Quick Twitter thread about a message in a bottle turning up nine years later | māx @VredenburghMax On August 21, 2010 threw message bottle into ocean beach Rockport, MA. On October 10, 2019 letter found on beach France am mind blown. 9 years.

Twitter Thread: Message In A Bottle Turns Up 9 Years Later

Bit different than a text message.
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Employee shares a meme on their day off, and proceeds to get fired | Because shared funny meme On Sunday not at work brought work into on Sunday. So going fire over meme shared nowhere relavent work at all share things think are funny all time 's meme Andy why are doing all this over meme

Man Shares Meme On His Day Off, Gets Fired

Cody's better off without them.
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People describe the kindest things that they've overheard about themselves | PonchoBeano ly longtime drummer. been playing bands over 20 years. recently just joined new band and after our first gig together overheard singer talking with someone about set and sound new lineup singer saying born drummer. this guy totally meant play drums so stoked he's my band probably coolest thing accidentally overheard about myself.

Kindest Things People Overheard About Themselves

The best kind of overheard.
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movies plot holes that make no sense in the real world

4 Types of Movie Plots That Only Work if the Whole World is Stupid

Yup, checks out.
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Guy gets revenge on bad landlord by buying website and posting competitor's information | r/ProRevenge Posted by u/RK9J 10 hours ago Slumlord lost his business over $300 security deposit TLDR at bottom rented little house man who owned painting business power off came see property but he assured us everything worked, even put contract place dirty and poorly maintained so negotiated security deposit down 300. Turned out heat/air didn't work, along with refrigerator and dishwasher asked him have

Guy Gets Stiffed By Landlord, Buys His Website

People will do a lot for 300 bucks.
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A collection of images showing various military members being weird | six men in casual military clothes filmed at the right moment looking like they're riding flying brooms

Military Being Hilariously Weird

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Funny and exciting stories of people who didn't give a care | ZuchinniSquag 5.1k points 6 days ago Had customer service manager talking woman about return. He'd already told her he couldn't do few times. She demanded he get his manager. He, no joke, spins circle and says They said no.

People Who Didn't Give A Heck

It's usually a bad idea, but it's pretty freeing.
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Cheap roommate has excuses whenever the utilities bill is due | Hey utilities last month were $70 and still have be paid apt people. do need do another rent breakdown know said weren't going pay utilities email idk means not going pay 100 one just sent until figure out. But didn't know still owed 70$ sorry No worries!

Roommate Is All Excuses When Utilities Bill Is Due

Time to find a new roommate.
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People describe the craziest reasons that people have been fired | asleeppam worked retail, and had an employee would hide and take naps inside racks clothes. Somehow wasn't reason fired her fired her stealing clothes and then wearing them work.

Craziest Reasons People Got Fired

Some people need to go more than others.
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streamer wants to return subscribers their money

Wholesome Streamer Tries To Return Money To New Subscribers

That backfired in the best way.
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Video and interview of guy who sat at bar during robbery.

The Guy Who Stayed At the Bar While It was Being Robbed

Even he said to not do this.
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People describe the most outrageous cursed foods they've seen eaten | HumansAreGarbage2019 1y Moms boyfriend. Crushed cheez- crackers into his coffee day he ate waffles covered spinach and fish sticks drizzled with syrup. All while LOUDLY smackin his lips sayin "uuuh so goooood Mom says dont let bother bothers .

Absolutely Bonkers Cursed Foods People Ate

They've either lost it or they leveled up.
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Choosing beggar tries to get a cheap deal on a laptop, and gets rejected | told were hey selling laptop still got Yes s gaming laptop, very fast. Did about specs? tell

Choosing Beggar Tries To Lowball Seller On Gaming Laptop, Fails Miserably

Nope, not having it.
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A collection of funny and random moments from Tumblr | corpish freshman our RA's name Hunter but he vegan so ended up nicknaming him Gatherer and still haven't gotten over Imao thisiswhereipoststuffs During high school, some us German students went on this exchange trip Europe. One kids our group named Myles, and so decided call him Kilometers while were staying Europe

Radically Random And Funny Tumblr Gems

Tumblr is too much fun.
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People who aren't smart but brag about being intelligent online | Laugh away know divide by zero haven't figured out mathematical/physical ramifications my discovery all way, yet, but needless say feel great responsibility research its effects on reality before publishing my work. Like said, laugh away, but outpaced Einstein and Steven Hawking by discovering math they couldn't envision *and withholding my ideas until ok with understanding will happen public expect release this new, outrageously

Ridiculous Individuals Who Believe They're Geniuses

Oh boy, widen the doorway for big brain man.
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Stories of people who are related to Karens, and know them | ShrekTheHallz 2.3k points 8 hours ago Coworker mine is married Karen. He tells us stories multiple days week she drives four different grocery stores and harasses employees because their stock is low on specific item she wants.

People Who Know Karens Explain What That's Like

It's all the time.
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