Collection of dirty, X-rated history facts that were far too dirty for the classroom.

15 X-Rated History Facts Far Too Dirty For the Classroom

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Still One of Our Favorite Funny Amazon Reviews to Date!

Funny Amazon review of the Incredible Hulk hands toy.
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Limerick Larry the 'Poet of PornHub' Captured Our Hearts and Minds

11 Times Limerick Larry the 'Poet of PornHub' Captured Our Hearts and Minds

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Wife leaves her husband alone with their 6-month old daughter and hilarious dirty texting conversation ensues.

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Millennial's Are Apparently Killing Every Industry and We Should Feel Bad

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When You Fail at Life and Become a Criminal, But Then You Suck at That Too

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Not Ready For That Jump Whatsoever

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Idiots that don't understand the female anatomy at all.

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