twitter James Franco - 4556037

Woman Gets Put in Her Place When She Accuses James Franco of Sexual Abuse After She Signs Contract For Nude Role

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Insanely Drunk Chick Harasses Guy at Pool and Drinks Pool Water

Insanely Drunk Chick Harasses Guy at Pool, Freaks Out and Drinks Pool Water

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Guy's embarrassing story about what a poop knife is will make you laugh and cringe at the same time.

Guy's Humiliating Story About What A Poop Knife Is Leaves Internet In Tears

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Guy goes full rage mode after getting trolled by other dude who won't explain IT to him correctly.

Guy Asks What The Movie It Is About And Gets Trolled Hard

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Women share the first date dealbreakers that men make all too often.

31 Women Share First Date Mistakes Men Make All Too Often

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FAIL gifs Video - 343046

How NOT to Load A Car Using A Ramp

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Morons Who Got Shut Down and Brutally Eviscerated Online

30 Morons Who Got Shut Down and Brutally Eviscerated Online

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10 car jump fails that blew us away.

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Ridiculous Sporting Photo FAILs That Are Hilariously Absurd

15 Ridiculous Sporting Photo FAILs That Are Hilariously Absurd

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Stranger Things star David Harbour makes good on his promise to crash a girl's senior pics after enough retweets.

Stranger Things Star David Harbour Makes Good On Promise To Hijack Girl's Senior Pics

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Woman shares delivery guy's insanely creepy text messages, and proceeds to go viral.

Woman Goes Viral After Posting Delivery Guy's Crazy Creepy Text Messages

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Video of a guy pulling doughnuts in an Amish town when it freezes over.

Guy Pulls Doughnuts On His Carriage When Amish Town Freezes Over

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Video of TSA agent making a hilarious cringe-packed discovery while checking person's baggage.

TSA Agent Makes Hilarious NSFW Discovery While Checking Bags

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viral videos ridiculous funny Video - 342022

Hilariousness Ensues After Girl Has Screen Door FAIL

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Super Likes Tinder

Girl Accidentally Super Likes Guy on Tinder and Gets Hit With a Sh*t Storm of Cringe

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People are roasting Trump's hotels to oblivion with hilarious Yelp reviews.

People Are Roasting Trump Hotels To Oblivion On Yelp With Hilarious Reviews

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