FAIL Nation


The Moment You Realize Your Argument Is Weak

Via s4w
Thursday meme with gif of drunk guy falling between cars

Putting the P in Bellyflop

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This Check Ended Very, Very Poorly

gif hockey ouch right in the face uproxx - 7992302336
Via Uproxx

There's a Reason That Isn't How Most People Use a Piñata...

FAIL gif right in the face - 6456077824

I've Made a Huge Mistake

gif Cats funny fail nation g rated - 7854838784

karma Strikes Quick

gif exercise ball funny karma - 7777306624

Rolling in the FAILs

ouch gif obstacle course faceplant - 8530894848
Created by DeadHorse222

Congrats on Second Place!

gif whoops funny - 7668435712

Rub a Dub Dub, Three Cops in a tub

Via FrenchBaguettePower

Getaway FAIL

ouch gif cars funny - 7566367744

Breaking it Down FAIL

ouch dancing gif floor - 7139160576

Pole Vault FAIL

ouch gif sports pole vault - 7361292800

Oh Hey, a Photo Op!

gif sports photo op baseball fail nation g rated - 8013708800
Via Bits and Pieces

This Was Bound to End Up Poorly

ouch gif gymnastics right in the crotch funny - 7626219264

Happy Birthda-GHWARGL

cake gif funny - 7843331072

For the Sake of Your People, Please Get Better Rob Ford. But for the Internet? Never Change.

gif funny rob ford - 7908516864

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