

Satan, not to be mistaken with the lovely fabric. The big guy downstairs used to scare people to walk the straight and narrow for nearly 2000 years. It's about time you find a reason to laugh at him, even just a bit. What do you have to fear, Purgatory? Possibly.

Did You Remember to Wear Your Santanblock Today?

faith jesus religion santans satan - 6126419200
Created by mtrichardson

At Least You Could Have Given It a Like

god heaven like this status santans satan - 6654435840
Created by _C_A_T_

To Return That Call, or Not...

satan phone - 8343980288
Via I Heart Chaos

Balance is Maintained in the Universe

honey boo-boo jersey shore satan - 6552878848
Created by Mooie76

Take That, Satan

twitter satan comics - 8130155520
Via Twitter the Comic

Bury Me in Satan

satan satin spelling - 4947543040
Created by Unknown

Then Make Some of Them Real and Some of Them Imaginary!

satan devil math school - 6659174400

Your Internet Acronyms Lead You RIGHT Into the Arms of Satan

Via theronsternater

No One's Worse Than Stan!

god heaven hell jesus santans satan - 6601807104


devil satan satin sheets spelling win Witch Your Spelling - 4389002496

Enough to Convince Me to Convert to Satinism

satan satin ugly - 6445671168
Created by murdertherain

Theology Level: None

satan evil satin spelling - 7001752576
Created by SeductivelyMoist

The Addition of a '666' Bus in Singapore Spawns so Many Satan Jokes

jokes satan bus The Addition of a '666' Bus in Singapore Spawns so Many Satan Jokes
Via CoconutsSG

Like If You Love Butt-ritos

Via Imgur


friendzone magic satan - 6531628288
Created by shkinnyburger

Thnks fr th Wrnng!

satan failbook - 7841475584
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