
First World Problems

Hypocrisy at Its Finest

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Created by Unknown

On the Bright Side, You Can Smell Colors Now From All the Coffee

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Comments on the Australian Domino's Pizza Facebook Page Are the Absolute Pinnacle of First World Problems

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Things LITERALLY Couldn't Get Any Worse

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Created by Unknown

Those Little Knobs Are for the Windows, by the Way

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Created by klr_guy
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Let's All Take a Moment and Be Glad These Aren't Our Push-Notifications

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Quick, to the Panic Yacht!

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Created by Josh

The Truth Hurts

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That's a Rough Life You've Got There...

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"Why Not Me?" Says the Girl With a Theater in Her Home...

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When Will Facebook Stop Destroying Lives?

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Created by Unknown

Earth-Shattering First World Problems

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Created by Unknown

The Perfect Response to Entitled Customers

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Created by CeloniaHolmstrom

First World White Girl Problems

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Poor Baby

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Phone World Problems

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Created by Beanamatron
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