A quick and funny Tumblr post about the joy of eating watermelons with your bare hands | savedgame fuck pridot worked at summer camp did scavenger hunt where kids ran all over property collecting "magic acorns" aka watermelons just covered tinfoil and painted. their last hint led them roof where they discovered

Tumblr Thread: Unbridled Joy Of Digging Into Watermelons

Ready for watermelons now.
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Jerk ruins people's mailboxes, so dad builds an invincible mailbox | r/ProRevenge Join u/aCertainTechnician 1d 1 1 1 1 Redneck thinks 's funny yank out mailboxes. My Dad makes him pay. Disclaimer: This happened LONG time ago, but still makes giggle this day. So way back day (mid 90's or so) my family lived log cabin on 10 acres land rural area 10 minutes or so out town wasn't totally sticks, but could definitely hear banjo music background sometimes.

Jerk Vandalizes Mailboxes, Dad Builds Invincible Mailbox

Dad deserves a medal.
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The most severe cases of people being out of touch with reality | thunderfart_99 My parents' neighbour thought her garden too small her sons play So she met my parents first time first thing she actually said Can give some garden so my sons have more space play Thankfully my parents just said no context, they live very expensive neighbourhood where houses cost on average 750,000 1 million gardens neighbourhood are lot bigger on average than majority gardens UK never heard story somebody bein

Most Severe Cases Of People Being Out Of Touch With Reality

Some folks need the reality check.
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Bridezilla decides to announce her engagement at a friend's wedding | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/yazdon 3d 4 3 6 Don't announce engagement at someone else's wedding, or this might just happen Originally posted this r/pettyrevenge, but think belongs here Last summer at cousin's wedding. His bride and her family had been close with ours since before born, and couple had known each other since they were toddlers, so particularly exciting event both sides family.

Bridezilla Announces Engagement At Friend's Wedding

She got one-upped years later.
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Various people on Twitter describe the moments they started hating school | Leah @ubersle Replying justinboldaji 4th grade answered quiz question do call an animal eats only plants as herbivore. My teacher marked wrong and said vegetarian have taken Supreme Court such my wrath.

Irritating Times Students Encountered Toxic Nonsense

Many students have experienced that moment.
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Tumblr | silverhawk honestly tho scene incredibles where mr. incredible sees names all old super heroes used be his friends he knew Back Day and every one them has been killed by syndrome is such chilling scene so many reasons like one, everyone he knew is dead at this point and has been killed on same island he's at now and two, its heartbreaking bc means almost every hero wanted try out being hero again despite laws against and wanted try and help someone out and relive their glory days, only

Tumblr Thread: A Deep Look At The Incredibles

This is what the internet is for.
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Funny and stupid design fails | 859-323-6211 (after-hours) 859-257-6730 Triage 859-323-0077 s physician and phone number: NC FAMILIESARENOWHERE Our Lady Pece RIVENDELL BEHAVIORAL HEALTH HOSPITAL Chid Aute Payeh Berietre Acute Peyh Adaleent Aeute Paych Adult Bubutae Dets Adulecet Stance treatmd Perl p 800) 548-2621 (270) 843-1199 (270) 796-3772 fax has place. | HELL BABY dinosaur card

Design Fails that were Someone's One Job

Great work everyone.
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Guy drives the manager of Nine Inch Nails into absolute insanity | Rob Sheridan Follow @rob_sheridan those unaware Annoy--Tron an absolutely insidious office prank device very tiny contraption with an adhesive back designed be hidden or stuck difficult--find places looked like this. 2/ JAZY

Twitter Thread: Man Drives Nine Inch Nails Manager To Insanity

Well done.
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A collection of funny and random moments from people on Tumblr. | tredlocity all laugh at guy fieri, smash mouth and shrek movie series, but also all collectively agree their existence makes world better place steakplissken king laughs at jester, but values his wit and honesty Source: tredlocity 4,788 notes

Random Tumblr Jewels To Occupy Existence With

Tumblr is a goldmine of comedy gems.
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Funny moments of kids being stupid and strange | Jared Goldstein @heyjaredhey 1d 10 told my mostly white class Japanese and little white girl raised her hand and said can't say Japanese have say Asian and everyone agreed. O 911 277,264 126K Show this thread

Moments that Show Kids are Dumb and Weird

Kids have got dumb brains.
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Open secrets of various industries | ITworksGuys 9.1k points 19 hours ago am don't always know WHY fix worked and don't care. Sleepycoon 2.5k points 17 hours ago number times put "gremlins" under cause problem and/or "fuck if know" under solution ticket without anyone ever batting an eye is appalling.

Open Secrets In Various Professions

Knew it!
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Slumlord won't help family, so family takes revenge to the tune of $25K | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/MakinDo 2y $25,000+ Revenge on My Slumlord So few years back, my family went through some pretty horrible stuff, and ended up moving into trailer park didn't look too awful as far as trailer parks go, and barely) cheap enough afford at time, so swallowed our doubts and moved first night discover there are bed bugs and roaches. Report problem landlord next morning, and he says must have brought them our

Family Takes Revenge On Slimy Slumlord

Slumlord had it coming.
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Entitled Drivers That Parked Badly

We share a road with these people.
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A collection of ways that employees managed to get their bosses fired | GrumpyScapegoat 3d used math prove their superior severely my boss had underestimated turnover 3+ years row, costing ton money and labor issues. One day earlier boss had screamed at my team until his face went purple, making huge spectacle front entire floor gist were colluding against company by handful us) electing not renew our contracts. Came back with graphs and maths, baby. He demoted and transferred out couple weeks

AskReddit Thread: Ways Workers Got Their Bosses Fired

Sometimes the boss has to go.
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Man introduces his girlfriend to PC gaming using "Portal" and confusion ensues | r/tifu JOIN u/-Cameraman 23h TIFU by introducing my girlfriend PC gaming using Portal as her first game. Some background, my girlfriend has never played videogames her entire life on PC or console most exposure she has gaming is probably plants vs zombies or angry birds. She started playing using WASD keys and kept forgetting she could also use mouse turn her character's head direction she wanted go had remind her t

Man Introduces Girlfriend To PC Gaming, Confusion Ensues

He used "Portal" for her first game.
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Karen treats employee terribly, and ends up dropping her cake | r/entitledparents JOIN u/Top_Gorilla17 ly 2 9 3 14 Let them eat cake. Long ago, way back before-time worked one those bulk warehouse club stores. My trade simple wrangler silver buffalo, and dutifully retrieve ol' ghetto strollers did.

Godzilla Of Karens Experiences Self-Created Defeat

Karma came to collect from Karen.
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