Former flat earthers describe the moments that they experienced that showed them the earth wasn't flat | TrungusMcTungus 3h have an acquaintance met Navy, who joined specifically so he could see earth flat while at sea. Every day he would chart ships location, speed, heading, etc few times day so he could make map their path. Ultimately he realized path ship taking would be impossible if earth flat, based on distance they were travelling vs their speed he finally got skeptical earth being flat,

Former Flat-Earthers Moments Of Enlightenment

Better to learn late than never.
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Entitled neighbor's own plan goes on to backfire against them | r/pettyrevenge JOIN u/DarkLord Tofer 10h Hoisted by his own petard This started as comment on another thread but realised good petty revenge so l've given its own post used live road with street parking on one side only, not side lived. Some people had driveways and not everyone had car so there plenty room parking within couple houses where lived could park on my side if went half on path but made life hard buses (one each way ever

Entitled Neighbor Tastes His Own Medicine

Love a good neighbor revenge story.
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A choosing beggar wants free art, and the artist gives them what they asked for. | Hi l'm huge fan work very good need draw my OC because good artist and like arts lot don't have money but would mean lot draw my OC free if ignore this then mean artist and wont be fan anymore. oh no so won't be fan anymore if don't draw OC free??

Choosing Beggar Wants Free Art, Artist Delivers Free Art, They Complain

Man, oh, man.
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Vegans get called fake for feeding their cat meat. | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/edenflicka 16 hours ago 3 AITA calling ourselves vegan? So both vegan and have been years. Last year got beautiful cat who is grand baby neither our parents will ever have. She's obviously an obligate carnivore and been feeding her kibble and wet food. Unfortunately, where she came wasn't very good situation and she had horrible teeth rescued her s not come point where if she's painful she doesn't want eat kibble an

Vegans Called Fake Because They Feed Their Cat Meat

This was an argument?
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A collection of cursed food items that are just hard to look at | round cake made from jello spaghetti o's with sausages stuck in the middle

Cursed Food Abominations That Make Tummies Squirm

Yikes on yikes.
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Funny facebook roast of tight shirted model | Father Sons Sponsored O FATHERSONSCLOTHING.COM NEW Ultra Stretch Super Slim Shirt Collection SHOP NOW | he farts see bubble go up back his shirt 885 10w Like Reply View 39 previous replies Abby Heaton Does clothing line come with free steroid cycle? 201 10w Like Reply View 1 previous reply m need PEACE N Do these come adult sizes? O0219 9w Like Reply View 1 previous reply pa K. Take this only comes Avengers sizes O 160

Absurdly Tight Shirt Gets Roasted In The Comments

Are those buttons or rivets?
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Guy gives himself food poisoning for the sake of winning an argument | r/tifu Join u/evil-ex-girlfriend 30d 2 1 1 1 1 F 1 3 1 1 2 1 TIFU by giving myself mild food poisoning win petty argument. Have ever done dumb thing out spite? Buckle up have an ongoing zoodle infatuation because zoodles are low-guilt sauce converyor belt my mouth stocked up on pasta sauce and taking mealtimes SERIOUSLY. Nothing is wasted, leftovers are used, end story. So couple days ago my boyfriend, let's call him David, f

Man Gives Himself Food Poisoning To Win Argument

True dedication.
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Landlord wants to sell evicted businesses things but they strip it all | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/poshbo 2 days ago 4 Landlord advertises all our company's equipment sale our competitors. Best follow our eviction letter TI;dr (SPOILERS) landlord gives us 7 days vacate our leisure business building, he thinks cant empty business during lockdown, and proceeds advertise OUR equipment sale our competition sell everything 7 days and destroy rest. Enjoy no rent and loss potential buyers.

Evicted Business Strips Everything to Foil Landlord

Take that. Nothing.
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Guy trolls a scammer with his impressive photoshop skills | 6:26 1 ll +1 (740) 673 Text Message Today 9:12 AM need favor please text back as soon as possible do need?

Man Trolls Text Scammer With Photoshop Skills

Sweet justice.
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WTF and crazy things people did to spite their Ex spouse during a divorce | JortsEnthusiast69 4.7k points 2 days ago Once had boss who had leave his house 6 hours while his ex wife grabbed all belongings she legally entitled too he returned home every knob and handle gone. Door knobs, cabinet handles, drawer handles, anything screwed onto something and used open she had taken. Every day next week he would occasionally yell out "SHE TOOK FUCKING KNOBS"

Wild Stuff Divorced People Did to Spite Their Ex

Peoples' pettiness has no bounds.
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A toy egg cracks, and then a weird monster baby thing pops out | Grow Babies Play Vistns Ages 5. Criçinal Size Amusing! Funnyi eNovel about week ago found this goodwill, one those "grow water" toys but there's no pictures might be inside besides awful baby clipart, and am insanely curious about whats actually egg 15 hour adventure starting now

Tumblr Thread: Grow-In-Water-Egg Cracks, Monster Pops Out

A true abomination.
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Tumblr thread on why Deer leave their fawns alone | fawn curled up beside fake deer which is used target practice | vampireapologist lot people are super upset by this, so here is reminder someone who has worked professionally with deer fawn tucked down alone like this is almost never an orphan. Fawns are extremely small, and their best defense is stay hidden as often as possible. Unless they are nursing or moving new spot, tucking themselves down grass or against bigger objects is their best de

Tumblr User Explains Why Lone Baby Deer Is Probably Fine

It's not Bambi.
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Woman tries to ruin an employee's career, so they go after everything | r/ProRevenge Join u/[deleted 1y want mess with my career and my freedom? Watch entire life go down flames! Obligatory LTL; FTP. Added edits addressing naysayers at bottom posted this story elsewhere and someone suggested would fit here. TL;DR at bottom. Sorry advance any formatting or grammatical errors. English is not my first language.

Woman Tries To Ruin Employee's Career, Pro Revenge Ensues

They messed with the wrong dude.
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People describe the most American things that'd sound crazy to non-Americans | TheTedk 6h Still weirded out about refills and sizes drinks specific soda low bar get drivers license. Traveling between major cities distances are insane especially just feeling completely alone middle nowhere

Most American Things That'd Sound Crazy To Non-Americans

America's weirder than it realizes.
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Funny video of sports broadcaster announcing shameful dog walk like it's golf.

Sports Announcer Narrates Shameful Dog Walk

More things deserve golf voice.
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Guy tells a pro revenge story about getting deposit back from terrible landlord | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/cyberchief 14h 2 1 W1 S 2 trying get deposit back landlord is like drawing blood stone TL;DR Landlord makes living conditions shitty so he offers an opportunity move out convince two others move out as well. He ghosts ask my deposit so take him court win $650 so he appeals court's decision appeal, my award is tripled 1800. He refuses pay up so get Los Angeles Sheriff's Department go his bank, fr

Landlord Refuses To Give Tenant Deposit, Court Revenge Follows

Some people are just the worst.
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