'[HOA] said that sunflowers are not allowed': Guy enlists lawyer's help to get even with HOA, maliciously complies with contract by planting corn

'[HOA] said that sunflowers are not allowed': Guy enlists lawyer's help to get even with HOA, maliciously complies with contract by planting corn

Imagine being a lawyer and having someone walk into your office with a problem about sunflowers. That's right: this guy's axe to grind with his HOA was all about the row of sunflowers he wanted to plan outside of his house. This story serves as yet another example of why HOAs merely exist to cause drama, enforce silly rules, and watch you suffer the consequences. It's like having to endure adult detention, but the rules are even more ridiculous and even less clear. However, this man seemed to h…
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'With a smile [my boss told] me, "I see what you did there"': Manager and employee team up to stick it to large company's HR, gets paid extra in overtime

'With a smile [my boss told] me, "I see what you did there"': Manager and employee team up to stick it to large company's HR, gets paid extra in overtime

It's not often you read on the internet a good story between manager and employee. Usually, it's an employee struggling with an entitled manager or vice versa. However, we've recently come across a story where the brain and heart finally meet and we just had to share it . It all started with a feud with a large company's HR. Apparently, the company's HR was messing up the 3k+ employees' overtime payments and totally trying to pull one over on them. It was a very large issue and, luckily, the ma…
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‘Tripled their revenue; denied a raise’: Crumbling company pays $300,000 to customers after ambitious employees who tripled revenue quit, due to being denied a raise

‘Tripled their revenue; denied a raise’: Crumbling company pays $300,000 to customers after ambitious employees who tripled revenue quit, due to being denied a raise

Is there some kind of company playbook that we are all unaware of? Where the rules state, ‘Never give your employees a raise, especially if they are critical to your business success’? Beats me, to be honest. All I know is that so many bosses are clearly incompetent and not fit to make decisions that will effect the company's revenue. Corporate always intervenes when it's unnecessary, sticking their nose into everyone's business, yet ironically are nowhere to be found when their help is actuall…
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‘I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat': Resident uses power outage during storm to get back at outdoorsy neighbor after paying out of pocket for car repair

‘I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat': Resident uses power outage during storm to get back at outdoorsy neighbor after paying out of pocket for car repair

A storm can be your ally if you play your cards right. To be fair, there probably won't be many opportunities to use a storm to your advantage, but never say never. One person, u/Valladian, stumbled upon a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get back at his neighbor, who had committed the very non-neighborly act of denting in OP's car, and then denying he had anything to do with it. See, this neighbor, who for the sake of the story we'll call Chester, had a Jeep, which he used frequently for camp…
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landlord rental bad-landlord tenant landlords renting - 21962757

'He's moving in on Friday': Landlord tells tenants he's moving in with them

Having your landlord contact you to let you know they're moving into your spare room in a few days sounds like a great premise for a sitcom… but it would be a nightmare to live out in real life. But let's be honest, living with your landlord is never an ideal situation, especially when they go ahead and invite themselves into your living arrangement when you've signed a lease and made a legal agreement that the place is yours to live in for the duration of the agreement. Obviously, there are pr…
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'He gave her a receipt for a donation of $3 million': Father withholds money from one of his twin daughters after she takes a stand about her wedding

'He gave her a receipt for a donation of $3 million': Father withholds money from one of his twin daughters after she takes a stand about her wedding

No one can agree if this father is doing the right thing with his vast fortune.
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'[She] tried to force me to write with my right hand': 20+ terrible teacher stories as told by their former students

'[She] tried to force me to write with my right hand': 20+ terrible teacher stories as told by their former students

No matter how you feel about your childhood school days, chances are you had one teacher at some point whose impact was long-lasting and not in a good way. Sure, there are excellent teachers out there, ones who recognize good potential and understand how to motivate and encourage students from all walks of life. Those are the kinds of teachers you never forget in a good way. But at some point, you probably also had to deal with the opposite kind of educator, the kind who made your life difficul…
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'I will update you every possible moment': Squadron of interns overload senior doctor with dozens of phone calls

'I will update you every possible moment': Squadron of interns bombard senior doctor with dozens of phone calls after he calls them 'lazy'

Interns in training decided to take this senior doctor at his word. Too bad it totally backfired on him. They say aging is difficult — your body aches for no reason, you fall asleep in random places, and all the young people are talking about things you don't care about. Depending on the field you work in, however, seniority can be a great perk. If you're a professor, the more years you teach, the better your job security. And if you're a doctor, that's the exact path many professionals take to…
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'I said I’ll be with you in a moment, ma’am': Honking Karen at the local drive thru refuses to wait in line

'I said I’ll be with you in a moment, ma’am': Honking Karen at the local drive thru refuses to wait in line, barista loses it

Nothing will stop a Karen who's in need of her caffeine! The concept of a line? Not on her radar. How about being polite to the barista who's taking her order? Nope. What about patience? Forget about it. We don't expect patience from the Karens of the world. How foolish are we at this point? This is 2023, after all! This thread was posted to Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit by u/HotSeaworthiness8479 , who was working at an understaffed coffee shop at the time that was also the most popular o…
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'I may not have questioned the process… If I had gotten a bit of respect': Civil engineer spends 3 hours on redundant paperwork, asks HR about computerizing and gets entire filing department cut

'I may not have questioned the process… If I had gotten a bit of respect': Civil engineer spends 3 hours on redundant paperwork, asks HR about computerizing and gets entire filing department cut

Welcome to 2023, where everything is paperless. Even if you fill something out with a pen or pencil to paper, it usually gets inserted into some sort of online database. Places that still only use a paper filing method are simply mind boggling. So when this civil engineer was asked to do hours of paperwork for no reason, they had to say something. The engineer wrote their rant on Reddit : They work as a civil engineer for a large military construction company and when they were transferred to a…
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neighbors neighborhood revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 21931781

'I returned the favor': Worst neighbor ever steals dude's stuff, dude tricks the police give him the theif's stuff too

Having terrible neighbors is never fun—as we've covered many times… Noisy, inconsiderate, selfish neighbors make the barest existence unmanageable as it is, but when you have neighbors who are properly messing with your property, even going as far as to steal from you… that is crossing some serious lines. You'd hope that it would never come to this, as when things get this bad this close to home, there's no way no one is walking away without any proverbial bruises. And unless the offenses are d…
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'[I] got a $3 gift card to Sonic': 20+ Partiers who attended the worst soirées ever

'[I] got a $3 gift card to Sonic': 20+ Partiers who attended the worst soirées ever

Great parties are a dime a dozen, but a party that goes completely off the rails will be talked about forever. U/Swansatron had an intriguing query for the r/AskReddit community: “Reddit, what was the worst party you ever attended?” Every answer was a little different — some people shared the funniest things that ever happened, while others revealed they threw parties that hardly anyone attended.
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tardy late main-character summer-camp camp teacher authority rebel rebellion justice story feel-good reddit malicious-compliance triumph

'I was having my main character moment': Summer camp student gets unjustly marked tardy after walking into class a few seconds late; she epically rebels by ditching class immediately

Good students feel guilty about being late to class. When we're young, the ‘people pleaser’ and goody-two-shoes in all of us gets fueled by teacher approval and getting gold stars, but deep down, there's always a spicy rebel just waiting to be unleashed.
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workplace-stories tech support toxic-workplace malicious compliance revenge coworkers technology it IT guy Tech coworker - 21990405

'I stopped doing their work for them': Company experiences huge losses when developer stops doing her coworker's work for them, exposing them

Pulling far greater than your own weight at work—or in any team—is a common frustration to experience and can make you feel like you're carrying an incredible burden on your shoulders. What's worse, it can make you wonder whether any effort is even worth it… Why bother working so hard if your coworkers are just going to refuse to do their fair share (and get away with doing less) anyway? This is something that you first encounter in grade school in the form of group projects, with some members…
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'Ted was cast aside to make room for the owner's son': IT employee with 40+ years of experience gets fired and replaced by inexperienced nepo baby

'Ted was cast aside to make room for the owner's son': IT employee with 40+ years of experience gets fired and replaced by inexperienced nepo baby

Is this business owner trying to run his company into the ground? It would almost be a better decision on his part to make his inexperienced nepo baby son his co-CEO. Whoever thought that firing the IT guy with over 40 years of experience on the job and promoting the owner's son instead should be, well, fired! What happened to Ted, whose story was shared by a coworker via this Reddit thread , is unfortunately all too common. Ted was given a generous severance package in exchange for a promise t…
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‘You can have as much overtime as you want, just do your job’: Factory worker turns off production machines after being instructed to ‘wash windows’, leading to a holdup in entire factory's production

‘You can have as much overtime as you want, just do your job’: Factory worker turns off production machines after being instructed to ‘wash windows’, leading to a holdup in entire factory's production

People often ponder what ‘being cheap’ looks like in a company, and it is strongly apparent that those particular people do not work in cheap companies. In too many places, bosses love to assign their employees extra work, giving them multiple jobs to do that don't necessarily fit their job description, and cheap out on hiring somebody else to do what needs to be done. Most of the time, they get away with it. But every so often, an employee shows them who is boss, by maliciously complying to a…
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