'[He said] you are all replaceable, so we all said ok': 10+ work stories where everyone quit together

'[He said] you are all replaceable, so we all said ok': 10+ work stories where everyone quit together

There are moments in everyone's working lives when management goes too far and everyone knows it. These are the kinds of moments when you look across the room at your coworker and you immediately question if they are thinking what you're thinking. Perhaps there is a clear look in their eyes or perhaps there is a slight nod, the kind of exchange that signifies, “Are we doing this? Yes, yes we are." What happens next is the kind of solidarity among employees people only dream of… if only the circ…
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‘We bottle the same wine blends, under different brand names’: 20+ industry secrets employees come clean about

‘We bottle the same wine blends, under different brand names’: 20+ industry secrets employees come clean about

It turns out that every industry has their dirty little secrets. Even the ones who claim to be “100% transparent," are most definitely not. It's difficult to be honest about every little thing as a human, so you can only imagine how bad large corporations are at it. It's not shocking to find out that companies are keeping secrets from you. We all go buy a new car with the expectation of getting oversold, or buy merchandize that claims something that makes your eyes roll with how untrue it is. M…
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antiwork workplace-stories work workplace-discussion workplace Horrible Bosses - 22203653

'I only held this job for the paycheck': Car wash worker written-up for not being "enthusiastic" enough after they turned down a "promotion" without a pay rise

The working arrangement is a relatively simple one: You provide your time and skills to your employer, and they provide you with a paycheck. Management likes to snazz this up and conceive unnecessary complications that weave a longer, meandering line between these two endpoints, but no matter how large of a labyrinth they build, those two endpoints remain in the same place. Things like being told you and your coworkers are a “family” “crew” or “partners," or the use of any other euphemisms to a…
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'He announced to the office that unhealthy snacks were banned': Office employee tells of their always-late coworker who 'failed upward' into management

'He announced to the office that unhealthy snacks were banned': Office employee shares tales of their always-late coworker who 'failed upward' into management

Imagine being late for work every single day , and still keeping your position. This guy, Kevin, did exactly that — and as one of his coworkers shared, he had a lot of really strange and irritating habits around the office. “I had the deep misfortune of working with a Kevin for almost 2.5 years,” writes u/aspiriningpugowner. They write that Kevin (a shorthand for extra-goofy people with no common sense) had numerous bad habits that ended up making his coworkers laugh at him. For example, he was…
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'The look on her face when I told her': Woman discovers her roommate has been stealing her washcloths, gets even by planting a dirty one

'The look on her face when I told her': Woman discovers her roommate has been stealing her washcloths, gets even by planting a dirty one

If you've ever had an inconsiderate roommate, you probably know that it can be challenging to confront them when their behavior is out of line. Sometimes, direct confrontation isn't even the best way to make your point. It's just like how showing rather than telling can be a better way to deliver a message. Sometimes, you have to show your roommate just how inconsiderate they are by giving them a taste of their own medicine. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/psych…
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'Non action and stop excitement': 20 Garbled signs that almost make sense

Creating a sign shouldn't be this difficult. We can't all be sign experts! And sometimes you need a quick sign ASAP. So you scribble one out with a marker, and carry on with your day. Sometimes the sign-maker is a bad speller. Others simply got too creative with the placement of each word, making it nearly impossible to figure out what the flyer is trying to say. People captured photos of these signs found out in the wild. Some say these posters and flyers are still up today, haunting the walls…
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'The entire wedding party got food poisoning': 20 weddings that completely fell apart

'The entire wedding party got food poisoning': 20 weddings that completely fell apart

There are some wedding ceremonies you'll never forget for all the wrong reasons. As fall wedding season commences, let's take a trip down memory lane and recall those ceremonies that completely fell apart. Hopefully, the ceremonies that come to mind do not include your own. Personally speaking, I will have been a part of six wedding parties before the end of the year. That's right. Six. If I don't get some kind of a medal at the end of this, I will likely be the cause of one of these dramatic c…
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‘This is all your fault’: HOA fines residents $63,000 after fire sprinkler goes off, despite building staff's incompetence

‘This is all your fault’: HOA fines residents $63,000 after fire sprinkler goes off, despite building staff's incompetence

Apartment residents don't always have complete control over what happens in their home, and sometimes nature does its duty, a contractor pulls the wrong wire, or your four year old nephew pulls the fire alarm. Whatever the case may be, sometimes our supervision and good intentions make no difference. Such was the case for one person whose fire sprinkler went off due to something their contractor did. Of course, OP was not at fault, but the HOA apparently disagreed. Let's start at the beginning.…
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'She took credit for all my work': 10 Workers share stories about the worst bosses they ever worked for

As they say: It takes all kinds. It's our differences, our unique skills, perspectives, and experiences, that make us who we are, distinctive in our approach and demeanor from the other folks. The sum of our parts makes us decidedly better at different things, and when we band together, there's no telling what we can accomplish. While that's all feel-good and hunky-dory, and while we should always seek never to judge, it's worth recognizing that, sometimes, these unique traits come together to…
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'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor delivers HOA repeated email requests after HOA says their yard is 'out of compliance'

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor bombards HOA with requests after HOA says they're 'out of compliance'

This person's "dirt cheap" home came with a catch — an unceasing HOA.
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'Someone is drinking it without shame:' Coworker comes up with perfect concoction to catch the office iced tea thief

'Someone is drinking it without shame:' Coworker comes up with perfect concoction to catch the office iced tea thief

There is a lot to be annoyed about when working in an office, but one that is a common occurrence to many is an office fridge thief. Sure, it's a shared fridge that everyone in the office uses, but that by no means declares all the food in there to be shared amongst everyone in the office. Usually these fridge thieves are so audacious that they don't even care if there is a name on the item. You can straight up ask the office to please stop taking your lunch or whatever and you still will get i…
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funny-workplace-story corporate workplace-story malicious compliance work workplace corporate-life - 21976837

'I'd come in three or four hours late': New corporate management instates overreaching attendance policy, worker takes advantage and comes in late

Punishment: A negative stimulus administered in response to you doing something that you shouldn't have done in order to discourage you from doing it again. The hope here is that this would be severe enough to prevent further instances of the behavior. While that's all well and good, the punishment needs to fit the crime… if it's not severe enough, the behavior will probably just continue, especially when the person you're trying to incentivize isn't particularly incentivize-able—probably becau…
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'They canceled my two weeks off': HR approves employee's PTO for their mother's funeral, then cancels request, employee has an outburst

'They canceled my two weeks off': HR approves employee's PTO for her mother's funeral, then cancels request, employee has an outburst

Every human resources department has been known for some shady behavior to protect the interests of the company rather than the interests of the actual humans who work there. Ironic, much? We all have these kinds of stories, particularly ones that involve employee benefits like paid time off. It's a tale as old as time: an employee requests vacation time for an important event like a wedding or a funeral, their boss approves said vacation time, then shames them in some way as the dates actually…
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'You need to leave. This is private property.': Demanding new manager kicks worker off grounds despite long drive, worker takes whole day off

'You need to leave. This is private property.': Demanding new manager kicks worker off grounds despite long drive, worker takes whole day off

Where to begin with this one, beats me… One worker cleverly got out of doing their job for an entire day after showing up at a location for work, and getting kicked off the grounds. How did it even get to that? You will find out in a minute. So, what happened goes as follows… The OP was working at a large supermarket chain in England a few years ago, and because other stores were short staffed, OP was often asked by managers to drive and fill in. One day, management asked them to drive a couple…
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Industry Pros Reveal 'Dirty Little Secrets' From Work That'll Make You Want to Call OSHA

Working for a company really shows you the ugly underbelly of certain industries. While many of us were grossed out by our first job at ‘that one’ unclean restaurant– the one with the roaches– we all assumed that was just a one-off coincidence and other restaurants, especially high-end ones, would be MUCH cleaner… Oh, we have been so naïve.
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hair tantrum salon hair style stylist hair cut wedding tantrums malicious compliance - 22166021

'We all had a bit of a chuckle at her tantrum': Hair salon tells woman she can't bring friends with her, woman cancels her own wedding hair appointment

These salon workers have a long wait list, so they can afford to pick and choose which customers they'll serve. I wish more businesses were run this way. As u/MissAcedia shared, she works at a day spa that is very busy. Due to their long wait list of customers wanting a nice hair cut or day at the spa, their days are packed full. So when customers act up or get upset about scheduling issues, it's no problem for the OP to take them out of her calendar. After all, if you provide a great service,…
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