Update: I walked out mid shift: Front desk agent quits after encounter with Karen and no support from manager

Update: 'I walked out mid shift': Front desk agent quits after encounter with Karen and no support from manager

Quitting impulsively may not be ideal, but sometimes less than ideal is more than necessary.
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satisfying-Karen-shutdown funny-karen-story demanding-karen karen-shutdown Reddit karen - 21349637

'I demand that you fire him!' [...] 'I can't': Heroic 6'5" and 250Ibs man comes to the rescue of young pharmacist getting berated by Karen customer

Any sort of job that involves customer service is going to attract Karens. It's just inevitable. Why? Who knows? Maybe it's because entitled people think that “customer service” means that the employee needs to wait on them hand and foot and if they do anything wrong they can smite them? We don't know for sure… But we all know that these types of entitled customers have earned the named Karen. Going to pick up your prescription can be a quick and painless process, or, if there was a mixup with…
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'You don't have a choice in the matter': Assistant manager tries to force worker to work closing shift, they quit on the spot

'You don't have a choice in the matter': Assistant manager tries to force worker to work closing shift, they quit on the spot

It turns out they had a choice after all…. The bounds of any authority are limited, but that doesn't stop those wielding it from consistently overestimating where those limits are. And, when you're the assistant manager of a pizza place, the bounds of your authority are probably much less than you think… Your power in that position isn't unchecked—it's not like you're the United States Secretary of Defense or anything. Still, as always, where there exists a single shred of power, there is someo…
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'There was zero cooperation': Employees team up to make coworker lose important client

'There was zero cooperation': Employees team up to make coworker lose important client

Office camaraderie is never stronger when you're pitted against an annoying coworker or boss . It really brings people together to know that you're both subject to the whims of a jerk who you can't do anything about. There are certainly better ways to build team camaraderie , but you work with what you have. This malicious compliance story comes from u/flavius_lacivious, who worked at a manufacturing plant in the shipping and receiving department . Unfortunately for them, they were surrounded b…
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‘My boss made me work 13 hours without a break': Employee quits job without giving notice, then drives 9 hours back home

‘My boss made me work 13 hours without a break': Employee quits job without giving notice, then drives 9 hours back home

Often when hearing of a good job opportunity, people are on their best behavior, hoping that they'll pass the interview. After they get the job, the pretty picture that the company carefully curated begins to crumble, leaving a gaping black hole behind the velvet curtains that turn out to be a prop. In this case, OP was convinced by a friend to drive 9 hours for a new job that sounded at first like a ‘good gig’. It took OP exactly 3.5 days to realize that something was very off about their boss…
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'You are ALWAYS like this': Karen's outburst makes a barista quit on the spot

'You are ALWAYS like this': Karen's outburst makes a barista quit on the spot

Working in any kind of customer service, you're constantly exposed to the worst sorts of people. When you're still fresh and green into a customer service job, you approach it with a certain sense of optimism, telling yourself and anyone who asks how excited you are to help people and make a difference in their life with your incredible service. With bright eyes, you look around you, wondering why your seasoned coworkers are so haggard and embittered, approaching the day with a thousand-yard st…
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'Chill out': Boss gives overachieving employee a warning for working too hard

'Chill out': Boss gives overachieving employee a warning for working too hard

Does anyone else totally wish they had this guy as their boss?
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Top 28 Dating App Flops of the Week (July 13, 2023)

Top 28 Dating App Flops of the Week (July 13, 2023)

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30+ Technically Correct Memes of Hilarious Utter Nonsense

30+ Technically Correct Memes of Hilarious Utter Nonsense

There's a certain joy in something completely non-serious. With all that's happening constantly in our lives and in the world at large, everything often feels as if it is so dreadfully serious—there's no escaping the weight of how immensely serious everything is. But, in a certain way, it becomes about perspective and the things that we choose to focus our minds on. Shifting our thoughts towards a lighter place can often lighten the load weighing us down and bring us relief that we thought to b…
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'My boss screamed at my coworker for no reason, so I quit the next day': Colleague gets unfairly reprimanded, higher-up employee shows his objection by quitting

'My boss screamed at my coworker for no reason, so I quit the next day': Colleague gets unfairly reprimanded, higher-up employee shows his objection by quitting

It's 2023, if you're allowing your boss to treat you like they own you, you need to quit ASAP. We're not taking a toxic workplace anymore, no sir. We are all human, and your place of employment needs you just as much as you need them if not more! They wouldn't be a functioning business without its employees, so if they are not treating your right—sayonara! Seriously guys, that toxic boomer mentality to go above your pay grade just to get degraded by your employer is coming to an end and we appl…
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'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

The only thing more entertaining than watching someone quit is watching them quit in glorious fashion.
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'Congratalations on your weeding': 25+ Freshly baked cake mistakes

'Congratalations on your weeding': 25+ Freshly baked cake mistakes

We get distracted by the outside, but it's what's on the inside that counts. That's especially true with cakes, which can look stunning on the outside (thanks to fondant or other technically-edible decorations) but taste bland and dry on the inside. In my book, no matter how unfortunate the cake turns out , if it tastes good, it's still a win. Everyone has had a few baking mishaps . There was that time when we were all stuck indoors for a while back in 2020, and a lot of us got into baking brea…
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'I had earplugs in and could hear you screaming the entire time': Karen and Kevin get called out by passenger for shouting during the whole flight

'I had earplugs in and could hear you screaming the entire time': Karen and Kevin get called out by passenger for shouting during the whole flight

Airplane etiquette continues to be on the decline.
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employee fired sick quit quitting sick-leave leave company raise salary wrongful-termination boss money paycheck payday work reddit antiwork reddit-thread

'Not for less than $45/hour': Irreplaceable employee gets fired after falling sick; two years later, the company begs him to return; he refuses unless he gets a 40% raise

‘Know your worth’ is a phrase we usually hear when we're down in the dumps on a break up, but some of the unlucky few get this 3-word pep talk from strangers online when they get fired from a dead-end job. In this case, a loyal employee and construction manager for a large company, got fired after he got extremely ill. Because he had to call out sick for 2 months, the higher ups decided he was no longer ‘employee’ material and phoned in their pink slip.
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workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace workplace-discussion employment-issues workplace reddit thread employment-concerns - 21313285

'I have another job during the weekends': Boss changes employees schedule with two days notice, forcing them to choose between this or abandoning their second job

If you're working a full-time job that doesn't pay you enough to make ends meet, why on earth are you working that job? Better yet, how are they justifying paying you less than the basic living wage? Then when you eventually have to go and take up a second job to make up for the shortfall, how dare they go and make an issue about it, harping on about “loyalty” as if you owe them an ounce of it. This was the matter at hand when a user on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit community shared a highly pe…
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'Projects started running behind': HR micromanager asks everyone to start work at the same time

'Projects started running behind': HR micromanager demands everyone starts work at the same time, cue "mass malicious compliance"

Keeping employees happy and productive is a delicate balance. No one told this to the new HR manager, who took it upon herself to make some “improvements."
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