malicious-compliance reddit thread story quality-control qc factory manufacturing manufacturer employee boss work

Boss Loses €5,000 After He Tells His Quality Control Officer to Lower Standards to Boost Productivity; Catches Backlash From All Major Clients

The entire point of a quality control officer in a manufacturing plant is to ensure that the products aren't defective. Literally, the only reason this checkpoint exists is to weed out terrible products and prevent them from going to the client. So what is a QC employee supposed to do when their boss tells them to stop doing their job? Maliciously comply of course.
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malicious-compliance reddit software-engineer tech ceo boss manager screenshots screenshot fired quitting work work-drama

'I pulled up the screenshot': Boss tries to blame poor executive choices on his software engineer; gets ousted when their CEO discovers who actually lost their biggest client

Screenshots are king. These are the only irrefutable evidence that can shut down any argument in the blink of an eye– there's no need for anymore he-said/she-said, we've got all the proof we need right here. Usually in people's love life, screenshots can demolish a toxic relationship in an instant, but in the workplace, a well-timed screenshot can save your hide… and your career.
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Cops stop driver for traffic violation, he tears up his own cash

'You're gonna...make this even worse for yourself?': Cops stop driver for traffic violation, driver tears up his own cash

This guy had an interesting reaction to being pulled over by police . As police officers approached this dude's vehicle, they informed him that he was about to get a ticket. The price of the ticket is a mere $10, which is probably the cheapest ticket I've ever heard of. But nevertheless, this guy began to freak out, all while the passenger next to him stares ahead in silence. There's no amount of cash that's worth tearing up for this reason. However, the driver justifies the decision by insisti…
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mom moms momfluencer influencer mommy social-media kids park likes playground parenting parents parent bad-parenting children child cringe reddit

'Get your kids out of the way': Wannabe mom-fluencer gets banished from the park after dominating the playground for her own personal photoshoot

Mom-fluencers are objectively the worst. Half the time, they're the type of parents that film their child's tantrums to teach their 20,000 followers how to manage meltdowns, but in real life they're forgetting to give their kid any genuine attention, they're late to pick them up from school because they were live-streaming at Target, and they're the parent that would rather get those likes instead of putting a bandaid on their kiddo's scraped knee.
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'Phil Collins sang like every fourth song on the radio': 30 Memes that only Gen Xers will understand

'Phil Collins sang like every fourth song on the radio': 30 Memes that only Gen Xers will understand

Gen X , these memes are just for you. You're in the baby bust generation, sometimes called the MTV generation , of people who were born between the years of 1965-1980. Your boomer parents probably raised you to be independent and take care of yourself in life, allowing you to spend all day outside with your friends. You came home when the sun set — no helicopter parenting for your generation! Now that Gen Xers are in their late 30s to 50s, they're becoming parents and grandparents themselves. T…
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'My date asked if we knew each other': Guy goes on cringe first date when he discovers his waitress is the other girl he was messaging that day

'My date asked if we knew each other': Guy goes on cringe first date when he discovers his waitress is the other girl he was messaging that day

It's not exactly easy to play it cool in a situation like this. Picture this: you wake up one morning and you scroll on social media for a bit. Then, you complete your lazy morning routine by checking out your dating app matches and messages. You start to message someone new, you exchange witty texts, and you agree to catch up later because you both have to get ready for work. You then check in with the person you had already been messaging for quite some time now because the two of you have a…
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'I don't believe in vacation': 30+ Interviewees who spotted red flags at the workplace and ran

'I don't believe in vacation': 30+ Interviewees who spotted red flags at the workplace and ran the other direction

Don't miss these waving red flags during your next job interview. It just might save you from wasting your time at a job that treats you terribly! One time, I went to a job interview that seemed a smidgen suspicious. The interviewer gave me the wrong interview time — midnight instead of noon — but I thought maybe it was just a chance for me to prove that I had a sharp eye for catching errors. Then, after the actual interview (at noon, not midnight), the place hired me within about twenty minute…
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'I went full Karen': Job applicant loses it at hiring manager's process, contacts HR, manager gets reprimanded

'I went full Karen': Job applicant rejects hiring manager's process, contacts HR, manager gets reprimanded

Job applicants often forget that they have more power than people think they do. In this case, we have a candidate who was lucky enough to be in a more choosy position with their job search. For instance, if a potential employer refused to disclose important information like salary from the get-go, this Redditor would withdraw their application immediately. Power to you, sir! Here's where things got messy. This one hiring manager had been messaging the applicant and requesting more information…
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‘The difference is massive’: Senior employee finds out a coworker is making $16K more than them, asks for a raise which they are denied

‘The difference is massive’: Senior employee finds out a coworker is making $16K more than them, asks for a raise which they are denied

Coworkers talk. And I am a firm believer that this is a good thing. It's your right to keep your salary to yourself, but I think there isn't anything wrong with sharing how much you make with fellow coworkers. Companies should have to deal with the repercussions of giving one employee way more than another, despite them both having the same qualifications. In this oh-too-familiar case, OP found out that they were making a whopping 16 THOUSAND dollars less than one of their coworkers, who was wo…
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customer service tales-from-the-front-desk tech support fired talesfromthefrontdesk it toxic-boss IT guy workplace Tech employment - 21789445

'The IT system had failed and no backups were done': IT guy banned from helping with unmanaged tasks at previous job, entire system goes down and boss gets fired

Visiting an old workplace is a weird experience. Seeing old friends and coworkers still bound by the same toxic policies and stresses that once held you stirs rippling memories like a stone skipping across a pond's still surface before coming to rest in waters that were better left undisturbed. While you attempt to make small talk and reconnect, you can't help but detect feelings of resentment from the old comrades you left behind; while once you suffered together, now you're free from this par…
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'I won't sign, come back later': Deputy project manager costs company $250k

'I won't sign, come back later': Deputy project manager rejects requests and ignores emails, costs company $250k

Working in logistics is an underappreciated job — this person's work wasn't appreciated until everything started going off the rails. When roles switch around in a company, things around bound to slip between the cracks. Especially when there are bosses like this guy, the deputy project manager on an Australian pipeline project. As he stepped in to replace the regular project manager , he didn't quite know who was responsible for which tasks. The OP of this story writes that their regular proje…
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job work quitting quit employee raise bar bartender boss manager schedule vacation leave time-off reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance

‘I got offered my old job back with another $1.50/hr thrown in’: Bartender quits on the spot when his approved vacation time gets revoked, management begs him to come back

Money is the only reason that people are grinding everyday at work– and what's the best thing to spend that money on? Traveling. When you get that paycheck every two weeks, it's hard to stop yourself from imagining a beach somewhere with your name on it– or in this case, it's tough not to imagine two tickets to see your favorite sports team with your long-distance girlfriend.
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pro revenge professor university students revenge revenge-stories college students teachers teacher Professors - 21789957

'Naturally, I graded them all with [a] zero': Professor catches out cheating students, ruins their vacations and fails them in his class

Cheaters never win… While this lesson might be taught to young children in order to discourage them from cheating, unfortunately, in the world at large, cheaters often do win and have a sizable advantage in the form of the shortcuts they're able to take instead of taking the long road like honest folk. Sure, sometimes they'll be caught, but if they have enough wealth or social status, they may just be given a slap on the wrist and sent on their way. Cheating in universities is rife, especially…
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'If you don't change it I'm getting a lawyer': HOA Kevin disapproves of neighbor's house color, neighbor gets even by buying more houses and painting them the same color

'If you don't change it I'm getting a lawyer': HOA Kevin disapproves of neighbor's house color, neighbor gets even by buying more houses and painting them the same color

Here's a friendly reminder that if you're not a fan of the color of your neighbor's house, too bad! It's none of your business! This Kevin detested the Redditor's new house color so much that he tried to form an HOA and pass rules to force his neighbor to change the color. Talk about someone with way too much time on his hands. If this guy had a job or responsibilities or some semblance of a social life, none of this drama would have unfolded the way that did. Unfortunately for the Redditor, ho…
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employee employer boss travel traveling budget business work-trip travel-for-work reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance

'My employer wouldn't approve $4 above our rate': Company forces traveling employee to book a cheaper hotel, not realizing it'll cost them over $300/day in overtime hours

When employees attempt to navigate company budgets, usually they have to cut through an outrageous amount of red tape in order to get anything adjusted. Obviously, in the real world, budgeting is simplified with a little leeway, but when it comes to businessmen traveling on the company dime, if you're just a penny over budget, there will be heckity heckin' heck to pay.
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marriage wedding drama revenge petty revenge marriage-drama wedding in laws weddings - 21736453

'I ruined his wedding photos': Brother-in-law tries to get guy fired from his job, so he pettily refuses to conform to wedding dress code

Ahh, family. Can't live with ‘em… and can’t live with 'em. While being one of the greatest and most fulfilling parts of life, family can also be one of the most toxic and infuriating. For some reason, being around family brings out the worst in us as well. As soon as we're back around our parents, we cease to be the functioning and capable adults we are and instead become our teenage selves, reacting with exasperated vitriol to any attempts our parents make to guide us. Our parents simultaneous…
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