A collection of parenting tweets about the struggles of teaching kids at home during Quarantine | Erica L. Green @EricaLG My 5-year-old just now after got done work packet her teacher sent home O.K phonics. Now have snack. And then put our head down. And then go get some more air kids are going get us through this.

Parenting Tweets About Homeschooling During Quarantine

The appreciation for teachers has been deepened across the board.
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A Chef delivering food to a law firm gets hired and fired to get by the rules of the security guard | r/IDontWorkHerelady Posted by u/Ars-Torok 8 hours ago 4 day hired and fired law firm XXXL Not sure if this one belongs here, but hope enjoy anyway. So this is about five years ago worked as chef at bakery my job make everything but baked goods. Every morning Baker and would walk at about 4 am and knock out all food needed day. This would leave ready go home around 10 AM or so. This put us at

Chef Gets Hired by Law Firm to Foil Security Guard

That's some chaotic good right there.
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Askreddit stories of times when people were accused of something they didn't commit | PostItFrustrations 247 points 23 hours ago have lot these. But most ridiculous about 13 and got suspended getting fight on day home sick guess my friend got fight and they were so used finishing her fights they automatically assumed involved. And course my talking back gave detention wasn't reversed proved wasn't there.

People Who Were Accused of Crimes They Didn't Commit

It's hard to forget these moments, no matter how small.
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Coronavirus Bohemian Rhapsody Twitter Parody | Dana Jay Bein DJB danajaybein lost my mind wrote Coronavirus Rhapsody: Is this sore throat? Is this just allergies? Caught lockdown No escape reality. 12:02 PM 3/18/20 TweetDeck | Don't touch eyes Just hand sanitize quicklyyyyy just poor boy, no job security Because easy spread, even though washed hands, laying low look out window curve doesn't look flatter

Dude Tweets Entire Quarantine-Themed Bohemian Rhapsody Parody

Some people have a lot of time on their hands right now.
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Photos that have funny or strange perspectives | group of people sitting and standing in a circle, one of them facing away from the camera and sitting on two logs of wood that make it seem as if he has a large butt

Perfectly Timed and Well-Angled Photos

Photography is an art.
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AskReddit replies to the various things that people do when they're stressed out | MoterThread 1d bought stress car, no is not full sized car is toy car is large enough has all little details like real glass windows and full interior am stressed throw at floor and/or stand calm my self down and try forget about problem attempt repair as best as can.

Things People Do When Stressed Out

Might try some of these out amidst these times.
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People share the various plans that they cancelled in response to the Coronavirus outbreak | reddit posted by Iforgotmyother_name 14h My gym time. And apparently eating since everyone wants buy up everything at stores. pic of a grocery store

Plans People Cancelled Because Of Coronavirus

Everything seems to be cancelled.
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chef gordon ramsay shows how to wash hands properly during coronavirus

Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates Proper Hand Washing

We need this now more than ever.
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Facebook scammer loses to a user's logic | Amanda Pablo Hi am interested paid video post on page will provide page related content will surely increase page's reach and will pay am using facebook ads on videos. let know if interested. Hello are interested?

Facebook Scammer Loses To Logic

Love the thumbs up at the end.
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school's choir concert streamed live due to coronavirus

California School's Choir Concert Cancelled, They Perform Remotely

Through technology and unity they put on quite the show.
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Video of John Lajoie song thank god for the nerds

Jon Lajoie Releases First Song in Forever to Thank All the Nerds

So this is what it took.
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Doctor debunks multiple Coronavirus myths on Twitter with facts | Separating facts and fiction started this tweet Faheem Younus, MD @FaheemYounus So hearing many myths about #COVID-19 and would like quickly clear record. Coronavirus will go away Sumer months. Wrong. Previous pandemics didn't follow weather patterns plus as enter summer, there will be winter Southern Hemisphere. Virus is global. O137K 12:06 AM Mar 17, 2020

Doctor Debunks Ten Coronavirus Myths

Fight the spread of misinformation with facts.
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Tumblr thread about different animals exploring during quarantine | taylorswifh third day italian quarantine: everything is closed, everyone is at home and so WILD BOARS ARE MY TOWN WITH THEIR BABIES laughing so hard

Quick Tumblr Thread Shows Random Animals Coming Into Towns During Quarantine

Apparently It's a decent time for a feral hog to wander around.
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A collection of wild and unexpected tales from the pizza delivery guy | r/TalesFromThePizzaGuy u/ThatBankTeller 12h Domino's Pizza Second day delivering during city shut down Short Story Vast majority food joints my town are closed or closing, especially after 9pm. Honestly, work has been great. Tips are fantastic had 15 today followed by 10, buddy had 30 had 0 stiffs today aside one guy using his rewards free pie. 9/10 deliveries are pre tips don't make contact or have haves slips signed, and

Pizza Delivery Stories During The Pandemic

It's a wild time to be delivering pizza.
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A collection of responses to the various ways that coders politely reject big ideas | FarmerChristie 1h Once guy gave his brilliant idea boat sharing. Like Zipcar but boats. All said know can already rent boat right? Anyway back around 2012 and now apparently there are boat sharing apps so guess missed boat on opportunity.

Ways Coders Politely Reject "Million Dollar Ideas"

Honesty is the best policy.
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Guy buys too much toilet paper for years, and ends up running out now | TIFU: After accidentally buying way too much toilet paper years finally ran out. THIS WEEK. This is FU is three years making, culminating today few years back started buying toilet paper on Amazon subscription. But my kid had just moved out so apparently overestimated much buy so didn't all fit linen cupboard. My darling spouse started storing extra garage. But didn't know this as never go there.

Guy Buys Too Much Toilet Paper For Years, Runs Out Now

Worst timing ever.
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