
Do you have Snapchat? Great now you're like the rest of the world. Social media has given us easier and faster access to friends and connections around the world, and whoever came up with the idea of 10 20 second clips that get deleted after viewing, you broke the internet congratulations.

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Snapchat of the Day: Random Woman Breaks Into House, Passes Out And Poops Everywhere

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Why do the Kids Today Love Snapchat and Ditch Facebook?

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Kansas State Student Sends a Blackface Snapchat and Instantaneously Feels the Wrath of the Internet

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Let's Make It More Dangerous by Snapchatting While Driving!


The Accidental Awful Selfie

DJ Khaled Snapchatted His Terrifying Night Lost at Sea While Riding His Jet Ski

DJ Khaled Snapchatted His Terrifying Night Lost at Sea While Riding His Jet Ski

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Snapchat Has a New Feature Called "Snapcash," Where You Can Send Money to Your Friends Through Snapchat. Cool Idea, Awful Advertisement...

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That's A Wrap With Fresh Cat Snaps (15 Cat Snapchats)

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Do You Plug it in for Her?

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Girl's Parents Ground and Lock Her In Bedroom, She Ends Up Snapchatting Ridiculous Escape

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Karma's a B

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15 Times We Were Thankful For Snapchat Being a Comedic Goldmine

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When Ruining Photos Isn't Enough, Now Your Annoying Boyfriend is Ruining Your Snap Stories

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Ten Seconds of Lying to Your Parents

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This Bob Marley Snapchat Filter Is Probably Blackface and Was Definitely a Bad Idea


The Princesses of Snapchat

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