Twitter thread on "Ok Boomer" shows history and significance.

Twitter Thread Outlines Significance of "Ok Boomer" Phenomenon

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Guy gets injured, his boss tries to make him work.

Guy Gets Hit by Drunk Driver, Boss Expects Him to Work the Next Day

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A collection of people acting like complete lunatics on Quora.

Insane And Unexpected Questions From Quora Users

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A collection of bridezilla cases that are filled to the brim with delusional entitlement.

Bridezilla Cases That Are Filled With Delusions

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Red flags when meeting new people.

Red Flags to Consider When Meeting Someone New

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A collection of parents being absolute nuts on social media.

Flat Earther Parents Call Textbook Out For Brainwashing

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Moments of kids being strange, funny and stupid.

Stupid Moments That Prove How Kids are Weird and Dumb

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People who think they are geniuses and brag about it online.

Self-Titled Brainiacs Who Stained The Internet with Their Cringeworthy Egos

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A collection of witty comebacks that silenced people online.

Clever Comebacks That Silenced People

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Girl asking for free handouts gets dealt a swift roast on Twitter.

Choosing Beggar Gets Dealt Swift Burn

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A collection of Tinder's winners and losers that tried out a variety of pickup lines.

The Winners And Losers Of Tinder

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A collection of people that were blown away by their own acts of stupidity.

People That Were Blown Away By Their Own Stupidity

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Unfortunate moments of failures, messes and mistakes.

Unfortunate Moments That Added Chaos to People's Lives

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Guy's shoes fall apart during job interview.

Unfortunate Applicant's Shoes Crumble Apart During Job Interview

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Mistranslations and tattoo fails people saw.

Dumb Mistranslated Tattoos and Shirts that People Witnessed

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Guy trolls stranger looking for a cat on Craigslist.

The Wonders Of Trolling On Craigslist (3 Images)

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