suburbs neighbors petty-revenge-reddit revenge petty revenge petty pranks Bad Neighbor passive aggressive - 22566661

'[I] spent hours online signing [him] up for every free publication I could find': Community praises man who went through extreme lengths to get revenge on a passive aggressive neighbor

Ah, the joys of suburban shenanigans. So this story takes place back in the 2000s when a young couple built their first home in a fancy new neighborhood. They're the newcomers, but things are all friendly at first. They even make friends with their older neighbors, Gary and his wife, until things started to get a lil spicy. The young couple, who we'll call Joe and Sarah, start doing well financially thanks to Joe's job as a land developer. They have a new house, new cars, and even a fancy wakeb…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace employment issues antiwork employment-discussion i quit quit Horrible Bosses quitting - 22585861

'I wasn't playing games': Oil rig worker calls their boss's bluff and quits when they're denied the chance to go home and visit their family

You should always be careful with ultimatums, particularly when you're really just on a power trip and bluffing… Sooner or later, someone is going to call you on your bluff, and you're going to be left standing there with your hands tied, looking pretty silly. Still, this is a favorite tactic amongst toxic managers, who relish the idea of threatening their workers with firing more than J. Jonah Jameson. There's nothing they enjoy more than putting a proverbial gun to your head, putting your fam…
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'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

It took many years for this employee to get even with his former coworker, but when the opportunity finally arose, he took full advantage of the moment. This epic story was shared on Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by u/Fuzed_Canadian , who was unjustly fired from a retail store after his coworker accused him of stealing valuable rings. OP suspected that he was framed and that the coworker wanted the rings for herself and also wanted to see OP go. However, he couldn't prove it. His other cowork…
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work work-memes boss manager supervisor employee relatable-work-memes relatable work-sucks funny-work-memes

28 Silly Memes That Confirm That Your Boss is Just Thee Kids in a Trench Coat

Relatable work memes for employees whose manager is a total nincompoop
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catfish ask reddit relationship advice scammer ex girlfriend scammed relationship-drama girlfriends relationships girlfriend online dating dating - 22567685

'When I asked her about the differences in looks she had a meltdown': 20+ Singles share their experience being deceived and catfished by dates they met online

A lot of things in life aren't what they seem, but at least we're terrifyingly used to disappointment, thanks to having most things oversold to us by advertising only to have the reality be somewhat lackluster in comparison. The liberal usage of old or adjusted photos on dating apps is just the same strategy that real estate agents use when they photoshop a tiny bed into a photo of a closet-sized room in order to make it bigger and justify selling a two-bedroom house as a three-bedroom. In both…
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reddit reddit-thread reddit-story malicious-compliance aita petty revenge mother-in-law family family-matters husband pregnant wife daughter-in-law daughter reimbursed

‘Not an opportunity to make a quick buck’: Mother-in-law tries to charge her pregnant daughter $400+ for cleaning the house, while she was at the hospital giving birth

Usually good Samaritan behavior is something people don't expect reimbursement for, but apparently for one woman, her mother-in-law expected to be paid in full for her good deeds.
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'She's now known as the Kangaroo Karen': Top Karens of the Week (October 10, 2023)

'She's now known as the Kangaroo Karen': Top Karens of the Week (October 10, 2023)

This week, it seems like the Male Karens (or Kevins and Kyles, as they've been called) came out to play. Once again, this just further proves our point that anyone can be an entitled Karen, just like anyone can aspire to achieve anything in this world. So no matter who you are, you too can fulfill your dream of being a Karen. This week's list incorporates various settings, from a Wendy's to a pet store. And, of course, we have another classic customer service phone call story. Look, we've all b…
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'[They] asked about who her shoe cobbler was': 20+ Subtle signs that you're talking to someone wealthy

'[They] asked about who her shoe cobbler was': 20+ Subtle signs that you're talking to someone wealthy

Money isn't everything… no, I take that back, it is everything. Money is perhaps 80% of life. People who already have money absolutely love to tell you that “Money isn't everything.” If you're a lonesome lawyer working 90 hours per week who never sees their family, like in a Hallmark movie, than I guess that makes sense. But for most of us, who do have loving family and friends and a moral compass, having an injection of cash would make life a whole lot easier! When you have money, you can get…
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'I [...] thought it would be more fun to comply': Supervisor insists on making employees submit requests for mandatory training programs, employee maliciously complies

'I [...] thought it would be more fun to comply': Supervisor insists on making employees submit requests for mandatory training programs, employee maliciously complies

When your bosses change policies in such a way that results in them being overwhelmed with more and more paperwork, you can't help but think that they brought it on themselves. Furthermore, you should not necessarily feel bad if you decide to follow their rules, knowing it will make their lives more difficult. After all, they were the ones who insisted on the policy change. They were the ones who didn't have the intellect to foresee how this would only make things worse. This employee and their…
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dogs puppy sibling rivalry siblings revenge dog owner petty revenge Reddit doggo - 22562565

'She screamed when she opened her door': Guy teaches sister a lesson for expecting him to petsit while she goes out with her friends

So, a woman gets a free dog as a gift from a family friend. She's all excited to be this doggo's parent, right? But she's doing a pretty lousy job at it. This poor pup is only eight months old, and he needs constant attention and pets. But as the woman tends to her busy social life, she seems to think her siblings are on doggy duty 24/7.
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pro revenge scammer petty-revenge-reddit malicious compliance car revenge revenge-stories cars scammers petty revenge car accident revenge-stories-reddit - 22571525

'My dash cam was running the entire time': Family tries to pull scam after car accident they caused but guy has a dash cam

There is no shortage of dishonest people in this world, a fact that becomes readily apparent as soon as you get in even the most minimal of traffic collisions. There are honest people, too, but you're hardly going to remember the time you got into a traffic collision with the nicest guy on earth, are you? At that point, you're exchanging information and going your separate ways, and while inconvenient, it becomes kind of a non-issue. People don't like owning up to accountability, and to be fair…
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'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' plan draws attention to his leadership

'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' outrageous plan draws attention to his leadership

This superintendent decided to give the student government a project. That was his first mistake! U/The_Bee_Sneeze shared this interesting tale from their high school days as an overachiever. The OP writes that they were in the student government for the same reasons everyone else is: because it looks good when you're applying to colleges. It looks great on a resume, and the only things you really do are things like planning the Homecoming Dance or putting up flyers around the school. However,…
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‘I still find it funny to this day’: Roommate gets voted off the island by petty roomies, repossess all of the lightbulbs and toilet paper in the house

‘I still find it funny to this day’: Roommate gets voted off the island by petty roomies, repossess all of the lightbulbs and toilet paper in the house

Sometimes you gotta get just the right amount of petty to teach someone a lesson. Sometimes that's the only language people speak. Nothing crazy, just something you learn from and can maybe laugh about later. That is exactly the move this guy pulled when he was forced to move out. This guy was voted out of the house by all of his roommates for various petty reason. All things that could have easily been remedy if they just had tried talking to him. But nope, they went straight for asking this g…
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world of warcraft Pokémon the legend of zelda gaming online gaming halo super mario gaming memes pc gaming xbox video games zelda mario ask reddit - 22570245

'I become 10 again anytime I hear any theme from Pokemon': 40+ Gamers share the games that hold a special place in their hearts

There are times in your life when a story or a work of art will speak to you in volumes that exceed the bounds of the original creation. Whatever the reason, the place, or the time, that thing stuck with you—maybe it filled a void in your life, or maybe the story, music, or something more abstract resonated with you at that particular moment, or maybe it was a means to connect with people in a way that might not have otherwise been possible.
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'I'll never be someone's backup plan': Guy gets rejected, told the position has been filled, they come crawling back begging to him

'I'll never be someone's backup plan': Job candidate gets rejected, they come crawling back begging to her a week later, she rejects them

If you're ever hiring to fill a position, be careful what you say to prospective candidates because your comments just might come back to haunt you one day. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/ReneeStone27 , who had applied to interview for a position despite living a couple of miles outside the desired area. Still, she came to the interview prepared only to be rejected and told that the position had been filled. The hiring manager went further to chastise OP as if it was their fault for inte…
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'My bill was a third of what it would have been': Diner gets cheaper bill after sticking it to the 'Mean Girl' waitresses who were picking on the new guy

'My bill was a third of what it would have been': Diner gets cheaper bill after sticking it to the 'Mean Girl' waitresses who were picking on the new guy

Usually, it's the customers Reddit loves to complain about when it comes to sharing service industry stories. That, or to vent about a manager or coworker. Rarely do we see everyone agreeing with a customer who had a poor experience, and rightfully so because these servers are usually having a rough time. However, this story gets into the nitty gritty of working with “lifer” waiters who do nothing buy judge and be unhelpful. If you've ever worked in the service industry you have probably come a…
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