FAIL Nation


Fashion: Walk, Turn, Swim


Fashion Designers Are Getting Wise to Dress Code Rules

Via care-to-be-touched-by-an-angel

They Make Those in Kids' Sizes?

fashion engrish shirt funny - 7538395392
Via Reddit
fashion twitter FAIL list Target holidays - 678661

Target's Ugly Red Christmas Sweater is Bringing All the Haters To Their Feed

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Urban Outfitters Attempted to Sell a "Vintage, One of a Kind" Sweater That Reminded Everyone of a Bloody Protest Battle

fashion whoops sweater politics - 8319206400
Via Urban Outfitters

Neckbeard Fashion FAIL

beard fashion haircut - 5742182912

A Warning, and Free Fashion Advice!

sign fashion Criminally Dumb Criminal - 8087101184
Via Reddit

TRUE Happiness is Stealing This

fashion shirt irony funny - 7538415104

Ever Wanted to Hit the Great Outdoors AND Look Like a Giant Dork?

Via I Heart Chaos

Excusing Your Tardiness Because You're on Island Time Still is Just the Finishing Touch

Excusing Your Tardiness Because You're on Island Time Still is Just the Finishing Touch
Via versace_tamagotchi
runway fashion FAIL model Video - 82566145

New York Fashion Week is No Place For a Model to Try and Start a Break Dancing Career

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Wearing it On Your Sleeve FAIL

fashion engrish accidental sexy lipstick clothing - 6770359296

Designer FAIL

fashion what shirt expensive - 6953119232

Classy Fragrance FAIL

fashion perfume pizza hut gross cologne fail nation g rated - 6848272896
Via Gizmodo

You Had One Job, Belt

FAIL fashion clothes - 6897791744

Mario and Luigi Got Way Harder in Recent Years

fashion totally looks like video games - 8209366016
Via MissBully
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