
Hello and Welcome to Today's Edition of "Political Wish Fulfillment Theater"

barack obama politics - 8241645824
Via NotSoKosher


bad idea facepalm listen to your friends you missed something - 4282903808
Created by dannybaybay


parents phone calls public burn status updates - 3497783296

How Does I Science?

einstein failbook g rated Gravity science - 6117944320

I Thought This Job Came With "Benefits"

autocorrect freudian slip typo - 7295873536
Created by Unknown

Reverse Hacking

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Created by Bean

Memebase: Now If Only Failbook Comments Could Do This

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Via Herp Derp the YouTubes

The Power of Twitter

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Via Reddit
regretting valentine's day

#MyValentinesRemorse Trending Twitter Hashtag Is Easily the Best Thing About Valentine's Day

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Quit Trying to Better me, Ads!

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Read How a Third-Grader Thinks Nexflix and Chill Will Dissuade People From Voting For Donald Trump

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Think of This Like Pokemon With Diseases

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Vacation: It Isn't Just for Smart People

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Created by Unknown

The Quick and Easy Way to Get That Precious Unmatch

Via Acid Cow

Queensland Teacher Posts Letter on Facebook Trying to Go Viral... Goes Viral

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The Perfect Time to Instagram

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