger cyberbully bully deserves deserved reddit epic awesome dean college sleuth detective investigator

'I put on my Harriet the Spy raincoat and went to work': Heroic stranger vanquishes a cyberbully, hanging the culprit's dirty laundry in the college Dean's office

terrible coworkers cash register boss workplace-stories jobs employee work stories job retail bosses retail worker work coworkers working employees workplace coworker - 25107973

'My coworker has an obsession with my job position': Retail worker refuses to leave baby department, repeatedly asks coworker, "When are you leaving?"

Sleep-deprived nurse ruins neighboring college's 50-year-old tradition: '[They were] playing the same song on repeat between 8:00am and 6:00pm for 10 days'

Sleep-deprived nurse ruins neighboring college's 50-year-old tradition: '[They were] playing the same song on repeat between 8:00am and 6:00pm for 10 days'

'If I were your wife I’d ask for an IQ test': Podcast advice causes new father to ruin his marriage

'If I were your wife I’d ask for an IQ test': Podcast advice causes new father to ruin his marriage

'Oopsie, hung up on ya': Guy gets back at relentless debt collectors, infuriates them until they stop calling

'Oopsie, hung up on ya': Guy gets back at relentless debt collectors, infuriates them until they stop calling

Top 25+ Unpopular Opinions of the Week

Top 25+ Unpopular Opinions of the Week

‘Dude, I know it's you…’: Man confronts neighbor who attempted to steal his TV, neighborly dispute ensues

‘Dude, I know it's you…’: Man confronts neighbor who attempted to steal his TV, neighborly dispute ensues

'Cheese from the dollar store': 30+ Purchases people will never make again

'Cheese from the dollar store': 30+ Purchases people will never make again

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work i quit quit supervisor workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 24823045

Worker laments the firing of their 'crucial' supervisor who was leading their already understaffed team: 'I might just quit soon'

‘It's your duty as a brother’: Privileged parents attempt to take advantage of their son to give their preferred child financial independence

‘It's your duty as a brother’: Privileged parents attempt to take advantage of their son to give their preferred child financial independence

'They dinged my car': Guy gets even with bad driver, makes it impossible for him to pull out of his parking spot

'They dinged my car': Guy gets even with bad driver, makes it impossible for him to pull out of his parking spot

‘She should have seen it coming’: Employee gets back at micromanager by canceling all of her mailing subscriptions

‘She should have seen it coming’: Employee gets back at micromanager by canceling all of her mailing subscriptions

utilities entitlement drama house text messages Invalid Argument rent bills texting roommates entitled people - 25062405

Woman calls out entitled roommate for demanding $50 extra for utilities after using microwave 3 times in 1 week: 'You are literally home all day long'