work workplace coworker worker employee employees boss manager supervisor working karen raise salary money payback pay

‘I accepted a higher-paying position before resigning’: Management threatens to fire an employee because she shared her salary with a loud-mouth Karen; she quits and finds a better job

Is it illegal to discuss your salary with your coworkers? Technically no, but it can make some waves in the workplace that some employees– and management –definitely don't want to address. Perhaps some people get awkward about their financial privacy and don't want the soccer moms in the cubicle next door that they CAN DEFINITELY afford to sponsor their child's next fundraiser.
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'Not one of the complaints was suitable to be filed': Law firm partners insist lawyer rush through cases in 20 minutes, frustrated lawyer sends out 75 complaint cases 'with no edits whatsoever'

'Not one of the complaints was suitable to be filed': Law firm partners insist lawyer rush through cases in 20 minutes, frustrated lawyer sends out 75 complaint cases 'with no edits whatsoever'

This lawyer cares much more about their clients than their bosses do. Unfortunately for u/TheRealJohnGalt22, their bosses feel the opposite: forget about the clients, just run cases through as fast as humanly possible. In this work environment, partners at a law firm told one lawyer that they should take a “quantity not quality” approach to the complaints they needed to file. We all want to feel valuable and important at our jobs, and no one ever wants to hear that kind of language from a boss.…
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'Give me the actual burrito I ordered!': Top Karens of the Week (November 26, 2023)

'Give me the actual burrito I ordered!': Top Karens of the Week (November 24, 2023)

We all spent the past week giving thanks and expressing our gratitude for life's many joys. Unfortunately for us and for the rest of the world, life still comes with Karens. So now that we are done saying what we're thankful for this week, let's take a look at some of the people who we aren't thankful for but we have to deal with every so often. This week's roundup of Karen stories includes an Internet rant, a parking debacle, a customer service experience gone wrong, a workplace sabotage saga,…
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deep-reddit, reddit-story, failblog, r-AITA, r-entitledpeople, reddit-comment, reddit-response

'I can't tell you how much leeway they all gave me after that': Childless employee granted year of 'essential bliss' by HR after boss and co-worker bully him to give up his holiday break for employees with kids

It's the holiday season, and anyone who has a job knows that though it's the time of year to be merry, it is also the time of year to argue about who gets what days off. For example, in this Reddit story posted by u/Sirix_8472 in the comment section of a post about another worker trying to get their Thanksgiving shift swiped . This story is a little stickier, apparently. The commenter says he was getting bullied by his manager and a coworker because he didn't want to switch shifts with someone…
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karen karens karens-in-the-wild money pay reddit reddit-thread hotel front-desk desk hospitality service tales-from-the-front-desk

'GET ME YOUR MANAGER': Karen flips out because a $50 refund from her hotel is going to take 3-5 business days; receptionist humbles her

As a service industry employee, there's nothing as sweet as the I-told-you-so moment at the front desk. Hospitality employees learn to put up with a lot of hooplah from their customers, so that moment when they get to flex their ounce of power is really important.
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'They folded quickly': Car dealership tells doctor she can't test drive a vehicle without her husband

'They folded quickly': Car dealership tells doctor she can't test drive a vehicle without her husband

This doctor was trying to buy a car , but she ran into an infuriating issue at the dealership. Buying a new car is a huge decision. You have to think about everything you'll be doing with your new vehicle, from taking the kids to soccer practice to loading up the truck with groceries and everything in between. Will you be filling your car with friends to go off-roading, or do you mainly just drive to the mall or the library? There are a lot of questions to ask yourself… but “Am I allowed to tes…
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'I'm forever banned from going back there': Former waitress finally confronts an entitled Karen during a visit to her old job

Have you ever worked at a job where a complete Karen came in, wreaking havoc on your workflow and using no filter to tell you off about something that is really not a big deal? You wish so desperately that you could say what you really want to say, but you can't because it's your job, and you could get fired, so you have to stand there and take it. Well, that's what this OP used to deal with at this restaurant she waitressed at.
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student students malicious compliance teachers teacher malicious compliance reddit college student - 23183109

'I hate standardized tests': Teacher helps her students pass by defying standardized test's rules

There's really no better thing as a kid than watching an authority figure whom you respect rebelling against the higher power that controls all of your destiny. Now, I've written a few rants on the pages of Fail Blog about standardized tests and the fact that their design and administration really only encourage schools to build their curriculum to pass that specific test—at the cost of actual learning, knowledge, and real-life experiences. The best teachers I've ever had were the ones who were…
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'Below is my list for Christmas': Choosing beggars pretend to be a kid in Santa Wish List letter to nonprofit, asking for pricey, luxurious gifts

'Below is my list for Christmas': Choosing beggars pretend to be a kid in Santa Wish List letter to nonprofit, asking for pricey, luxurious gifts

Imagine the kind of level of desperation one would have to exhibit to draft a Santa Wish List letter as a 12-year-old child in order to get expensive Christmas gifts. These are the kinds of letters to nonprofit organizations where billionaires purchase Holiday gifts for underprivileged kids. These are the kinds of organizations that are meant for children in need, not fully grown choosing beggars with a whole lot of audacity.
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workplace discussion getting fired workplace-stories jobs fired job malicious compliance work i quit quit workplace quitting employment in the workplace - 23206405

'They fired me, I got back at them': Worker fired for giving their notice, gets paid double instead

It really feels horrible when an employer retaliates for the simple reason that you gave notice. After all, we're taught and given the expectation that if you don't want the bridge, you give notice to your job, even if you know that the conversation is going to be contentious. But the problem is the entire arrangement is built on trust; you're trusting that they'll show you the same respect you gave them in giving notice and not exercise their right to terminate you immediately. The problem is…
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‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket': Data engineer earning below average is expected to do the work of 3 people, so he quits instead

‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket': Data engineer earning below average is expected to do the work of 3 people, so he quits instead

Management often concentrates all of their efforts on one area, meaning that they put the bulk of a couple of jobs onto one employee, risking it all. You have got to hand it to them, as it is quite brave of them to so boldly assume one person will WANT to take on so much responsibility, and then that they will be able to want to continue with it consistently. So the saying, ‘Don't put all your eggs in one basket' definitely applies here… One manager who (shocker) did not know how to do his job,…
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‘She pulled out my herbs and kept the pot’: Tenant uses greenhouse research to get back at landlady for pulling herbs out of garden; weeks later, garden withers

‘She pulled out my herbs and kept the pot’: Tenant uses greenhouse research to get back at landlady for pulling herbs out of garden; weeks later, garden withers

There is no such thing as a 'green thumb'… Tending to a garden takes a lot of effort and knowledge, and if you don't put both in, it will show. Now, imagine you were a greenhouse know-it-all who brought home a pot of herbs you had carefully cultivated throughout the months, and then your landlady ripped them all out because she liked the pot you put it in. If that sounds a little too specific, that is because it is. The OP shared on r/pettyrevenge the story of the summer that her landlady did e…
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parenting parent parents rich poor bully wealth school teenager teen teenagers parenting-stories dad father punishement reddit deserved

'I'm done giving her handouts if she's gonna act entitled': Spoiled daughter makes fun of the poor girl at school, gets all of her privileges revoked

Raising a well-rounded child is always a conundrum. I can't speak from experience, but I imagine it would be particularly difficult to keep your teenager grounded if your family is affluent. Teenagers are inherently entitled, but imagine throwing a couple million dollars in their bank account along with the latest iPhone.
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'The screen was not working...It would cost about $250': Woman breaks husbands' computer monitor while trying to clean his private room, husband takes wifes' "fun money" to pay for it

'The screen was not working...It would cost about $250': Woman breaks husbands' computer monitor while trying to clean his private room, husband takes wifes' "fun money" to pay for it

This couple has been disagreeing over how to spend their fun money . One of the best parts of adult life is having fun money left over at the end of the month to spend however you wish. After you've paid off the rent or mortgage, car payment, and bought all your groceries, having an extra 30 bucks to use on something special feels like the perfect treat. Some of us buy new shoes or clothes, while others head to the movies or plan out a weekend trip. Others love to upgrade to the newest technolo…
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'Am I in the wrong here?': Top Roommate Stories of the Week (November 23, 2023)

'Am I in the wrong here?': Top Roommate Stories of the Week (November 23, 2023)

One thing no one is thankful for is their nightmare roommate who has made the year exponentially more difficult than it needed to be. Thankfully, my year of having a nightmare roommate is long over, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I'm sure I am not the only person who will tell you that these experiences stick with you. Sure, you might go through a process of convincing yourself that it was an important chapter of your life and one that helped you grow into the person you are today, bl…
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failblog, reddit, call-center, customer-service-representative, r-talesfromcallcenter, tales-from-call-center, call-center-story, funny-male-karen, male-karen, boomer-karen

'I'll never forget this interaction': Customer demands 'delivery drones' to avoid $25 shipping fee, phone rep is left speechless

Welcome to the modern era! Flying cars might not be the regular on the roads like humans hope for back in the day, but technology has advanced well beyond our wildest dreams. Now, we have the internet . *Cue angels singing and sun peaking out through the clouds* Now, with the internet, everything is made to be more convenient, like shopping, communicating, and even banking. (Yes, there are also many many negatives to the internet, but don't get me started on that…) One online banker seemed to g…
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