golf FAIL swing - 257030

Golfer Swings So Hard His Golf Club Breaks In Half And Flies Into The Crowd

Oh God. WHY?

FAIL redneck DIY stupid flamethrower - 256518

This DIY Redneck Flamethrower Goes Horribly Wrong

Internet has tons of hilarious questions after some guy gets his junk stuck in weight plate at the gym.

Internet's Roasting This Idiot Alive After He Got His Junk Stuck In A Gym Weight

Collection of funny tinder conversations where people got roasted when they were trying to date.

10 Tinderers Who Got Savagely Demolished During Their Dating Struggles

Guy Trolls Phone Thief After They Text Him Trying to Get The Password and Tricks Them Into Turning The Phone In

Guy Trolls Phone Thief After They Text Him Trying to Get The Password and Tricks Them Into Turning The Phone In

Cheezburger Image 255750

WIN: Disabled Man Sees Antiques Roadshow Highest Appraisal & Realizes He Has The Same Item

nest FAIL bees - 255494

Man Fails During Idiotic Attempt To Remove A Hornet's Nest

Strange WTF facts to keep your brain entertained this evening | Dog - WTF fun fact #T64 Due historically long bond between dogs and humans, dogs have evolved understand human laughter. | Person - WTF fun fact T626 Two percent people carry an unusual form specific gene (ABCC11 means their armpits never smell.

29 Strange Fun Facts To Keep Your Mind Entertained With New Knowledge

15 funny newspaper headlines that left us confused and laughing.

15 Bizarre Newspaper Headlines That Left Us Laughing and Confused

People Who Got Roasted Hard

10 People Who Got Roasted Hard

Bon Appétit fails terribly on news headline about millennial average spending on food, and people are trolling them on Twitter.

Internet's Trolling Bon Appétit After Their Millennial Math Fail

Guys that were creepy online when they tried to be too nice.

12 Creepy Nice Guys That Overwhelmed Women With Cringe

dank and funny monday memes that help make the Monday Blues better by keeping you entertained with laughs.

20 Delightfully Dank Memes To Fight The Monday Blues

15 people share terribly embarrassing moments they've found themselves stuck in on Twitter.

15 People Share The Horribly Embarrassing Situations They've Found Themselves Stuck In

Calvin Klein sweater with terrible design that is missing a torso is getting roasted by people and it's hilarious.

Ridiculous Overpriced Calvin Klein Sweater That's Missing A Torso Is Getting Rightfully Roasted to Smithereens