A collection of tweets from people sharing their most helpful lessons from therapy | tweet by Ttown316 Replying CarolineMoss are not responsible version they created their mind.

People's Favorite Lessons From Therapy (36 Tweets)

Never know when these calming tips might come in handy.
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Rude tailgater gets his comeuppance with a speed trap | r/ProRevenge posted byrayrayrex hole tailgates already speeding so set them up speed trap driving home get together, and going 65-67km/h (41mph 60 (37mph) zone. Where police almost never pull over if going 10 or less over, but will definitely pull over anything over .

Rude Tailgater Gets His Comeuppance With Speed Trap

Not all heroes wear capes.
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calm interesting discussion between vegan and meat eater

A Hunter And Vegan Share Their Opinions Respectfully

A meat eater and a vegan talk without a meltdown. Wow!
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A short but very entertaining Tumblr post shows off the big difference in perspectives between blind and deaf people | Blind people must save lot on electricity. stomatium They do actually! mauve-moth had blind professor, last semester, and swung through his office make up an exam while

A Short Wholesome Tumblr Post On Different Perspectives

Well isn't this endearing.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to various pieces of advice from parents that ended up being total BS | Don't waste too much time on computer becomes full time software developer. computer screen through glasses.

Advice From Parents That Was Total BS

Some advice from parents really doesn't stand the test of time.
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IT does printer exorcism and it works | r/talesfromtechsupport Posted by GuruDad Printer exorcism meant as joke, but holy hand grenades worked. am freelance consultant, and occasionally am on- site break fix stuff. This occurred many years ago, so apologies if some is little vague

IT Guy Performs Printer Exorcism and It Works

They also respond well to threats.
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fail machine gun kelly singer cringey performance in Microsoft store

Flashback Fail: Machine Gun Kelly's Microsoft Store Performance

Let us never live in a world where we forget this catastrophe.
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Elon Musk releases an EDM song and people on Twitter react | photo of elon musk wearing headphones in a recording studio tweet by Elon Musk @elonmusk wrote lyrics performed vocals!!

Elon Musk Drops Song Called "Don't Doubt Ur Vibe"

Well that happened.
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Woman wants to cancel her wedding that her sister took over | Posted by aitasisterwedding WIBTA cancelling my sister's wedding because my wedding first? meant get married on 1st February, which mine and my ex-fiance's anniversary ended engagement shortly after new year because he cheated on wedding initially planned with just my money but very low key

Sister Hijacks Woman's Wedding, She Wonders If She Can Still Cancel

Not an enviable position.
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A collection of stomach-turning stories from various employees that work at all-you-can-eat buffets | posted by Zenkikid Not worker but once saw grown man have child like meltdown over fact he showed up Soup Plantation too late and missed out on biscuits and gravy

All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Horror Stories

People just go wild at buffets.
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Woman cuts up and alters her wedding dress after being cheated on, and her sister proceeds to complain about it | AITA cutting up and altering my wedding dress into functional dress instead giving my sister who can't afford an expensive dress need an unbiased opinion on this because don't know if asshole

Woman Cuts Up Wedding Dress After Being Cheated On, Sister Complains

Sounds like the wedding dress wasn't needed anymore!
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Entertaining and creative Tumblr story about delaying the apocalypse through great parenting | writing-prompt-s church-going, God-worshipping sister adopted small child and excited see them. But do child is menace. They're throwing things everywhere, setting furniture on fire with seemingly nothing, chanting Latin summon demons, but weirdest thing is sister doesn't seem mind.

Tumblr Story Imagines Delaying Apocalypse Through Good Parenting

That's one effective way to stop it.
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Annoying ridiculous entitled people who want free stuff | Just those who don't math s $1.92/hour? My babysitter I have now gets paid that an she didn't have a problem with it. She loves kids an needed extra money. If your not interested then don't comment

Entitled People Who Need to Abandon Their Nonsense

That's pretty bold.
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Native American journalist explains the negative impact of the Kansas City Chiefs team name and logo | tweet by VinceSchilling So Superbowl this year is 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs. As former Sports Editor, and as Native American journalist have few things say about this Appropriation Bowl. First Chiefs are not honoring Native people explain

Native American Journalist Explains Impact Of KC Chiefs On Stereotypes

This thread seeks to explain roots and impact of KC Chiefs.
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Misconceptions people still believe | posted by CapaxInfini Goldfish have short term memory. Actually goldfish can remember things up year.

Common Misconceptions People Still Believe

Some myths really stick around.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to Redditors that worked in customer service and dealt with total nightmares | So won't price match this even though sitting there under wrong tag No cannot I am sorry had done before seen done before so know can be done Explain again price match policy works go round and round about 10 minutes before she pulls Let speak manager.

Retail Workers Share Their Breaking Points Moments

Everyone has their breaking point.
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