Tumblr thread of silly Apollo 11 quotes | Actual quotes Apollo 11 mission: Collins like enter Aldrin oatmeal eating contest next time Bruce McCandless Mission Control Is he pretty good at Collins: He's doing his share up here. McCandless: Let's see all just finished meal not long ago, too, didn't Aldrin still eating. McCandless: Okay. Does Collins: He's on his-he's on his 19th bowl.

Tumblr Pulls Some Choice Apollo 11 Quotes

Hey man, it's space who cares.
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A choosing beggar is offered a free portable chair, and they want free transportation too | 1. Hi is this still available? 6:03 PM Hi is still available! 6:04 PM much? 6:05 PM much 6:05 PM price 6:05 PM

Choosing Beggar Offered Free Item, Asks For Free Transportation Too

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Man cheats on wife in their car, so she secretly applies heating cream to car seats | r/pettyrevenge JOIN u/pinkfluffyunicorn212 6h better lock car if want cheat First off this is my moms friends story and yes asked permission post this. So my moms friend, let's call her Anna married man call cheater, who had Porsche convertible as his „fun car his pride and joy and he took care like baby. He always tried get her be more enthusiastic about but she wasn't into cars.

Man Cheats On Wife In Car, She Applies Heating Cream To Car Seats

Petty revenge successful.
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losing a bet and drinking hot sauce

Gamer Loses Bet, Drinks Bottle Of Hot Sauce

A man of his word.
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Uber Driver gets revenge on scamming passenger by saying he's going to mexico | Posted by u/smkAce0921 16 hours ago want Free Ride Fine take Mexico oC L 2018 lived southern CA while finishing up graduate school. Uber more popular than ever and given spread out CA is general an easy side hustle shuttle people back and forth. However only did little while because not really most patient person and eventually got tired people's BS and attitudes. One common tactics customers looking screw driver can

Uber Driver Calls Bluff of Scamming Customer

None of these choices are advisable.
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A restaurant employee keeps himself amused, delights customers, and irritates the manager. | r/MaliciousCompliance JOIN u/Mango123456 2y Restaurant employee amuses himself, delights and my kids Yesterday decided take my kids an international chain restaurant this restaurant kids' meal comes with ice cream. But have serve yourself problem because there weren't any bowls beside ice cream machine.

Employee Amuses Himself, Delights Customers, Irritates Manager

Would've loved to have seen the manager's reaction.
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Fictional characters from tv and movies that people really hate | Klown1327 30.7k points 18 hours ago 3 2 3 cowardly, weasley, rat faced looking, fucking little bitch Percy Wetmore Green Mile. Fuck little shit

Fictional Characters People Genuinely Hate

Sometimes they're not even the villian.
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A quick and fun story about an aunt's wedding vows approach is actually true. | 98khj Fun family story my aunt marrying her wife everyone really excited but also dreading because my aunt is known her insanely long speeches so everyone knew her vows would be like 9 hours long so came time her say her vows she had shit ton cue cards her hands and even her wife started groaning and my aunt took deep inhale and then unravelled all cue cards which were taped together and they all just read "HOT DAMN

Quick Story About An Aunt's Wedding Vows

And it's actually true.
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A quick Tumblr thread appreciates the different perspectives of blind and deaf people | just-shower-thoughts Blind people must save lot on electricity. stomatium They do actually! mauve-moth had blind professor, last semester, and swung through his office make up an exam while

Quick Tumblr Thread Appreciates Different Perspectives

Love this.
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Man doesn't understand hourly pay, and assumes that it's a scam | 7:08 PM ni 60 Home (1) Hi heard did advertising designs, would be able design poster advertising nightclub? Sure can do usually charge €25 an hour and would probably take 2-3 hours make, is ok

Choosing Beggar Doesn't Understand Hourly Pay

No reasoning with that lack of logic.
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Girl's friends think that they're famous, and she tells them otherwise | AITA pointing out my friends they are not famous? Everyone Sucks My friends are dating, they're also actors who have had small roles on few tv shows talking two lines or less say this not be hater truly am rooting them, but give scope their reach. Neither them have following real life or on social media (they've got under 1500 followers combined Anyway last week posted group picture on Instagram people celebrating friends

Girl's Friends Think They're Famous, She Tells Them No

A whole lot of unnecessary drama.
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Quick Tumblr thread calls out intellectual elitism | Criticize morgynleri by crea ever loving fuck is with "creative" writing professors who think speculative fiction any stripe ISN'T CREATIVE? thebibliosphere till remember my own creative writing teacher telling this because he saw Terry Pratchett book on my desk and got this smug smirk on his face like "aha, gotcha He had nerve pick up and call popularist fiction like somehow being popular and easily accessible made less inherent intellectual

Quick Tumblr Thread: Intellectual Elitism Gets Called Out

Self-important turnip is a fun one.
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The song "Kiss from a Rose" by Seal but sung by actual Seals.

"Kiss from a Rose" Sung by actual Seals

It's hard to tell which is the original.
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A ridiculous Quora thread about a guy falling in love with his girlfriend's mother | watching TV, my girlfriend's mom laid on sofa sitting and put her head on my lap. Did she cross line? 3 Answers Asked Oct 31 Last followed Oct 31 2 Answer Follow 5

Quora Saga: Guy Falls In Love With Girlfriend's Mother

Satire or not, this is gold.
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Complaint texts from teen students who had to take care of a fake baby | Can shut off my baby Today 6:14 AM Hello miss lefebvre can please shut child Today 7:48 AM Good morning can't shut off or control baby is scheduled times picked programmed can't control If or tired or frustrated, ask someone help If absolutely cannot do anymore there is an emergency shut off would end baby completely and would stop process totally. If want do this, let know.

Texts from Students Who Had to Take Care of Electronic Babies

Good thing it's a doll.
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woman went to jail in the usa for driving with a canadian license

Canadian Woman Arrested And Jailed In US For Driving With Canadian License

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