A collection of things that killed people's interest in others | TheDood715 7h 1 Award She took cat she had adopted and allowed run away because had become noisy at night knew she allowed him run away because day later he came back smelling outside and meowing at her door took him washed him bathroom, and she kept sarcastically saying s cat now Yea, he is, and still have him and he's still annoying and loud but love him anyway s ugliest sort person who selfishly adopts cat while depressed and

Things That Dissolved People's Interest In Their Crushes

There's always that one thing.
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Scary signs that warn of specific threats | Venturing over weir is risking certain death. Escape is impossible once caught whirling water. | Watch Snakes Pa o Parks Wild Department They're Watching

Creepy Signs that Mean Business

Message received.
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A ridiculous Twitter thread about boiling eggs for computer mouses | Marina Ayano K @even_kei Kids these days will never know hardships each week having overcook fresh hardboiled egg yolk computer mouse 10:18 AM 5/21/20 Twitter Web App

Twitter Thread: Hard Boiled Eggs And Computer Mouses

Unexpected twist.
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cool music video choir singing thunderstorm imitation

Choir Perfectly Imitates A Thunderstorm, Then They Sing

Truly magical.
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Lazy naval officer pulls off a historically lazy move | TupperWolf 13.4k points 4 years ago O15 Late party but this one is too good pass up once on US military ship, having breakfast wardroom (officers lounge Operations Officer (OPS) walks This guy definition NOT morning person; he's still half asleep, bleary eyed basically zombie with bagel. He sits down across eat his bagel and is just barely conscious. My back is outboard side ship, and morning sun is blazing one portholes putting big bright-

Naval Officer Pulls Off Amazingly Lazy Move

Boss move.
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An entitled influencer expects free clothing, and gets properly shut down | Wait so since already have Saree then is costing more money not paying do missing my point spent money get Saree so then can sell make money. If just give then not going make money on Saree. Do understand?

Entitled Influencer Expects Free Clothing

Reality checks are free of charge.
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Supervisor tries to make employee look bad, so they turn the tables on them | r/pettyrevenge u/foxgotsocks 1y Join Supervisors Tried Make Look Bad, So Made Them Look Worse an attorney and used work at state government office, where had two supervisors, one my practice group and one my section, who very beginning decided make their business treat like shit. Section Chief had habit sitting on client questions days, then assigning them Then client would inevitably ask why taking so long do their s

Supervisors Try To Make Employee Look Bad, Employee Turns The Tables

This is how to boss.
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Moments that people realized they weren't kids anymore | letionbard 15h some doctors or teachers are younger than Reply 1 2.3k

Moments People Realized They Weren't Kids Anymore

To be a kid again.
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a SEQUELS (AND PREQUEL) THAT SCREW UP THE ORIGINAL MOVIE Your Brain on Cracked Marvel The Avengers Loki

4 Sequels (And A Prequel) That Screw Up The Original Movie

Sometimes it's better to just leave it be.
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Karen disputes with call center over 16 thousand dollar bill | r/talesfromcallcenters Posted by u/DBMaxx 15 days ago 3 $14000 credit off bill? Not enough this Karen L Hey guys lurked here little while now, and figured share story my my call centre days guys might appreciate full interaction call around 45 minutes, with lot talking circles as Karens tend do, so going try my best condense down interesting parts

Karen Racks Up $16K In Roaming Data, Refuses Steep Discount

It's a battle of giants, a Karen and a call center.
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Tumblr user runs the math on Ice Cube's "Good Day." | Finding exact date day Ice Cube refers his classic song "Today Good Day hiphopfightsback CLUE 1 Went Short Dog's house, They watching Yo MTV RAPS" Yo MTV RAPS first aired: Aug 6th 1988 CLUE 2: Ice Cube's single Today Good Day released on: Feb 23 1993

Tumblr Post: Exact Date Of Ice Cube's "Good Day"

Neat stuff.
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Stories of times when people were warned but did something dumb anyway | silveretoile 2.7k points 19 hours ago Kid primary school loved prove everyone wrong. Tried prove rubbing salt an open wound doesn't hurt. He screamed.

People's Dumb "I Told You So" Moments

Being right isn't always good.
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One missent text ends up dismantling an entire sorority hierarchy | r/ProRevenge u/[deleted 1y Join one mis-sent text dismantled an entire sorority hierarchy Hey guys inspired by this post by u/ phonybolognas tell tale my own revenge story my college sorority days. This is longgggggg and sorry member PHA sorority college at large midwestern university. My group friends and were not exactly sorority type but had really great time hanging out. Sorority life is pretty boring most part until my juni

Missent Text Dismantles Entire Sorority Hierarchy

Oh, how the tables have turned.
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Master in animal sciences gets schooled on horses | horses (and horsey creatures certain can get around just fine on 3 legs, no prosthetics needed (depending on which leg is missing just so long as don't ride them 80% sure can't ride them if they've only 3 legs Umm have master's animal science and think must not be anything horse-related. Well gon' learn today! First quick lesson on equine anatomy. They walk on last bone single toe. This is different human which walk on quarter bones our entire

Tumblr Thread: "Master" In Animal Sciences Gets Schooled On Horses

Learn something new everyday.
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People describe the cringe-inducing memories that they can't forget | RandomRavenclaw87 3h 1 Award time my internet access shot over weekend, so went work as usual on Monday, and stayed and worked all day, and only found out l'd been fired week before got home. Small, very high-profile business. Everyone acting weird all day soft-broil myself sleep this memory.

Cringe-Inducing Memories People Can't Shake

Some cringe can't be forgotten.
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distracted biker gets karma

Pay Attention Biker Gets Instant Karma

He rode right into that one.
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