

Satan, not to be mistaken with the lovely fabric. The big guy downstairs used to scare people to walk the straight and narrow for nearly 2000 years. It's about time you find a reason to laugh at him, even just a bit. What do you have to fear, Purgatory? Possibly.

Thnks fr th Wrnng!

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My Anaconda Don't Want None Unless You Got the Blood of the Innocent

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Created by halo.bender

To Return That Call, or Not...

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Via I Heart Chaos

Man of the Cloth

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Satan or Santa?

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Created by evilbunnyninja


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Created by shkinnyburger

The Addition of a '666' Bus in Singapore Spawns so Many Satan Jokes

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Good vs. Evil

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Created by Martín

The Satan/Santa Connection

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Created by Spacemace

Anyone Recognize That Zipcode?

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Via Acid Cow

This IS a Really Busy Season for Birthdays...

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Via ButtersHound

Take That, Satan

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Via Twitter the Comic

Did You Remember to Wear Your Santanblock Today?

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Created by mtrichardson

Like If You're Breathing!

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Balance is Maintained in the Universe

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Created by Mooie76
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