Funny movie posters that are brutally honest.

39 Brutally Honest Movie Titles That Didn't Hold Back

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People Share the Horrifying 'Incidents' That Occurred At Their School

43 People Share the Horrifying 'Incidents' That Occurred At Their School

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Weird picture of dog taken at strange angle ends up resulting in optical illusion.

Internet's Deeply Disturbed By WTF Dog Picture Illusion

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Guy goes on ridiculous rant about why printers are ridiculous pieces of technology.

Guy Goes On Crazy Rant About Why Printers Are Archaic Pieces Of Technology

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Girl Gets Her Tongue Stuck to a Popsicle

Girl Gets Her Tongue Stuck to a Popsicle

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Video of adrenaline junkies base jumping into a plane will rock your world.

Insane Adrenaline Junkies Base Jump Into Plane Mid-Air

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Laziest Things People Have Ever Seen

15 of the Laziest Things People Have Ever Seen

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Video of people fighting over a hover board at Walmart on Black Friday.

Black Friday Madness Breaks Out Over Hover Board

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People on Twitter are in a fierce debate over whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie.

Internet's In Fierce Debate (Again) Over Whether Die Hard Is A Christmas Movie

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Dad accidentally thinks he found his daughter's sex toy and cringeworthy texting conversation ensues.

Terrified Dad Thinks He Found His Daughter's Sex Toy And Cringe Convo Ensues

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Melania Trump is Getting Mercilessly Trolled On Twitter For Her Post-Apocalyptic Taste In Christmas Decorations

Melania Trump is Getting Mercilessly Trolled On Twitter For Her Post-Apocalyptic Taste In Christmas Decorations

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People on Twitter react to Eric Trump tweeting out defending President Trump's racism.

Eric Trump Gets Obliterated By Twitter After Defending President Trump's Racism

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Everyone is roasting Ajit Pai on Reddit for the sake of defending net neutrality.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's Getting Savagely Roasted In Name Of Net Neutrality

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Internet Users Engage In Fierce Debate to Try and Decide the Correct Pronunciation of '.GIF'

Internet Users Engage In Fierce Debate to Try and Decide the Correct Pronunciation of '.GIF'

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Wait... What?

Via FrutzeL
Video of weatherman keeping it cool during live broadcast when crazy temperatures show up on the screen.

Weather Map Goes Hilariously Insane During Live Broadcast

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