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'The resume had a skills section...only thing listed was "calculator"': 20+ Resume red flags

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Job candidate leverages trumped-up title to land executive role at a start-up, begins to panic when the realize they're in over their head: 'If I don't get fired by Friday, I'll be absolutely shocked'

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'He owes me thousands': Man in debt to best friend finally wins a bet, ruins friendship by relentlessly nagging for the payout

Technicians scolded by boss for inefficient machinery, they maliciously comply and cause corporate profits to plummet

Technicians scolded by micromanaging boss for using inefficient machinery, they maliciously comply and cause corporate profits to plummet

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Entitled man uses tractor to push fallen tree into neighbor’s yard, declares it's their problem: 'He refuses to remove it'

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Worker resigns from their role, writing comprehensive tell-all resignation email: 'A complete disregard for safety'

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'Karma? YES!!': Litterbug mom watches her three kids dump trash everywhere on a roadtrip, but bad parenting gets met with instant karma

'He's the biggest leech I ever met': Student keeps ordering pizzas to neighbor's apartment, neighbor gets even and messes with their internet

'He's the biggest leech I ever met': Student keeps ordering pizzas to neighbor's apartment, neighbor gets even and messes with their internet

'My dad served my detention': Parents refuse to sign teenager's detention slip, tell administrators their kid "had 0 control" over the situation

'My dad served my detention': Parents refuse to sign teenager's detention slip, tell administrators their kid "had 0 control" over the situation

'My boss then said it was something I had to attend': Employee turns down dinner with colleagues on the final night of their business trip, boss promises consequences

'My boss then said it was something I had to attend': Employee turns down dinner with colleagues on the final night of their business trip, boss promises consequences

Employee faces unfair treatment when he is being singled out by his shift scheduler, leading him to find work elsewhere

Employee faces unfair reprimands made by disrespectful schedule manager, is informed that scheduler has ‘been trying since day one’ to get him fired

Gym installs cameras in the men's locker rooms for ‘security reasons’, leading to enraged members uproar and membership cancellations

Gym installs cameras in the men's locker rooms for ‘security reasons’, leading to enraged members uproar and membership cancellations

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'He seems annoyed... I do this to him all day': Bad manager tries to make auto store worker follow unnecessary rule, worker gleefully bugs him all day long

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Employee waiting for over 2 months to have new tasks assigned to them by new boss as they maliciously comply to their boss's directive: 'I have nothing to do...'

Employee’s delight turns to outrage as higher-us revoke bonus and promotion, calling it a ‘typo’ after signing

Employee’s delight turns to outrage as higher-us revoke bonus and promotion, calling it a ‘typo’ after signing

'I was reprimanded for discussing pay at work': Hostess told by manager discussing pay is forbidden in the employee handbook, hostess considers legal action

'I was reprimanded for discussing pay at work': Hostess told by manager discussing pay is forbidden in the employee handbook, hostess considers legal action