Askreddit stories of weird things employees and people saw at laser tag.

The Weirdest Things Laser Tag Employees and Patrons Saw in the Arena

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Attempts that resulted in funny fails.

Various Attempts That Fell Into A Heap of Failure

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A collection of funny thoughts and images from people at Tumblr.

Comedy Gems From Tumblr

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Rare moments and things that are unlikely to happen.

Rare Moments and Unlikely Events That Go Against The Odds

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A viral video of people in dinosaur costumes crossing the street is the best part about Halloween.

Video Of Dinosaurs Crossing The Street Is Halloween At Its Finest

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People share how they got scars.

People Share The Crazy Ways They Got Their Scars

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A collection of pure facepalm moments from the world's biggest morons.

Facepalm Moments From The World's Morons

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Pictures and stories of kids doing dumb and strange things.

Funny Moments That Show How Kids are Stupid and Weird

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Stupid owner fires a contractor and has to hire him back.

Incompetent Owner Mistakenly Fires Special Contractor, Comes Crawling Back

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A twitter thread of Grinch, a dumb sled dog.

The Story of Grinch, The Loveably Dumb Sled Dog

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Funny jokes, puns and memes that are technically true.

Clever And Dumb Jokes That Are Technically Correct

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A collection of brutal clapbacks that waiters/servers delivered to rude customers.

Savage Clapbacks Waiters/Servers Delivered To Customers

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impressive crazy sailing weather dangerous Video - 100165377

Cooking In The North Atlantic In Rough Seas

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A noisy neighbor gets silenced by a very clever revenge.

Noisy Neighbor Gets Silenced By Fiendishly Cunning Revenge

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A collection of funny tweets to keep your day filled with laughter.

Funny Tweets To Fuel The Afternoon Laughs (40 Comedy Gems)

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Vegan daughter demands dad can't cook meat in house.

Dad Asks If He's Wrong For Upsetting Vegan Daughter With His Bacon Cooking

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