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'I had someone list their typing speed at 270 WPM': Job candidate claims they can type faster than the world record holder, doubles down when recruiter calls them out

Boss gets owned by hardworking employee when he is told to find a better job after pushing for an adequate raise and actually does, employee ends up on top

Boss gives hardworking employee a ‘lackluster raise’ and tells him to find a better job after he complains, so employee lands unicorn job offer and leaves company high and dry

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'I decided to turn this setback into something positive': Employee gets fired without warning, goes back to school and dedicates his entire doctoral thesis to ex-boss out of spite

'If it's not in writing, it didn't happen': Micromanager tries to schedule meeting with employee after hours, gets HR involved, employee fires back with receipts

'If it's not in writing, it didn't happen': Micromanager tries to schedule meeting with employee after hours, gets HR involved, employee fires back with receipts

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'Things got weird': Entitled Karen upset when neighbor demands she and her kids stop using his pool without consent, she responds with a list of ridiculous pool rules

 'Everyone is invited but me': Employee gets excluded from company dinner, decides to crash the event instead of inquiring boss about the missing invitation

'Everyone is invited but me': Employee gets excluded from company dinner, decides to crash the event instead of inquiring boss about the missing invitation

‘These guys deserve whatever consequences’: Hotel employee at his wit's end calls the health department on the place, discovering a disgusting amount of violations

‘These guys deserve whatever consequences’: Hotel employee at his wit's end calls the health department on the place, discovering a disgusting amount of violations

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'Is this weekend ideal?': Insistent amusement park guests wonders if hurricane will "negatively impact" their park visit, internet roasts them

'[They] picked someone younger and fresh out of college to replace me' Employee gets fired and told to take his things, maliciously complies and clears out all his equipment, leaving boss with nothing

'[They] picked someone younger and fresh out of college to replace me' Employee gets fired and told to take his things, maliciously complies and clears out all his equipment, leaving boss with nothing

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'The guy who pushed past me... just arrived for an interview with me': 20+ Memes for job candidates who can't figure out why they keep getting rejected

'[She] wastes my time and money': Entitled Karen keeps eating roommate's food, roommate discovers her distaste for vegetables, enacts petty payback

'[She] wastes my time and money': Entitled Karen keeps eating roommate's food, roommate discovers her distaste for vegetables, enacts petty payback

Karen attempts to get free desserts from local bakers by constantly complaining about their quality, they ban her from their bakery in response: ‘Sorry, our business is now closed to you’

Karen attempts to get free desserts from local bakers by constantly complaining about their quality, they ban her from their bakery in response: ‘Sorry, our business is now closed to you’

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Apartment dweller gets terrible neighbor evicted, putting an effective end to his business: 'Pure bliss watching him pack up his car and leave for the last time'

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'Give me a solid contract with triple the pay and I'll come back': Boss bluffs about firing employee, employee accepts and leaves workplace in a panic

Employee discovers coworker is taking credit for her work, she informs boss, only to be told off for not being a team player: ‘I don't understand corporate culture anymore’

Employee discovers coworker is taking credit for her work, she informs boss, only to be told off for not being a team player: ‘I don't understand corporate culture anymore’

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Clueless sales rep tries to circumvent the IT support crew claiming he 'knows what he's doing', then he single-handedly destroys all of the electronics on their floor: 'He really went all out'