Video of a drunk guy struggling to use iPhone captures the struggle of making it through a Monday.

Drunk Guy Failing To Use iPhone Captures The Struggle Of Surviving A Monday

New York rats battling it out over a french fry is the funniest, ridiculous fight video of 2017.

New York Rats Battling It Out Over French Fry Is The Fight Of 2017

Collection of unpleasant facts that'll make you very uncomfortable.

22 Unpleasant Facts That'll Give You Stress Sweats

Guy's hilarious prank on mom goes viral for most obvious reason possible.

Guy's Hilarious Snapchat Prank On Mom Goes Viral For Being Pure Genius

Cranky guy gets mad at NBA basketball player, Lebron James for taking a video selfie with him on the NY subway.

Cranky Guy Gets Mad At Lebron James For Taking Video Seflie With Him On NY Subway

EA Causes An Internet Uproar Over Horribly Handled Microtransactions in 'Star Wars: Battlefront 2', Gets Most Down-Voted Reddit Comment of All Time

EA Causes An Internet Uproar Over Horribly Handled Microtransactions in 'Star Wars: Battlefront 2', Gets Most Down-Voted Reddit Comment of All Time

twitter petty coffee - 3978245

Ridiculously Petty Sean Hannity Fans Boycott Keurig Coffee On Twitter

Trump gets trolled on Twitter for ridiculous SE Asian handshake, where he grimaces the entire time through.

President Trump Has Hilariously Uncomfortable Struggle With Southeast Asian Handshake

People who lied and then got called out on social media for telling lies.

10 Ridiculous Liars Who Got Called Out In Glorious Fashion On Social Media

Ridiculous texts from jerks that were met with hilarious, awesome responses.

17 Hilarious Responses To Unbelievable Texts From Grade A Jerks

Funny twitter moments that will keep you entertained - girl eating fries and how if she uses a fork she is not going to do that thing you like.

50 Funny Twitter Moments To Keep You Entertained

15 reasons to not get married told by divorce lawyers

15 Lawyers Describe the Worst Ways They Saw People Get F*cked Over In Divorces

Video of road rage incident involves some crazy person throwing their cup of coffee at the car .

Coffee-Soaked Road Rage Incident Is A Total Nightmare

People Who Totally 'Nailed It'

22 People Who Totally 'Nailed It'

Extremely Inappropriate People Who Need to Be Banned From Social Media

20 Extremely Inappropriate People Who Need to Be Banned From Social Media

girl claims to have drawn well known internet drawing of alice and wonderland's rabbit and she gets called out - cover image to a list of hilarious fails

15 Hilarious Moments Where Liars Got Busted On Social Media