A speech pathologist helps out autistic kid on flight | Rachel R. Romeo @RachelRRomeo just had such an affirming experience. On my 8hr intl flight back conference sat next father/son broken English father began apologize/ warn his ~10 yr-old son had severe nonverbal autism, and this would like be difficult journey. 1/

Twitter Thread: A Speech-Language Pathologist's Affirming Experience

What a touching story.
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People describe the various things that they are hilariously bad at | reddit post by odoms365 6h Dancing genuinely cannot coordinate my body do Reply 1 2.7k

AskReddit Thread: Things People Are Hilariously Bad At

The struggle is real.
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A collection of times that people were unimaginably clueless | Rottenox 11h an identical twin, and have been asked all manner utterly ridiculous questions about throughout my life. But think stupidest girl once asked do ever get yourselves mixed up with each other responded "are asking if ever sometimes think my brother she replied yeah No don't. Reply 2.5k

Times People Were Next Level Clueless

Some people fall through the cracks.
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Criss Angel grand canyon stunt

Criss Angel's Unbelievably Dumb Grand Canyon Stunt

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A quick and funny Tumblr thread about kids worshipping a stuffed octopus | ralsalot not teacher (yet) but do work with students and one them had nerve look dead eye and ask why would be bad idea eat this entire marker They're 11 official-lyzzystardust An 4th grader asked high five by saying little slappy make daddy happy?"

Tumblr Post: Kids Worship Teacher's Stuffed Octopus

Kids just do the silliest things.
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Twitter thread about a little lizard eating gardeners' pill bugs and blueberries | Jessica Ellis O @baddestmamajama So had massive infestation pill bugs who ate our zucchini twice. So put out beer traps (they go drink beer, they fall Then mystery occurred 8:32 PM Apr 25, 2020 Twitter iPhone lessica Ellis Replying baddestmamajama put traps our veggie bed, dug into soil. They were fact catching ZILLION pill bugs. Literally FULL BRIM by morning baddestmamajama 20h And then traps started Move. 2 13

Twitter Thread: Devious Alligator Lizard Creates Havoc In Garden

Graham is the real MVP.
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Bosses and managers describe their worst employees | probablynappingtbh 13h Not boss but there's girl work with now who is bad but not bad enough do anything about work kiosk and she's always walking out without saying or taking 30 minute breaks hang out with her friends who come visit her get customer and while taking order she'll just be standing on her phone not helping at all. Not mention she's almost 30 with two kids teenager and l'm given about twice amount hours as she is.

AskReddit Thread: Bosses And Managers' Worst Employees

Whole lot of yikes.
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Dumb people bragging about how smart they think they are | Suggested MentalFeed 1d O is IQ is IQ? START! EN.MENTALFEED.COM is IQ? Answer these 10 simple questions honestly and try 55 23 Comments 1 Share O Like Comment Share Top Fan close but about 30 points below know my IQ is.

Ridiculous Folks Who Think They're Brilliant

Who even still takes those online IQ tests?
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Your Brain On Cracked Gary Busey movie

The Most Insane Christian Movie Starring Gary Busey As A Pomeranian… Ever

The definition of absurd.
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Well dressed customer gets abusive customer out of store

Dude Impersonates Store Manager and Boots Horrible Customer

Now that's classy.
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stupid reasons people wanted a divorce | reddit posted by ragnarockette 12.0k points 15 hours ago She saw him bike shorts and said she could never be sexually attracted him again.

Ridiculous Reasons People Wanted a Divorce

No, you cannot "reverse Chuck and Larry" your way out of jail time.
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A satisfying revenge story about employees staging a mass walkout | r/ProRevenge Join u/Large-Meat-Feast 1d 2 Fire us or cut our pay? Enjoy mass walk- out. Not sure if revenge or Karma, but fits revenge hope) Back early 2000s worked tech company who offered tech support, on-site support and training organisations who either didn't want specialised staff, or could benefit outsourcing company consisted three directors Sales department, Finance/HR department, and Tech department. Tech further split

Company Cuts Tech Department's Pay, Mass Walkout Ensues

Learned their lesson the hard way.
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People describe the best life advice they ever received | CBtheNomad 1d "Use vacation hours, and don't be afraid call sick every now and then either No need work like dog and ignore benefits please boss who doesn't notice. Vacation/staycation days are gems everyone should take! Reply 3.2k

Best Advice People Ever Received

Nice to have these in the back pocket.
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gator follows laser pointer video

Laser Pointer Releases Gator's Inner Cat

It's science, or something.
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simulation theory argues the universe is not real

Simulation Theory Argues We're Not Real

Brain feels fuzzy now.
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A choosing beggar won't pay more than $15 for his daughter's birthday | do album covers right? My daughter (13 yo has band want surprise her her birthday, could do 9:59 PM Absolutely sort work would like done? depending on complex is ll probably take between 1-2 hours do

Choosing Beggar Won't Pay More Than $15 For Daughter's Birthday

Rejection was inevitable.
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