FAIL Nation


Let's get some shoes. Shoes are what separates us from a banana. That and a few genetic twists. Shoes have become a global sensation for young and old collectors alike. If you're all about that footwear and everything that has to do with it, fantastic. But not flip flops or sandals, get out of here with that nonsense.

Do These Shoes Come in Gold?

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Derrière Jordans

shoes butts - 6991701760

The Last Great Remaining Mystery of Our Time

shoes sign - 7980429824
reviews shoes grandma Video - 77554177

A Grandma Reviews a Pair of Yeezy's and Isn't Impressed

View Video

You Dropped Something!

shoes sports whoops basketball - 8364451584
Via Fuukc

Has Stripper-Punk Finally Gone Too Far?

Has Stripper-Punk Finally Gone Too Far?
Via kibgdin

Can't Tell if Amazing or Horrible

sandals cowboy boots combined
Via arbroath

Gold Star Idea

shoes FAIL wedding - 8811606528
Via smithgmh

You ALWAYS Check Your Shoes in Australia

australia shoes snake oh god why - 8397968128
Via Acid Cow

The Last Great Remaining Mystery of Our Time

shoes sign - 7980429568

No Shoes Are Safe

rage shoes Office funny - 7643577088
Via Reddit

It's a Little Bit Longer Than the Previous Shoe

shoes knockoff iphone fail nation g rated - 8266197760
Via Viral Nova

When Your Daughter Doesn't Clear The Search History

Via UpboatOarKnotUpboat

Air SuperPuma FAIL

knockoff made in china shoes - 5634016512
Created by JasonTehRedneck

Walking On The President FAIL

barack obama politics sandals shoes - 6553519616
Via Reddit

A Real Sole Skater

shoes FAIL DIY skating there I fixed it - 8814510848
Via Tubel
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