
The Descent of Man

evolution - 6866241536

Classic: Medical Reasons

busted classic oh snap on the job - 5220606976
Created by Alexwin

Can We Put a Moratorium on Open Discussions of Relationships on Facebook?

drama relationships kids these days - 8109582592
Created by Unknown

Check Your Sources, Dad

not what it looks like parents school - 5173601024
Created by torrentialhavok

Gonna Need a Bigger Shovel

innuendo if you know what i mean - 7163595264
Created by beardz

Gives New Meaning to Mr. Plow

Cheezburger Image 7897583360
Created by Unknown

Ptolemy Would Be Proud

Text - 19 hours ago Just found out the earth rotates aorund the sun..wkss I thought the sun circles around us.... Lke Comment Unfollow post 5 people like this. LOOO00OL 19 hours ago Unlke 42 Ohh suddap It looks like it plus no one ever told me till now! What did you think all the other planets did?( 18 hours ago via moble Like dont they have their own sun...
Created by catzrock333

If You Don't Like It, You Can Kuso Karae, Bakayaro

facebook Japan failbook - 8197233408

R.I.P. Louis Livestrong, (????-2012)

Lance Armstrong neil armstrong - 6544269312
Created by BloodyThumbsDown

Kids These Days

90s phone has hashtag before twitter
Via distractify


batman its-not-what-you-think wait wut your friends are laughing at you - 4018039296

Your Schedule's Going to Fool Up Pretty Quickly

Cheezburger Image 6526343936
Created by rloula

Too Dumb to Comment On

console wars gandalf xbox one - 7568391424

Everybody Gets Caught in the Celeb Vortex

arrest celeb justin bieber - 8097476352
Created by Efilnikufesin


please be a joke really why-not-google-it - 3721143040


facepalm SOPA spelling stupid - 5714712320

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