Video of a duck eating peas super fast is strangely mesmerizing.

Watching This Duck Eat Peas Super Fast Is Strangely Mesmerizing

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Chris Evans and Ryan Reynolds weigh in on the Disney/Fox deal and it's hilarious on Twitter.

Chris Evans And Ryan Reynolds Weigh In On Disney/Fox Deal In Hilarious Fashion

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Wendy's is reviewing movies on Twitter and the results are pure gold.

Wendy's Is Reviewing Movies On Twitter And The Results Are 5-Star Comedy Gold

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'Stone Mountain Police Give Man Ticket Because His Pants Were 'Too Low'

'Stone Mountain Police Give Man Ticket Because His Pants Were 'Too Low'

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Hilariously Confused Dude Can't Figure Out How A Cereal Bar Works

Hilariously Confused Dude Can't Figure Out How A Cereal Bar Works

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Ivanka Trump gets trolled on Twitter after ridiculous misspelling.

Ivanka Trump Gets Hardcore Trolled After Ridiculous Misspelling

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Insane Chick Has Breakdown After Watching 'Avengers: Infinity War' Trailer and We're Pretty Sure She Should Se Someone

Insane Chick Has Breakdown After Watching 'Avengers: Infinity War' Trailer

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Donald Trump Jr. leaves people on Twitter dumbfounded after liking a tweet about anal bleaching.

Donald Trump Jr. Likes Tweet About Anal Bleaching And Leaves Internet Dumbfounded

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Girl overhears a guy bragging about cheating on his girlfriend and she proceeds to go on ridiculous manhunt.

Woman Hears Guy Bragging About Cheating On His GF And Goes On Crazy Manhunt

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Frustrated Homeowner Rigs Explosive Package For Thief

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Extremely Insane Individuals Who Should Be Banned From Facebook

28 Extremely Insane Individuals Who Should Be Banned From Facebook

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Video of a Tesla putting on a cool Christmas lights show.

Buckle Up And Prepare To Be Amazed With Tesla's Christmas Light Show

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Video of kid playing at arcade, until he gets stuck in the actual game.

Little Kid Gets More Than He Signed Up For In Arcade Game!

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Moments That Made People Realize They Were Old

16 Moments That Made People Realize They Were Old

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Guy Tells 'Your Mom' Joke to Boss to Get Out of Work and It Ends Up Not Being a Joke

Guy Tells 'Your Mom' Joke to Boss to Get Out of Work and It Ends Up Not Being a Joke

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funny Scottish tweets

Scottish Tweets That'll Leave You Confused And Highly Amused

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