Entitled boomer customer flips out at employee over having to print a return label for a refund, months of telecommunication come to a head

Boomer becomes enraged after being told he has to print a shipping return label in order to get a refund, harasses employee for months because of his ‘vendetta against technology’

'Write me up for insubordination!': Engineer rebels after micromanaging boss asks employees to sign in and out when they use the restroom

'Write me up for insubordination!': Engineer rebels after micromanaging boss asks employees to sign in and out when they use the restroom

Man entangled in neighbor’s delivery dispute and goes to extreme lengths to clear his name, sparking neighborhood showdown

Man entangled in neighbor’s delivery dispute and goes to extreme lengths to clear his name, sparking neighborhood showdown

Karen manager is outsmarted by employee when she tries to cut his hours, he claps back using her own advice and ends up getting paid even more than before

‘I was dumbfounded’: Grocery store manager Karen tries to cut employee's hours, so he uses her own words against her and ends up with a higher hourly pay

 Teacher school High school kids teens sports sport malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit

'I'll make sure I fail': Nonathletic teenager maliciously complies with school's walking club requirements

hoa hoa stories neighbors neighborhood HOA board member homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 36443909

Karen HOA board member targets homeowner with illegal fines, homeowner turns the tables on the HOA and rallies neighborhood to dissolve the board: 'The look on Karen's face was priceless'

Gen Zer demands cousin translate a poem to secure date, only for cousin to deliberately mistranslate and sabotage his chances

Gen Zer demands cousin translate a poem to secure date, only for cousin to deliberately mistranslate and sabotage his chances

'I went full Karen on a hiring manager': Job candidate calls out recruiter's tone, shares their conversation with their head of HR

'I went full Karen on a hiring manager': Job candidate calls out recruiter's tone, shares their conversation with their head of HR

'Loyalty goes both ways': Employee spends thousands of dollars of company's money as payback for getting passed over for a promotion she waited 25 years for

'Loyalty goes both ways': Employee spends thousands of dollars of company's money as payback for getting passed over for a promotion she waited 25 years for

in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance fired CFO finance corporate employee employees laid off layoffs

'The company lost out on a $500K deal': New CFO gets fired after forcing layoffs of essential employees, employee gets a "six-figure" consultancy payout

'I will go a great distance for a good laugh': Man retaliates against cellphone carrier over an additional fee for deactivation, resulting in charge cancellation and official apology

'I will go a great distance for a good laugh': Man retaliates against cellphone carrier over an additional fee for deactivation, resulting in charge cancellation and official apology

'I JUST put my two weeks in': Candidate calls out company online for rescinding job offer after he put in his notice, company asks him to take down the review

'I JUST put my two weeks in': Candidate calls out company online for rescinding job offer after he put in his notice, company asks him to take down the review

 Parents put a camera in kid's college dorm to monitor her while insisting it's for safety, resulting in a family dispute when she takes it down: ‘You're crossing a line’

Parents put a camera in kid's college dorm to monitor her while insisting it's for safety, resulting in a family dispute when she takes it down: ‘You're crossing a line’

'Male Karen [is] trying to steal my stepson's inheritance': Top Karens of the Week (August 19, 2024)

'Male Karen [is] trying to steal my stepson's inheritance': Top Karens of the Week (August 19, 2024)

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'I got fired': Bystander accused of being a lazy store employee by Karen who tries to get them fired

im too old for this old elderly elder aging age gen-x gen x gen-z millennial millennials nostalgia nostalgic funny lol humor relatable comedy reddit

32 Elders from the Aging Generations Share Their Most Pivotal 'I'm Too Old For This' Moment